All Chapters of Notice Me, Darling!: Chapter 491 - Chapter 500
578 Chapters
Chapter 491 Repaying a Debt
"Sir, can I help you with something?" The nurse shot Cesar a puzzled look."I'm Jonah's family member. Do you have his test report?" Cesar wanted to know Jonah's condition."Yes, I have his test report here." The nurse was still on high alert."Could you show it to me?" Cesar asked earnestly.When Jonah was wheeled into the ward, Cesar couldn't help but feel a pang of concern.In the end, he hadn't received the news he had hoped for. Jonah's luck was better than he had imagined!"I'm sorry, we need to hand the report to the doctor first, and it will be given to the patient's family members in the ward later. If you want to see it, could you wait in the ward?" the nurse said.Realizing this approach wasn't working, Cesar suddenly sighed."Here's the thing, the person lying in that ward is my half-brother. I'm very concerned about his condition. But… his mother doesn't want to see me, nor will she tell me about his condition."Please understand. As an older brother, I'm worried
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Chapter 492 Have You Managed to Woo Your Crush
"I think I feel something." The long-forgotten feeling stirred excitement in Henry's heart.He had almost forgotten what it was like to feel. For the first time, Henry realized how nice it was to feel pain.One would only know true pain and sorrow when they lost their ability to feel."You think?" Lavender didn't want such ambiguous answers."Press a little harder!" Henry requested.Lavender pressed down with more force.This time, Henry could be quite certain that he felt pain. "I can feel pain."Lavender nodded thoughtfully. She looked to be deep in thought.Henry didn't dare to disturb her but quietly waited for her to give an assessment.After a while, Lavender calmly removed the needles from his acupoints and placed them back in the briefcase. "There's still hope for your legs."Henry's heart skipped a beat. He bit down his excitement and asked, "Really? I still have a chance to live a normal life?""Well, since you can feel pain, it means these nerves aren't completely
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Chapter 493 I'll Ask and You'll Answer
"What's wrong?" Henry was still in the dark."I'll fill you in later. Rachel's here! I'll be back in the country soon, and I'll definitely make it to your daughter's one-month party!" Leonard hurried to say before hanging up the phone.Slipping his phone into his pocket, Leonard eyed the figure approaching him."Why did you book the tickets?" Rachel received two plane tickets home that day.One for her, and the other for her mother."Your mom's agreed to go home." Leonard shrugged nonchalantly.Rachel was speechless. She hadn't expected Leonard to seek her mother out after she rejected him. And oddly enough, her mother really liked Leonard, seeing him as her son-in-law.Usually, her mother would instantly forget about the people she met. Yet, she remembered Leonard!Rachel fell silent before huffing in annoyance, "Her decision doesn't count.""If your mom wants to come back with me, will you join us? You won't just leave your mother with me, will you?" Leonard's tone suggested
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Chapter 494 Determination and Patience
Ever since Leonard heard from a friend who lived here that there was a lie detector around and that it could solve his problems, he had wanted to bring Rachel over."Yes," Rachel mumbled.Leonard sat opposite her and asked, "You love your mother, right?"Rachel hesitated for a moment. Why was this guy not playing by the rules?But she quickly responded, "Yes."As they exchanged questions and answers, their gaze also focused on the lie detector nearby. Now, the lie detector was still showing a green light."Have you ever liked another man before?" Leonard continued to ask."No." Still green."And do you like any man now?" Leonard pressed on."No." Red.Rachel's heart skipped a beat. Was the lie detector that accurate? Not even a half lie could escape from it.Rachel suddenly felt uneasy. It seemed that all her thoughts would be laid bare in front of Leonard that day.Leonard narrowed his eyes at her with an inexplicable emotion within."Is the person you like called Leonard
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Chapter 495 Are You That Afraid of Me
"Rachel, how would you know I wouldn't have that kind of determination and preservation if you don't even give me a chance?" Leonard cocked a brow.He assured her, "It's okay if you're not ready to agree now. I can stay by your side as a friend."Rachel pursed her lips uncomfortably.If it weren't for her family history with the disease, she would definitely give Leonard a chance. But the medical history was like an insurmountable gap standing between them."And, if you don't come back to the country with me, I might end up broke," Leonard added.Rachel hadn't recovered from the shock of what had just happened, and Leonard's words made her pause again. "What?""To be honest, I made a bet with someone." Leonard shrugged.But his words were like knives stabbing into Rachel's heart."What is it?" Rachel didn't quite understand, but her gut feeling was telling her that it wasn't a simple matter."I made a bet with someone that I would make you a star within a year. If I fail, not
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Chapter 496 Been a Fool for All These Years
Jonah pursed his lips and held Lavender's gaze for a few seconds before releasing the hand covering his chest.With Jonah's cooperation, the examination went by in a breeze.After finishing, Lavender didn't immediately leave but took a seat at the edge of Jonah's bed. Her expression was serious, signaling she had something important to discuss with him.Jonah felt a bit intimidated by her seriousness and looked at her with confusion."Jonah, I have something to tell you," Lavender started.Jonah continued staring at her blankly."Let's get married." Lavender stared at him.Jonah's expression remained unchanged as if he wasn't part of the conversation.Lavender leaned in. "Do you understand what marriage means?"Jonah pondered her question for a moment before shaking his head."It means from now on, we'll be living, eating, sleeping, and doing a lot of things together," Lavender explained in simpler terms.Jonah furrowed his brows and asked softly, "So, I get to see you every
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Chapter 497 Would You Care About That Child
"Celine Graham, what you've done this time has truly pushed me to the edge!" Shane's eyes burned with resentment. "I can't find any reason to forgive you! You hear me?""What about you? Do you think you're completely innocent?" Celine yelled.Before this matter came to light, she had always been fearful and had considered what she would do if it were exposed. But now, it didn't seem as daunting as she had imagined.Instead, she could finally speak her mind after all these years. In a way, it made her feel like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders."What did I ever do?" Shane laughed at her words. "You bitch, you brought home a bastard and lied about it being my child! How dare you push the blame on me?""Isn't it true? If it weren't for your deep obsession with having a son, would I have to do what I did?"Celine's emotions grew more intense as she spoke."It was you who showed kindness and gave me false hope! But you revealed your obsession with having a son!"What was I
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Chapter 498 The Decision Had Been Flawed From the Start
"Yes, sir!" The maids wasted no time and rushed over to escort Celine out.Celine didn't resist, nor did she seek Shane's forgiveness. At that moment, she fully grasped that her decision had been flawed from the start.Since it was a mistake, it was time to mitigate the damage.Meanwhile, Cesar felt a fleeting sense of satisfaction and a taste of vengeance when he saw Celine being dragged away. He had been waiting for this day for a long time.The Yoder family should never have let in this woman. It was even more absurd to make her the family's head.From now on, he would set everything back on track.Quickly masking his emotions, Cesar walked over to Shane and comforted him, "Calm down, Dad. It's not worth hurting yourself over this.""Go and find out about the child!" Shane seethed. Due to his frustration, Shane's chest was still heaving violently.Cesar paused and probed, "What do you want to find out?""Find out where the child Celine gave birth to is!" Shane demanded.Kn
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Chapter 499 First Time Harboring Such Hatred for Someone
At the moment, Celine desperately needed a ride, but she hesitated to be alone with Natalie.Celine would be lying if she said she didn't feel a twinge of guilt whenever she saw her daughter. It was precisely due to her guilt toward Natalie that she avoided her.Unable to meet Natalie's gaze, Celine awkwardly muttered, "I'm just taking a stroll…""Need a lift?" Natalie's doubt was evident. Her gut told her that Celine must be going through something."It's fine, I… I'll just take a walk around here. Thanks." Celine shook her head.Natalie smiled and didn't push further. "Take your time, Mrs. Yoder. I'll be leaving now.""Sure, you too." Celine nodded, yet she couldn't muster the courage to look at Natalie throughout.After Natalie rolled up the car window, she instructed the driver to head back home. However, as the car started, she glanced back.Celine was still trudging along with her suitcase, appearing burdened with worry. As the car drove off, Celine's figure blurred into
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Chapter 500 Many Tricks up His Sleeve
"What do you mean by that?" Leslie shot Ivan a resentful glare. She wanted to hear what other ridiculous excuses he could come up with."Don't you always love Hugh? But does Hugh love you? Would he still want to be with you if he knew you couldn't have children?"If I'm not mistaken, it seems like Hugh's mother's dying wish was for him to become a father as soon as possible, right?"Hugh grew up with his mother, so he wouldn't have the heart to go against her dying wish, would he?"So, do you think he values you or his mother's dying wish more?" Ivan chuckled.Ivan seemed to believe that Hugh wouldn't defy his mother's dying wish to stay with Leslie."You're worse than scum, Ivan Zachman! Are you willing to go to such lengths just to prove your point?" Leslie asked furiously. She was losing the opportunity to become a mother."I won't let anyone else get what I can't have." Ivan smiled darkly. If he couldn't be with Leslie, then Hugh shouldn't either!Leslie couldn't help but l
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