All Chapters of Tamed by My Alpha Stepbrother : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
118 Chapters
91: Freedom
SUNSHINE:Murderer.That word kept on ringing in my head. I could not bring myself to defend myself because the beta was right. I was the murderer in one way or another. I brought a lot of death to the pack. Especially my mate. The alpha.“Brother. That’s not true,” Cayden interjected and pulled me into his side. His grip was firm as if consoling me. “Fighting with Sunshine will not make our brother Knoxx happy. Wherever he is right now. That's enough fighting. We already made Sunshine's life miserable before. Can we stop this immaturity?”“Bullshit!” Benedict roared and swung his fist on the wall. There was a crack on the part where he punched. His body trembled in anger. “That woman is at fault! When she came, our family was no longer the same. Our brothers died because of her!”“Benedict! Stop!” Alpha Ezra ordered. “Don’t put the blame on Sunshine. She has nothing to do with this. Knoxx and Alonso died because he sacrificed himself for the pack.”Benedict stared at his father with
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92: Packing
SUNSHINE:“What an ungrateful wench,” Benedict stated. “You have the audacity to say those? Even in the end, Knoxx wanted to keep you safe.”I never asked anyone to keep me safe. Not even Knoxx. They decided it for me. Did they think I was that weak? If they continue protecting me, then it will never be a surprise why they think lowly of me.“Will you stop being an asshole for a minute, Benedict? Cut me some slack, will you? We can argue tomorrow. Not now.” I might say something which I will only regret in the end. “Sunshine has a point, beta,” Cayden declared. “We are no longer kids.” He patted his brother’s shoulders. “We can rest for now. Fighting Sunshine is not worth it. We are no longer kids who bully her. Now that our brothers are gone, we need to be mature.” To me, he said, “Again, my apologies for what we did in the past. We were only young back then.”I nodded. “That’s fine. We can leave the past and move on. Why don’t we focus on what needs to be done?”“You’re kind. Kn
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93: Knoxx?
SUNSHINE:Rogue Town became unrecognizable. The once vibrant place blooming with people despite the evidence of poverty was now gone. The place looked like it had become a ghost town. The smell of death wafted around the air as well as the burnt remnants of houses and the human body. The house where we once lived was no longer there. There were traces of decomposing bodies that wafted through the air making me gag.No matter where I looked, the place spelled death.Warriors were spreading all over the place. Someone was barking orders to the warriors. Where are the town people? All I was seeing were the warriors from our pack. I was specifically looking for Thalia and Gael, hopeful that they had not returned to their pack. Or maybe returning there was more beneficial than staying in the camp.All I wanted was to make sure that they were safe and sound. “Gather all the cadavers in one location and bury them all!”My breath hitched upon recognizing who was barking orders. Dante!Ou
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94: Tears
SUNSHINE:I robbed my eyes to make sure that I was not dreaming. That this was not a product of my imagination. That this was not because I missed him so much. That this was Knoxx in flesh and blood. My body shook as I continued to gaze at him. But no matter how much I rubbed my eyes until it became painful, the only man that I saw was none other than Knoxx—my mate. The man who laid down his life for the greater good. "K-Knoxx?" I called once again but he did not say anything. “Sunshine.”That baritone voice. I stifled a sob. ‘Helena? Please tell me I am not dreaming right now.’‘You’re not,’ Helena retorted using our mind link. ‘Our mate is alive and returned from the grave.’“Knoxx? I-Is that really you?” I mumbled. Breathing became a struggle. How the heck was he even alive? What was the purpose why he fooled the people? There were too many questions running in my mind right now and my mouth could not keep up with my mind. Knoxx advanced towards me, eyes locked on me. I d
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95: Dante
SUNSHINE:It was written all over Knoxx's face. That he was disappointed that I had not cried. He thought crying equates to love and that not shedding a tear meant I had no feelings at all. If only I shed a single tear, I would definitely tell him about it. But I did not want to lie just to make him feel good. Still, there was nothing good about death, anyway, especially to the people left behind. The pack kept on suffering right now thinking the alpha had departed. "Does it make a difference if I cried back then?" I asked. “Did you for your beloved Brody?”I scoffed. “Knoxx. Are we seriously fighting about that right now? Are we arguing because of Brody? That man was already dead. Why kept on dragging his name?”A snarl escaped from his lips. "Do you want to know what I did to your Brody?""He is not my Brody," I corrected, as I felt the hair of my hands stand. The cautious part of me wanted to take everything easy, not to startle Knoxx. There was something off about him that I
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96: Scream
SUNSHINE: Dante looked at me with a shocked expression before he smiled sadly. “I'm busted now.”“Yes, you are,” was all I replied since I did not want to embarrass him from a lot of people under his command. “Tell me everything, Dante, because I deserve to know as his mate,” I whispered the last word for fear that the warriors had not yet known anything about it. I want to wait on Knoxx. "If you insist, Miss Sunshine. We can go outside where we can talk privately," he said and turned his back to me and stepped outside first. So, me and the pack were the only ones who were blind to the alpha being alive. Or maybe Alpha Ezra had known about it, but chose to hide it due to Knoxx's plea? And the rest of the people here knew he was still alive. No. That must not be the case since the emotions that his family had shown throughout the burial were all authentic. What kind of twisted joke was Knoxx trying to pull?I silently followed Dante outside and we stopped outside a little farthe
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97: Go Back
SUNSHINE:The man, upon seeing us, ran in our direction and hid at our back. He had a limp on his right leg. “Help me! That man wanted to kill me! He is mad!”From his foul scent, a mixture of sweat and liquor and beast, I could feel he was a werewolf, but a weak one. Maybe he had human blood on him, the reason why his wolf was having a difficult time healing his wound.The man suddenly grabbed my hand and shook it. “Help,” he whispered, not minding the blood trickling down his chest. “He is going to kill me.” The man trembled as if he was traumatized by what Knoxx had done to him so far. Knoxx sure had given him a good beating.The alpha upon seeing the stranger's hand on my shoulder let out a guttural growl that almost made the ground tremble. My breath hitched. Dante held his hand in the air, signaling Knoxx that there was no threat around me. “It's okay, Alpha Knoxx. Miss Sunshine is safe. Rest easy.”“Get. Away. From. Her!” Knoxx demanded and was about to pounce at the stran
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98: Don't Love Me
SUNSHINE:I laughed in disbelief as I continued staring at Knoxx. “You’re giving the pack to Jericho? Your beloved pack whom you fought over with Alpha Ezra?” The pack whom he wanted to keep as his that he even allowed coming with me in this town to prove that he was the rightful alpha to Heartstone Pack? “Knoxx…the next time you joke, choose something which is believable. There is no way you would be handing the pack to the beta.”I understand the love he had for his brother, but handing the pack to Benedict was another discussion. The smile on my face disappeared upon seeing he did not share my happiness. Internal panic kicked in. I shook my head as breathing became even more difficult. Someone told me that Knoxx was only kidding. ‘I don’t think he can prank you right now, Sunshine.’ Helena interjected. ‘He sure is letting go of his position and settling here.’‘Here? This place offered almost nothing! This place is beyond repair. Almost everything is destroyed.’‘Maybe…he did
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99: Reject Me
SUNSHINE:Great. How exciting was my life now?The man to whom I professed my love had suddenly tried to give me to someone else. What’s the worst that he could do? My chest felt it was getting heavier with each passing second. When I started to leap to advance whatever relationship we had, then Knoxx would be crushing down the confidence I built for a long time. Did he think this would make me stop?‘It isn’t his fault. He is not ready. Can we at least wait for him? He is in pain, Sunshine. We should understand him.’‘How long? Am I not also in pain after what happened to everyone who died because of the war?’‘As long as we could. We will understand him,’ Helena said. ‘He felt so alone now, and we were the only ones who could help him. Let us show him that we are always here with him, and everything will fall into place. Sometimes, the bond between us was stupid for a moment as we continued to hang on for a slight change in the turn of events. Helena was living proof of that fooli
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100: Elderly
SUNSHINE:For the next few days, Knoxx seemed set on staying at Rogue Town. His warriors had returned to the pack, while Dante opted to stay, saying he would not leave his alpha alone. There was not a time when I did leave his side the moment I saw him. What I was thankful about was that he never pushed me away now. Jericho had been constantly asking me about my whereabouts. Whether I was fine or not even if he did not have to do it. I kept on answering that there was nothing to be worried about since I’d been perfectly fine here. “I will get there when I can,” he said, one time during our phone call. “I cannot rest knowing you are alone there without Knoxx to protect you.”I bit my lower lip as guilt weighed down my chest. I haven’t told Jericho that Knoxx was alive thinking that must come from Knoxx's mouth himself. If he was ready, I was certain he would be the one to tell his people he was alive. That was his story to tell. Not mine. As the days progressed, seeing there were
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