All Chapters of Notice Me, Darling!: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
578 Chapters
Chapter 101 Take Your Mind off My Wife
Henry took a peek at the stage with mixed feelings.He fixed his eyes on the figure on the stage and said, "If everyone finds out that I'm the grand jury of this competition, they might doubt that Natalie has won the award fair and square. Especially after what has just happened."It wouldn't be a surprise if most of them thought that he had intentionally crowned his wife the champion.But the truth was, he really had no idea that that was her work. He wasn't aware that Natalie was so talented in architectural design before this."So you're trying to protect Ms. Shepherd!" Wade finally realized what Henry was doing.Henry gave him a stern glare.Wade thought that Henry was warning him that he had talked too much, so he shut his mouth immediately. However, Henry was glaring for a different reason."Stop calling her Ms. Shepherd." Somehow, that title got on Henry's nerves"Huh?" Wade was confused."You hear me. Have I made myself clear?" Henry stared at him scornfully."Loud an
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Chapter 102 Take It Out on Me
It seemed that a face-off between Henry and Sheldon was inevitable."Stop it, will you?" said Natalie as she pulled Henry's arm.Then, she looked at Sheldon apologetically and said, "Please excuse him, Sheldon."Natalie felt a bit awkward after what Henry had said. Even though she and Sheldon were just friends, their relationship could barely withstand speculation and slander.On the other hand, Henry wasn't happy that Natalie cared so much about Sheldon's feelings. She seemed upset because he had mocked Sheldon."It's okay. I wasn't listening anyway," said Sheldon unconcernedly."Well, we should go now. Bye!" said Natalie."Bye!"Sheldon stood there as he saw Natalie off. All he wanted was for Natalie to be happy. But obviously, Henry wasn't the person who could bring her happiness.Henry's arm was wrapped around Natalie's shoulder as they were leaving. When they reached the end of the hallway, Natalie moved her shoulder uneasily and said, "There's no reporters here. Yo
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Chapter 103 Apologize if You Have Done Wrong
Natalie's heart was stirred up by Henry's confession. She looked at Henry puzzledly.When Johnny insulted her in front of everyone, she was so helpless that she sought his help unwittingly.However, when she turned to him, all she saw was him standing intimately with Juliet.She thought that he couldn't care less about her. But two months after the incident, she actually found out that he actually stood up for her secretly. She was dumbstruck.Natalie tried to see through Henry. But the more she knew about him, the less she understood.She turned her eyes to Lana and stared at her angrily. "Even so, you shouldn't drag my father into this! He's innocent!" "Why can't I? Johnny was punished because he brought up your father's scandal, right? Did he say anything wrong? No! He's only telling the truth!"Since you don't want people to know about it, I definitely must expose it to the public!" Lana raised her chin, showing no signs of regret.Natalie slowly walked toward Lana.
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Chapter 104 I Will Find Out What Happened That Year
Henry only visited fine dining restaurants. Natalie doubted that he would appreciate common diner food. And she certainly couldn't afford fine dining.After all, she was only an ordinary worker with an ordinary income.Henry dragged her to the passenger seat. He opened the door and said, "Didn't you promise to teach me how to cook? Let's do it today!"He shoved her into the car before she could speak her mind.Natalie wasn't going to turn him down. But she was rather curious. "Are you sure you want to learn how to cook?""How hard can it be? I see you've done it quite easily," Henry answered as he fastened his seat belt."It looked easy because I've prepared countless meals." Natalie laughed hollowly.Ever since they were married, she had lost count of the meals she had prepared for him.Sometimes, she waited for him like an idiot after preparing the meal. She didn't call him.In the end, even when the food had turned cold and rancid, he never came back."Cooking isn't ab
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Chapter 105 Why Would You Do That
Daniel shook his head. "It's nothing, really. Don't overreact."Daniel didn't want to dwell on this topic, so he quickly changed the subject. "Henry said you have good news for me. What is it?"Natalie did not leave her worries behind because the subject had been dropped. She planned to take Daniel for a comprehensive physical checkup someday.After all, her father had been through a lot in the prison.Natalie took out the trophy in her bag and showed it to Daniel with a smile. "Dad, I've won an architectural design award! This is the trophy."Daniel's eyes were reddened the moment he saw the trophy."Good, good job! I knew my Natalie would make me proud one day." Daniel choked as he spoke."Dad, are you … crying?" Natalie looked at him, puzzled.Something was off about Daniel's reaction. He seemed happy for Natalie, but those were not tears of joy.Natalie could sense that her father was keeping another secret from her. Although Henry stood there silently, he was thinki
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Chapter 106 Couldn't We Say Something Nice to Cheer Him Up?
Natalie had to admit that she was quite smitten. After all, the old Shepherd mansion had once stood on this piece of land.If she could transform it into her dream vision, she believed Daniel's regrets would diminish considerably when he saw it.However, Natalie wasn't the impulsive type. She quickly and cautiously inquired, "This is a Blue Ocean Group project. As an employee of Dawn Corporation, I can't take on external projects without authorization.""It's a minor issue. As long as you're interested, I can handle these matters for you right away," Henry said casually.But Natalie still had reservations. She shook her head and stated, "You should find someone more suitable for this."Once she took on this project, her involvement with Henry might increase.Moreover, she didn't want to spread herself too thin. She just wanted to excel in her current project, which was the music center.She was well aware that winning the championship today didn't necessarily mean everyone ack
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Chapter 107 The Calmness Disappeared Before Her
Natalie stared at him intently as if waiting for something.Finally, Henry abruptly stood up. He almost forgot about his image, covering his mouth, exclaiming, "Natalie! What on earth is this? It's loaded with ghost pepper powder!"Natalie was gasping for breath from laughter in her seat. She saw Henry's face turning almost green!His daily life was routine, and she had a sudden mischievous idea to give him a different experience.Henry blinked his eyes and took deep breaths, but he still hadn't recovered."I told you, didn't I? This flavor will be unforgettable for you!" Looking at his current state, Natalie suddenly felt like this guy was a bit closer to her.Henry glared fiercely at her, gritting his teeth. "You dare set me up?"Recently, he began to see different sides of this woman.There was a mischievous side, a temperamental side, and a side overflowing with talent.Regardless of which side, it seemed to make her more vivid in his eyes."I was just trying to give
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Chapter 108 Will He Take a Liking to This Child?
Natalie couldn't help but give him a sideways glance. "Can't you be a bit gentler? You might scare him."The little boy, however, maintained his cheerful demeanor. Patting his chest proudly, he said, "I won't be scared! Mom says I'm a little man!"Natalie chuckled at his words and responded, "Yes, yes, you're a little man.""You just called me 'sir'? You called me 'sir' and referred to her as 'beautiful lady'? What's the meaning of that? Do I look very old?" Henry asked with a serious expression.He was always confident about his looks. Standing next to Natalie, they should appear quite compatible.Natalie furrowed her brow. His focus always seemed a bit peculiar.Had he not mentioned it, she wouldn't have realized the little boy had used those terms.The little boy tilted his head, honestly saying, "I just thought 'beautiful lady' sounded a bit younger.""Young? The age difference between her and me is only …" Henry stopped abruptly, choking on his words.To be honest, Henr
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Chapter 109 The Only Person I Can Rely On is You
Natalie frowned.Was he not going back to the office?For the past few days, he had been staying at the office, so she assumed that he would go there again today.As expected, this guy would never follow the usual routine."Let's go. I'll go back with you," Henry said, glancing at her before walking ahead.At the hospital, after nearly a week of recuperation, Juliet had improved a lot.Although the doctor advised her to stay for another week, she insisted on being discharged.She told Stanley that staying any longer would drive her crazy, and she wanted to leave.Stanley, feeling sorry for her, agreed to everything she wanted.When Stanley went to handle her discharge procedures, Juliet waited on one of the chairs in the lobby.She glanced at the fixed steel plate on her fingers.Just a couple of days ago, she had undergone surgery to insert a steel plate into several fractured fingers.However, at this point, it was uncertain to what extent her fingers would recover. She d
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Chapter 110 You Should Spoil Her to the Max
Natalie's immediate reaction was to look at Henry. She knew that these things would trigger him."You can tell that Mr. Chase Senior is looking forward to the arrival of this little one. I took a quick look, and he has prepared everything," Amos said with a smile.Henry, however, suddenly spoke in a cold tone, "What's there to look forward to? Put all these things in the storage room for now! Without my orders, no one is allowed to bring these things in!"With that, he walked upstairs with a stern face, leaving an intimidating figure.Amos was accustomed to Henry's unpredictable moods, but he couldn't understand why Owen's purchase of these items touched on Henry's sensitive nerve.He couldn't help but look at Natalie with puzzlement. "Mrs. Chase, is Mr. Chase … Should we just put these things in storage?"Natalie felt uneasy. After all, these items were intentionally sent by Owen.Just stashing them away in the storage room felt like wasting Owen's heartfelt gesture, creating a
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