All Chapters of Notice Me, Darling!: Chapter 481 - Chapter 490
578 Chapters
Chapter 481 Here for Retribution
The whispers among the crowd grew louder."What is happening? Did Harry get released from prison because he bribed them?""That man is making such a big scene. I can't tell who's the one telling the truth.""Today is a good occasion. It's quite unlucky to have that man make a scene here…""Felix, don't listen to them no matter what they say. Don't overthink it, either. Alright?" Shirley did not care much about the situation. She was more worried about Felix's emotions.Felix's relationship with Harry had improved over the past two days. But all that improvement might be destroyed after the scene that day.Felix was clearly distraught. He was frowning and pursing his lips tightly.Normally, he would not ignore Shirley when she talked to him.But currently, all of his attention seemed to be on Logan. He didn't seem to have heard a word of what Shirley said.Lucas also decided to cry at that moment. His cries echoed throughout the hall.During such a tense moment, Lucas' cries s
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Chapter 482 His Beloved Daughter
Although Felix did not answer him, Harry knew that he was listening.So, Harry continued, "I've already finished all the documents for your school. I'll send you to school in a few days."Just like before, Felix did not answer him.Harry could understand. Felix was probably distressed after remembering about his mother's death.Harry did not stay for long, either. He quickly left after saying what he wanted to say.He immediately saw Shirley in the corridor after leaving Felix's room.Shirley looked calm, but Harry was feeling distressed.He walked toward Shirley and reached out to embrace her. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry you and our child must suffer such stress and grievances."He understood that even though he was released scot-free, some people would forever see him as a murderer.Such thoughts would subject his family to other people's disdain and contempt."Me and our child are fine. But you…" Shirley pulled away and looked at him worriedly. "Don't give yourself too much stre
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Chapter 483 No Clues
Henry was evidently shocked by Mercy's sudden cries. He quickly stopped and rolled his wheelchair toward Natalie.Natalie stood up and began to comfort Mercy. "Mercy, don't cry. There's no need to cry. Mommy and Daddy are here. We are here with you."Under Natalie's gentle coaxing, Mercy quickly stopped crying. However, her tears remained pooled in her eyes, making her look aggrieved.Henry was slightly embarrassed and said, "Cece, how can you embarrass me like this…"He had been excited to perform for Mercy. Who knew Mercy would cry instead?Natalie looked at Henry's defeated expression and could not help but say, "Cece might just not be used to such a performance.""Brat." Henry's tone seemed like he was reprimanding her. But his gaze as he looked at Mercy was full of love and adoration.At that moment, Henry's phone started to ring."I'll take Mercy back to her room to play. You can answer your phone," Natalie said as she turned to carry Mercy out of the room.As she walked
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Chapter 484 Help Me Find Him
According to the rules from the previous NT competition, the design drafts for the preliminary rounds were to be prepared beforehand.On the other hand, the finals would require the competitors to come up with a draft on the spot.Although they allocated around three hours to draw, it was incredibly hard to finish a piece properly within three hours.Therefore, one would need a strong adaptability response and a quick and creative mind."Don't stress too much over it. I believe you can do it. Cece and I will be supporting you throughout everything," Henry said with a smile."Alright." Natalie smiled warmly."We'll finalize the theme for the competition during the next meeting. I'll tell you about it then. I need to go out now.""You can go."Henry could not help but frown. Perhaps it was due to how quickly Natalie had answered him."Y-You don't seem to care much about where I'll be nowadays." Henry's gaze followed Natalie.Natalie had already walked toward the bookshelf and b
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Chapter 485 Engaged
After understanding what had happened, Henry nodded lightly. "I got it. I'll contact you immediately once I find something.""Alright." Lavender took a name card from her bag and handed it to Henry. "This is my contact number."Henry took the card and nodded solemnly. "Alright."Lavender quickly left as she was still worried about Jonah.After she left, Henry began to make some calls, arranging for a search team.Then, he could only wait for the news.But he was slightly shocked to know that Lavender knew Jonah. It was a small world indeed.After half an hour, Lavender arrived at the Yoder residence.Celine was also there. She had cried until her eyes were puffy. "What am I supposed to do if something happens to Jonah?""Ms. Celine…" Lavender was slightly breathless as she walked toward Celine.Celine immediately stood up when she saw Lavender. She cried and said, "Lav, it's been half a day, but there's still no news about Jonah. I'm terrified…""Ms. Celine, don't worry. Let
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Chapter 486 Never Loved as Deeply as She Did
"Hang on, Ms. Celine. I need to take this call." Lavender glanced at the unfamiliar number.She didn't dare to miss any calls from strangers right now. After all, one of these calls might bring her news about Jonah.Lavender quickly answered the phone. "Hello?""Dr. Quince, we've located Jonah," came Henry's voice.Lavender's heart raced. "Where is he?""In the forest on top of the mountain," said Henry grimly.Anyone who lived in Dontham for years would have heard of this particular forest.The forest was known as Death Forest because many who ventured into that forest never returned. Even the most experienced adventures weren't spared from the same fate.There was no signal in the forest, making it difficult to contact the outside world. Coupled with dense trees and intricate paths, it was like entering a huge maze.No matter how one wandered, it seemed impossible to find a way out. The forest only brought despair and death to those who entered.So, most people simply avoid
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Chapter 487 Do You Know How Dangerous It Is Here
"Lavender, is it worth going to such lengths for Jonah? He's already lost it! To put it bluntly, it doesn't matter if he's dead! The world will still move on without him…"Cesar's words were cut short by Lavender."He won't die!" Lavender shot him a glare. "Let me be clear. Even if the world doesn't need him, I do. Just that alone is enough reason for me to risk my life for him."With that, Lavender quickly rolled up the car window, not bothering to look at Cesar. She didn't need anyone to understand her feelings for Jonah."Lavender! Lavender!" Cesar's face turned red with anger as he watched Lavender drive off.He couldn't understand what made that idiot so special! He already lost his mind! Why was Lavender still so devoted to him?Lavender never even looked at him that way! What did Jonah have that he didn't?Maybe, back when Cesar was nothing, he wasn't as good as Jonah. But now, he was the Yoder family's heir! The Yoder family would bend to his every will!But Cesar was s
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Chapter 488 How Innocent Love Could Be
After searching for a while, the captain suddenly exclaimed, "I can see someone over there!"Everyone turned to see where the captain was pointing. Sure enough, someone was lying under the tree.Everyone immediately rushed over in that direction.Though Lavender's heart was racing, she stayed sensible and followed alongside the rescue team, trying not to cause any trouble.Soon, they reached the person.Because the person was surrounded by the rescue team, Lavender couldn't see him at all, let alone his face."Ms. Quince, please come over and confirm if this is Mr. Yoder!" came the captain's voice.The other team members quickly made way for Lavender.Lavender rushed to the person's side immediately. The moment she saw the person's face, tears welled up in her eyes.She nodded. "It's him! It's Jonah!""But, Mr. Yoder seems to have been poisoned. Look, his lips are purple, and there are some red rashes on his face." The captain pointed at Jonah's face.As a doctor, Lavender a
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Chapter 489 Hugs and Kisses
"Please calm down, Aunt Celine. I'll leave now," Cesar said before leaving.However, he merely found a spot where Celine couldn't see him and continued to wait. He couldn't leave before receiving any updates.While waiting outside the forest for Lavender, he also received a call from Shane. Shane asked him if the matter had been resolved.Cesar was hesitant to reply.Shane then scolded him, questioning how Cesar was supposed to take over the company if he couldn't even complete this small task.Of course, Cesar felt extremely resentful about this. He thought his plan would be foolproof. But who could have imagined that Henry would intervene?Otherwise, with Lavender's and Celine's abilities, they wouldn't have been able to find Jonah in such a short time. If they had delayed a little longer, Jonah might not have survived.Life was truly unpredictable! Now, all Cesar could do was hope that Jonah's surgery would fail.At the same time, Henry also received a call from the search a
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Chapter 490 Willing to Do It
Natalie was stunned, and her eyes flew open in surprise. "What?"Henry cleared his throat and asked earnestly, "Any requests for hugs and kisses?"Natalie burst into laughter, surprised to hear this from Henry. And with such seriousness!"Henry, you've been acting strange lately." Natalie couldn't stop her giggling fit and bent over in laughter.Henry's brows furrowed. Lately, Natalie seemed to be getting more bold.As expected, there were things better left unsaid. If he wanted a kiss, he should have just gone for it.With that in mind, Henry cupped her cheeks and kissed her.Natalie's laughter instantly died down. It was an unexpected kiss.But she quickly closed her eyes and melted into the gentle yet hungry kiss.Slowly, things got out of control. Henry's kiss landed on her neck, and his hand slipped under her clothes…Later, she found herself being lifted onto his lap. In the blink of an eye, Henry forced himself to regain his composure.Natalie was still in her postpar
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