All Chapters of Notice Me, Darling!: Chapter 461 - Chapter 470
578 Chapters
Chapter 461 Who Wants to Have a Baby with You
Leslie had a hint of bitterness in her smile after saying this.It wasn't easy to give birth to a child, so how could Fiona abandon her after giving birth to her?Even amid numerous hardships, Leslie's willingness to follow Fiona had remained unshaken.But Fiona had made a one-sided decision and unilaterally abandoned her. This abandonment lasted for over 20 years. But what was even more outrageous was that Fiona felt no sense of obligation toward Leslie upon her return. And instead, she'd even boldly demanded favors from her.Hugh followed Leslie's gaze and glanced at the emotions flickering within her eyes.He immediately understood everything."Don't waste your emotions on unworthy people," Hugh said softly."If I ever have children in the future, I'll give them the best of everything in the world," Leslie said firmly, her eyes filled with determination.A person's experience would usually have a significant impact on their future decisions.For example, Leslie was someon
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Chapter 462 The Gratitude of a Life-saving Favor
"You're transferring over all your assets? Once it's signed, everything under your name becomes mine!" Natalie said. She unwaveringly gazed at Henry, intending to give him another chance to carefully reconsider."Besides these material possessions, you also get to have me too." Henry smiled warmly.Natalie couldn't help but smirk. But she didn't pick up the pen to immediately sign the document. Instead, she glanced at the document again and joked, "Aren't you afraid I'll run off with the money?"Henry's lips curled into a small smile as he leaned in closer to Natalie. Then, he spoke in a low voice, "I'm not afraid, because I believe you wouldn't bear to leave me."What a narcissistic man!But Henry wasn't entirely wrong. After all, there was indeed no way Natalie would leave this home, nor would she leave him and Mercy."Alright, hurry up and sign. You risked your life to give birth to our child, so it's only right that I give you everything I have," Henry said. But the
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Chapter 463 Can't You Accept This Fact Yet
Shane awkwardly smiled. Then, he lowered his voice and said, "Once a daughter marries, she's considered as having joined another family. "In our elite circles, every family must have a son to inherit the estate. That's how we keep our wealth within the family…"Frustration flashed across Celine's eyes as she listened to Shane once again sharing his thoughts with others.Was he trying to make everyone agree with his views?Henry didn't agree with Shane, but he maintained an awkward, yet polite smile out of basic courtesy.Just then, a servant's voice called out, "Mr. Yoder! Mrs. Yoder! Something's wrong! Mr. Jonah fell into the pool!""What's going on? What do you mean fell into the pool?" Celine's heart skipped a beat when she heard this."The fountain pool! The security guard has already jumped in to save him!" The servant pointed in the direction behind them."What a stupid child! How can someone fall into the fountain pool?" Shane's disdain and frustration were evident.
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Chapter 464 Some People Will Always Come Back Around
"Aunt Celine, I really didn't." Cesar sincerely looked at Celine.Celine couldn't help but give him an icy smile, unconvinced of Cesar's lack of schemes and cunningness.If he wasn't cunning, how else could he have won over the hearts of everyone in the Yoder family? He'd even earn the praise of the cunning old foxes at the Yoder Group so quickly after returning.And given Shane's personality, who knew how many other illegitimate children he had outside?But why did he have to choose to bring Cesar back specifically?She didn't believe Cesar hadn't put in any effort for Shane to bring him back. And she was certain that Cesar wasn't as friendly and calm as he appeared to be on the surface."Enough of these useless words! Go and pack up! I'll have someone send him away this afternoon," Shane said without looking back.Now, he didn't even bother to call Jonah by his name. Instead, he simply referred to him as "him"."Are you satisfied now?" Celine's words were directed at Cesar.
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Chapter 465 Just Want to Choose to Be a Coward
"I didn't get the chance to tell Shirley yet. Should I call her now?" Henry asked.Henry didn't dare to take matters into his own hands, so he let Harry make the decision himself."No need. Let's just go back for now. We'll figure everything out once we're home," Harry replied after hesitating for a few seconds.Then, he asked, "How's Felix now?""Felix was staying with me for a while, but during the days when Natalie was in the hospital after giving birth, I temporarily sent him over to your place. "He's been getting along well with Luke, so I let him stay there," Henry briefly explained.Harry paused, pleasantly surprised. "Natalie gave birth too?""Yeah, just a few days ago. It's a girl," Henry said proudly."A daughter's great. They say daughters are like little angels." Harry agreed with a smile."Yeah, she's great. But unfortunately… they didn't get to see her," Henry said. He tried to keep his tone casual, but he couldn't help but express a hint of regret.Of course,
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Chapter 466 You're His Father After All
Upon hearing that, Felix was clearly shocked.When he had come out, Harry had already left, so Felix didn't see Harry at all. Instead, all he saw was the rear of the car as it left."H-He's back?" Felix was evidently unprepared to face Harry."The police discovered the truth—it truly was an accident that your mother fell off the rooftop," Henry said with a solemn expression. "It wasn't your father's doing. He never committed such a wicked deed."Henry had to tell Felix about it first so that he would understand what actually happened.However, he also knew it would take more than that to mend the relationship between Felix and Harry.Some incidents would leave deep impressions in their wake, like a brand burned onto one's mind. And even as time passed, the marks left behind would never really disappear.As expected, Felix didn't respond to Henry's words.Henry then continued gently, "So, Felix, can you be a good boy and wait at home for your father and Ms. Shirley to return?"
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Chapter 467 He Truly Doesn't Know Chalk From Cheese
As they headed home, Harry held Lucas in his arms all the way, his loving gaze never leaving his son.In that moment, Harry felt as though it wasn't a mere child he was holding—Lucas was his world.But undoubtedly, he also felt guilty for the way he'd acted in the past.How could acquiring the Clark family's inheritance be the only reason he wanted a child? In fact, it was their blessing that their son chose to come to them.That in itself was already precious enough.However, Harry hadn't known how to appreciate such things then, and instead, he'd used his son as a tool to obtain personal gains.He truly hadn't known chalk from cheese.But now that he had come to his senses, things were still salvageable."Who do you think Luke resembles?" Harry studied Lucas's features, but he still didn't have a clue.Yet, as he gazed at the cuddly bundle in his arms, he started growing fonder and fonder of Lucas."I think… he resembles Felix a bit. Perhaps they both take after you." Shirl
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Chapter 468 Her Heart Aches for Him
Felix never thought that Harry, whom he had met so many times before, was actually his father.He had also never expected for Harry to disappoint him so much.Felix continued keeping his head low and remained silent.He would be lying if he said he wasn't disappointed in Harry at all. And not only that, he was also infuriated.Harry was his father, and he knew how much Felix had craved to reunite with him. Yet, Harry had turned a blind eye to this and played the role of an outsider."Felix, you can tell me whatever's on your mind. I'll take it with grace, regardless of whether it's pleasant or unpleasant." Harry earnestly looked at Felix.How Harry wished Felix could read his thoughts and know that he truly regretted his choices.He regretted not choosing to be a good father and all the other wrong decisions he had made. He'd even nearly let slip the chance to sit down and talk to Felix like this.Finally, Felix looked up at Harry. But his eyes were full of disappointment and
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Chapter 469 Will You Take up the Challenge
"Whose granddaughter? You must've misheard." Henry decided to play dumb. He'd planned to keep Natalie in the dark about this anyway.He was hoping that, through his own effort, she could one day see him standing on his own feet again.But in the process of this, he didn't want her to be by his side.Henry didn't want Natalie to witness how tough and arduous it'd all be. Not to mention, she would also have to see him in such a helpless state."Are you really going to keep something like this from me?" Natalie walked toward Henry and stopped before him. Then, she stared at him with an unwavering gaze.Judging from her attitude right now, Henry knew that Natalie wouldn't let this slide if he didn't give her proper explanation.Wholly obedient to his wife as Henry was, he instantly hesitated under Natalie's glare.Meanwhile, Amos watched the scene play out from the sidelines. He couldn't help but think that it was best for Henry to spill the beans if he had to.After giving
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Chapter 470 She Chose to Protect Him
Meanwhile, Rachel was sitting on the table in an alluring and sexy pose. She wore a tight-fitting mini-dress. And under the light, her long, slender legs were exceedingly attractive. The men were so bewitched that they probably even wouldn't be able to remember the date if anyone asked.Smiling, Rachel agreed. "Sure, why not?"Women like her who were always up for a game were the type men found most attractive.Soon, the game started, and Rachel lost the first round.The men were beyond excited. "You lost, Ms. Anderson!" they exclaimed. In other words, they were urging her to take off her clothes.But Rachel was only wearing a mini-dress. How could she do that? If she took it off, she'd only have her underwear on.Leonard's hands balled into fists on either side of him. He couldn't just stand by the side and watch as Rachel disregarded her own dignity and pride.Even when she was still in the entertainment industry, she had never stooped so low! Why on earth was she do
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