All Chapters of Notice Me, Darling!: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
578 Chapters
Chapter 91 A Scheme
"Be careful!" Sheldon held Natalie's arm tightly as he urgently asked the staff, "What happened?" The yacht's crew members were clearly startled, too. They exclaimed, "We're not sure! We'll check right away!" They left swiftly to conduct the necessary checks. The intense shaking made Natalie uneasy. "Why is this happening … And why do I feel like the yacht is sinking?" Natalie swallowed nervously, filled with fear. She had to admit that she was terrified of death because there was a little life growing inside her belly. She had so much she wanted to do that she couldn't let anything bad happen to herself. Sheldon felt her anxiety but tried not to startle her further. He reassured, "Don't worry, the staff is checking. It might return to normal soon …" The yacht suddenly tilted to one side. Natalie fell over the railing. "Natalie!" Sheldon's heart skipped a beat as he quickly grabbed her hand. Holding her hand was challenging for him. Natalie hung outside the yacht. Half
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Chapter 92 Abort the Child
"Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be having dinner with the Brown family?" Natalie asked, pretending not to care. News about his dinner with the Brown family had spread, and rumors were circulating. However, it was just a misunderstanding. The whole thing was a setup by Cliff. After what happened, Henry planned to have a serious talk with him. But, of course, he didn't mention any of this to Natalie. Why would he bother explaining to her if she never took him seriously and lied to him? Henry approached her and looked down at her, asking, "Don't you have anything to explain to me?" "Explain what?" Natalie asked, unfazed."You said you were going out with Leslie, but you were actually out alone with Sheldon?" Henry questioned with a cold expression. His anger was written on his face.However, it all seemed extremely ridiculous to Natalie. She replied disdainfully, "You can dine with a wealthy young lady, but I can't go out with other men? Henry, isn't that a bit h
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Chapter 93 Will He Do These for Her
"After you fell into the sea, he risked his life to jump in and rescue you …" Amos' words made Natalie's heart tighten for a moment. "What? He jumped into the sea to save me?" Natalie asked, surprised. She couldn't imagine Henry risking everything to save her. When she saw him at the hospital, there was no sign of worry on his face.She even started questioning him immediately. Why …She thought the yacht company's staff had rescued her.Amos nodded, "Yes, you didn't know? After rescuing you, he immediately took you to the hospital and stayed by your side the entire time …"Amos had initially thought their relationship would improve after Henry did such a thing. But surprisingly, things stayed the same. After hearing this, Natalie remained restless for a long time.Her hands at her side clenched involuntarily. Why did Amos' description of Henry differ so much from what she had seen?Did Henry really do that for her? He was worried about her safety?In the end, she refrai
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Chapter 94 Unpayable Lifetime Debt
"Why don't we wait until tomorrow morning to discuss it, Mr. Chase …"But Amos couldn't stop him. Henry kicked open Cliff's door, his stern expression making others step back. Amos stood silent, sweating nervously, too afraid to say a word. The loud noise startled Cliff, who was already asleep. He sat up in bed, looking at the door with an alarmed expression. The moment he saw Henry, his face darkened, and he angrily said, "Are you crazy? What are you doing at this late hour?" "Who's the one acting crazy here, you or me?" Henry walked in expressionless, emanating frustration. "Mr. Chase Senior, I couldn't stop Mr. Chase …" Amos stood there, head hanging low, visibly guilty. Cliff rubbed his temples and gestured for Amos to leave the room. Amos closed the door quietly. The room fell into silence, and the atmosphere felt oddly suffocating. "Henry, did I give you permission to barge into my room like this?" Cliff frowned at Henry. Henry was really challenging Cliff. He
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Chapter 95 Acts Tough but Kind Inside
Juliet opened her eyes and immediately felt a sudden nervousness in her heart. Henry's intense, unreadable stare made her uneasy. "Henry, why would you ask that?" "You texted that guy, saying you did something stupid because you were upset with me, right? It sounds like you're blaming me for what happened?" Henry looked at her with a half-smile.Juliet quickly shook her head and stammered, "No, Henry, I didn't! How could I blame you …" "Regardless, keep this money," Henry said, tossing her a check.Juliet paused with tears in her eyes. "What's this for?" "That incident at the restaurant, caused by my brother, might have affected you emotionally. So, the medical bills and future recovery expenses will be covered by the Chase family," Henry said in a businesslike manner. Juliet suddenly felt a chill rush down her spine. She stared at the numbers on the check, feeling a pang in her chest. "Henry, do you think I did all this for the money?""I don't have time for this. I don't
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Chapter 96 The One Who Should Apologize
"Sorry for the inconvenience," Sheldon stood up, looking apologetic. Unsure how to respond, Natalie shook her head and said, "No need to apologize to me. The one who needs to apologize is the person scheming against me behind my back." Her eyes grew colder as she spoke. Sheldon nodded, "Right, time to execute our plan." Glancing at the wall clock, he remarked, "Let's go. Time for the meeting.""Sure." Natalie gathered the files she needed for the meeting and followed Sheldon out of the office. Half an hour later, everyone focused on the big screen in the meeting room.Sheldon scanned the room and began, "To ensure fairness in the music center project, I'm leaving the decision to you. We received designs from 18 designers, and I've selected three that impressed me."He continued, "After showcasing these designs, I'll ask for a show of hands to decide. The design with the most votes will be in charge of the music center's design. Any objections?"From the smiles around the room
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Chapter 97 Champion of the Competition
"Are you a designer from the Winrazor Group?" Lana asked cautiously. The woman didn't answer but eyed her with increased wariness.Lana approached her and grinned slyly, "Natalie bought your design, didn't she?" The woman seemed surprised that Lana knew but quickly denied it. "What are you talking about? I don't understand."Seeing her reaction, Lana grew more certain. "Stop pretending. How much did she pay you? I'll offer double! Just publicly expose this at the Creative Visions Competition!"The woman hesitated. Lana persisted, "I'll add more money! Will you do it? It's easy money. Just publicly accuse Natalie! How about it?"Still doubtful, the woman said, "No ... I promised her to keep it confidential." Lana smirked maliciously, "So, you admit she bought the design, right?" The woman nervously denied, "I didn't say that!"Blocking her path, Lana pressed, "How much did she pay you for it? I'll make this simple. I'll offer five times the price!" She handed the woman
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Chapter 98 Dirty Secrets
"The names of the first, second, and third-place winners are on this card. With over a thousand designers participating in the Creative Visions Competition, standing out from this pool speaks volumes about the winners' capabilities."The host smiled and continued, "Without further ado, I'll announce the third-place winner of this competition."Ten minutes later, the second and third-place winners stood together on stage, visibly thrilled. The anticipation lingered for the announcement of the champion.Natalie clenched her hands nervously, doubting any hope that her work would be recognized. Sensing her tension, Sheldon encouraged, "Stay confident. The yet-to-be-announced champion might just be you." Natalie managed a faint smile but lacked blind confidence."Finally, let's reveal the champion of this competition. Who could it be?" The host glanced at the card and smiled mysteriously. Natalie was breathless with anticipation."The champion in this competition used the code na
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Chapter 99 Lana's Threats
"If someone like you gets honored, wouldn't those of us who work hard at our jobs become a joke? I'm here to expose your shameless deeds!" The crowd erupted again."Can't draw so you buy others' work? Truly shameless!" "If she really did that, she doesn't deserve the championship!""Not only that, she should be blacklisted in this industry!" "Blacklisted? Is that possible? She's got connections!"Lana was highly satisfied with the reactions. She looked at Natalie with malice. "Natalie, get ready for your downfall!" she thought triumphantly.Natalie surveyed the reactions of the crowd and soon turned her gaze to Lana. "If you claim I did such a thing, then provide evidence! Words alone mean nothing!"Lana smirked, "You want to see evidence? Fine, I'll show you evidence!" She pulled out a recording pen from her pocket and held it high. "The evidence is right here!"Everyone focused on Lana's hand curiously. Meanwhile, Henry stood near the backstage entrance with Wade at his
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Chapter 100 Try Touching Her
"I'm Esme Henderson, the editor of a small magazine. Ms. Shepherd has provided me with design drafts for the past two years, and I've paid her for these services. This summarizes our transactions."Lana's smirk froze instantly. She stared at Esme in disbelief. What was Esme saying? Wasn't she there to accuse Natalie of buying designs? How had it turned out like this?"Shut up!" Lana yanked Esme's arm and cut her off mid-sentence. Lana couldn't accept her statement. She angrily questioned, "That's not how it happened! I heard your argument that day! You previously admitted she bought designs from you! "You even said everything would be revealed on the day of the award ceremony! Why change your stance now?"Esme didn't respond but opened a file and clicked play on an audio clip. Soon, a recording started to play. "I'll add more money! Will you do it? It's easy money. Just publicly accuse Natalie! How about it?"Lana's face turned pale upon hearing her own voice. She had rushed
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