All Chapters of Notice Me, Darling!: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
578 Chapters
Chapter 81 Why Do We Have To Act
Daniel looked at Henry fondly. He'd heard of their marriage when he was in prison.Every time the prison guards told him that Natalie had tried to visit him, he would feel his determination waver.He wanted to see his daughter. He had a lot of questions for her. However, he forced himself to drop the thought."Thank you for taking care of Natalie over the past few years. I should also thank your grandfather for helping me with all the trouble I left in my wake," he said. Even though he had been imprisoned, he could still guess what was happening outside.Henry smiled slightly and said dismissively, "It's nothing. Just doing what we're supposed to do." It didn't take long for Daniel to notice Natalie's baby bump."Is Natalie pregnant?" he asked, pleasantly surprised.Henry's expression soured.If Natalie was carrying his child, he would be happy. After all, that meant that he was going to be a father.Because of how Cliff had treated him throughout his childhood, he'd decided
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Chapter 82 Matching Pajamas
During the early days of their marriage, Henry had spent his nights at the company.Once, Natalie had gathered her courage and called him. She had suppressed her sadness and asked nonchalantly, "Are you coming home tonight, Henry? Are you really going to leave your wife alone so soon after the wedding?""My wife? Did I ever acknowledge you as my wife?" Henry had scoffed in disdain. "I would never sleep in that house as long as you're staying there!"And for the next three years, he'd done exactly that.The only time he'd ever slept with her was by her orchestration, and even then, he wasn't even sober enough for it.Was he breaking his own rule tonight?Natalie followed him into the house.When the butler, Amos, saw them returning home together, he was ecstatic. "Sir, you've finally persuaded Mrs. Chase to return home!"Henry stopped in his tracks."I didn't have to do any persuading," he said, glancing at Natalie. "She came back by her own volition."He had to correct anythi
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Chapter 83 Men Are Swine
Henry pulled down the sleeves of his pajamas serenely, his expression betraying no emotion. "Oh?"This wasn't the first time Juliet had tried this tactic.At this point, he had to doubt the truthfulness of everything she said now.His indifference took Natalie aback. "Oh? Just oh? That was Juliet, Juliet Weaver, your long-time crush! Not just a random person. Why are you reacting like this?""Who said I have a crush on her?" Henry rolled his eyes. "Don't be so presumptuous."Natalie looked at him in confusion. She couldn't help but sigh at the situation. Even though Juliet had known him for so long, she had still ended up abandoned. Henry was too heartless. There was probably no one on Earth who could ever earn his love.Henry shifted uncomfortably under her gaze. "Why are you looking at me like that?" he asked in a low voice.Natalie looked away. "Nothing. I just thought of a saying.""What saying?" he asked curiously."Men are swine," she mumbled.Despite her mumbling,
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Chapter 84 A Talented Designer
Juliet went to several places to interview for a job, but none accepted her. When they heard her name, they immediately kicked her off the premises.Juliet nodded. "Yeah, I'll do anything to survive.""My friend owns a restaurant. He's looking for a live pianist for his restaurant …" As Stanley spoke, the pity in his eyes intensified. "Would this be beneath you?"After all, she had been a famous pianist just a few days ago. Her reputation had been destroyed overnight.Juliet smiled mirthlessly. "Have you forgotten I suffered a lot before I became famous? I'm just back to square one."However, she knew it would be much harder now to get back to where she used to be. She would have to be more cruel and ruthless this time.Stanley nodded. "Alright. If you don't mind the job, I'll call my friend.""Thanks."…Henry woke up early the next morning and found Natalie curled against his back. She tended to gravitate toward the center of the bed during the night, so she had spent most o
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A Different Side of Henry
Natalie did not understand Henry's disdain. She looked at him in confusion and asked, "What was I supposed to do to show my respect?""Just get in the car." Henry refused to look at her. Even though she was pregnant, she couldn't dress so casually!Natalie decided to drop it and got into the car. Throughout the journey, she couldn't stop thinking about the music center project. She was so lost in thought that she looked distant and out of sorts.Henry felt upset when he noticed her expression. "Are you still thinking about Sheldon? You're already off work," he said sarcastically.Natalie's expression fell. "Henry, if I were you, I would keep my mouth shut if I knew I had nothing nice to say.""Then why do you look so distracted?" Henry asked, jealousy marring his tone.If it were before, Natalie would've told him about the project. She used to want to share everything with him.However, she did not see the need to do that now. From then on, he had nothing to do with her and
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Chapter 86 You Really Think an Apology Is Enough
Natalie's ears reddened. Her heart skipped a beat.This was supposed to be her ploy to get revenge on Henry, but it seemed like she had jumped right into his trap."I … I was just saying," she said, trying to push him away. "Just get out. We can't shop for too long. Everyone's waiting for us."Henry raised an eyebrow and said nonchalantly, "It's not like it's the first time everyone has waited for me."Natalie's attempts to push him away were met with failure. He stood before her like an immovable wall. In the end, she had to relent. "Alright, I apologize, okay?"Henry smiled. "Do you really think an apology is enough?""It's not?" Natalie looked up at him in confusion.Her bright eyes seemed like they could brighten even the coldest of hearts. Henry's gaze dropped to her lips involuntarily.Sensing his wandering gaze, Natalie blushed harder. Just as suddenly, Henry snapped back to his senses, cursing himself internally as he did so. Had he lost his mind? Why had he gotten
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Chapter 87 Doesn't Concern Me
Typically, high-end restaurants like these had live entertainment. However, the sudden music made them stare.Natalie was especially alert. She knew the particular piece had a deeper meaning behind it. Henry had played the piece the first time she met him.Later, she found out that it was the only song he knew how to play on the piano and that Juliet had taught it to him. She was sure it was some sort of love song between them. Juliet must have played it intentionally to get Henry to remember their relationship.Instinctively, Natalie looked over at him. He looked much calmer than she'd expected, averting his gaze after only a few moments. If Natalie hadn't known better, she would've assumed, from his aloof expression, that the pianist was just a stranger.Owen, on the other hand, was furious. "This woman is so annoying!" he said coldly.Harry lowered his voice. "I'll get rid of her, Grandpa."Owen stopped him and turned to Henry. "Are you still hung up on her?" he asked tentativ
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Chapter 88 Strange Bedfellows
Henry hadn't wanted to explain anything to Natalie, but her obtuseness and relentless questions were getting to him.Natalie blinked at him, taken aback by his sudden outburst.Was Henry … explaining his actions to her? Why was he doing this?"If you keep asking these stupid questions, I'm going to make you pay!" Henry gave her a warning look, effectively silencing her.In any case, it didn't matter whether he'd had an affair with Juliet. Nothing changed between them.Juliet wasn't the only reason why she wanted to divorce him. For the most part, it was because she was thoroughly disappointed by him. At this point, she wanted to end it all so she could have some room to breathe and let her wounded heart heal.That night, Natalie and Henry returned to the house they used to live in.Henry headed to the study, citing unfinished work. Natalie took a shower and sat on the bed as she called her father.Daniel had been out of prison for two days, but she hadn't had the chance to spea
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Chapter 89 He Can't Give Her What She Wants
Natalie went up to the table and took her seat.Henry glanced at her as he said into his phone, "Alright, I'll head over later."He ended the call and picked up a piece of toast. Out of the corner of his eye, he gave Natalie a once-over. It was clear that she'd dressed up that morning.Feigning nonchalance, he asked, "Are you going out?""Yeah," Natalie answered shortly.Henry leaned back in his chair and stared at her. He was displeased by her curt attitude, but he was curious about where she was going."Where are you going?""Do I have to report my daily activities to you?" Natalie countered, giving him a cool glance."I'm not busy today. I plan on following you," Henry sneered at her.Natalie paused. "I just heard you tell someone on the phone that you're going somewhere.""Maybe we're heading to the same place," Henry countered without missing a beat.Exasperated, Natalie said, "I'm going out with Leslie. You won't want to join our girls' day out."Ah, so she was going
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Chapter 90 Henry's Position Is Threatened
Natalie was also watching the screen. She heard every single word the newscaster said.Henry and his father were pictured on the screen, along with a beautiful woman, who looked similar in age, and her family. Clearly, it was a meeting between the two families, and it seemed to have gone well.Was this what he had meant when he said he was heading out for work? Meeting the Browns? How was there any hope for this marriage if he was doing that?He kept saying that he did not want a divorce, but everything he did just deepened her resolve to leave him.Sheldon observed Natalie. Despite her best attempts to hide her emotions, he could see the hurt in her eyes.He looked at the yacht by the pier and said, "Let's take the yacht out. It'll make you feel better."Previously, Natalie was worried that it wasn't appropriate for her to go on a yacht with Sheldon, but she changed her mind. If Henry could meet another woman, she could enjoy herself on a yacht.Moreover, there was nothing betw
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