All Chapters of Triplet Alpha Claim: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
82 Chapters
Chapter Fifty-One: Shadows and Moonlight
Chapter Fifty-One: Shadows and MoonlightDamon POVThe night had wrapped itself around the packhouse, a cloak of quiet punctuated only by the occasional howl in the distance. Inside, my brothers and I gathered in the dimly lit study, a room filled with maps and strategies, a testament to our responsibilities as leaders of the pack.Axel leaned over the table, pointing at a section of the map. "Another rogue sighting here, near the eastern border. It's the third time this week."I rubbed my chin, pondering the implications. "It's not random. They're testing our defenses, looking for weaknesses."Zane, sitting across from us, his eyes narrowed in thought, added, "We need to increase patrols, set up more surveillance. We can’t let our guard down, not even for a moment."The seriousness of the situation weighed heavily on us. As Alphas of the pack, the safety and well-being of our people were our utmost priority. We discussed strategies and tactics, each of us contributing insights and
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Chapter Fifty-Two: Heartfelt Conversations
Chapter Fifty-Two: Heartfelt Conversations Phera POV: The morning light filtered through the curtains of my room, casting a warm, comforting glow. I was standing in front of the mirror, carefully selecting my outfit for my date with Zane. Today felt different, perhaps because of the emotional weight that had been building up over the past few days. As I was trying on a light, airy dress that seemed perfect for whatever Zane had planned, there was a soft knock on my door. "Come in," I called out, adjusting the dress. The door opened, and my mom stepped in, her expression gentle and understanding. "Good morning, sweetheart," she said, her eyes taking in my outfit. "You look lovely." I smiled, feeling a surge of affection for her. "Thanks, Mom. Zane's planned something for today, but it's a surprise." She walked over and sat on the edge of my bed, her hands folded in her lap. "I wanted to talk to you, Phera. About... everything that's been happening." I turned to face her,
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Chapter Fifty-Three: A Day of Surprises
Chapter Fifty-Three: A Day of Surprises Phera POV: Stepping out of the car, I found myself at the edge of a sprawling, beautiful vineyard. The sun was just beginning to dip toward the horizon, casting a golden hue over the rows of grapevines stretching out in every direction. It was breathtaking, a serene landscape that immediately instilled a sense of peace. "Zane, this is beautiful," I exclaimed, genuinely impressed by the picturesque scene. He grinned, obviously pleased with my reaction. "I'm glad you like it, my sunflower. I thought we could start with a little tour of the vineyard." As we began to walk through the rows of vines, Zane explained that this vineyard was one of the oldest in the region, known for its exquisite wines and stunning landscapes. We strolled leisurely, the soft crunch of gravel under our feet, the air filled with the sweet scent of grapes ripening in the sun. "The view from the top of that hill is amazing," Zane pointed to a small hill overlooking t
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Chapter Fifty-Four: Tangled Webs
Chapter Fifty-Four: Tangled WebsPhera POV: The morning after my date with Zane, I woke up to a world that seemed a little brighter, a little more vibrant. The memories of our time together lingered in my mind, a series of precious moments that I held close to my heart. However, the reality of the ongoing issues with the rogues and the Blue Moon Pack's odd behavior cast a shadow over the newfound joy in my heart.As I made my way to the kitchen for some breakfast, my thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of my brother, Nate. He looked serious, a clear indication that the issues with the rogues were escalating."Morning, Phera," he greeted me, his tone sombre. "We need to talk about the situation at the borders."I poured myself a cup of coffee, bracing myself for what was to come. "What's happening, Nate?"He leaned against the counter, his brow furrowed with concern. "The rogue attacks are becoming more frequent and more organized. It's as if they're being led by someone, or s
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Chapter Fifty-Five: Shadowed Intentions
Chapter Fifty-Four: Shadowed Intentions Unknown POV: From the shadows, I watched and waited, my plans unfolding with a precision that brought me satisfaction. The Red Moon Pack, rightfully mine, had been led astray by those three bastards – my nephews. The irony of it all was almost amusing. The pack that should have been mine was being run by the offspring of the brother I had eliminated. The rogues, under my command, had been creating the chaos I needed, testing the pack's defenses, probing for weaknesses. They were loyal, but more importantly, they were expendable. A necessary tool in my larger scheme. Josh and Alpha Erickson, though useful, were mere pawns in this game. Erickson's ambition made him easy to manipulate. He thought he was using the situation to his advantage, not realizing he was just a part of my grander plan. And Josh, blinded by his own unresolved feelings for Phera, was the perfect inside man in the Blue Moon Pack. I had been biding my time, waiting for the r
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Chapter Fifty-Six: Shrouded Intentions
Chapter Fifty-Six: Shrouded IntentionsPhera POV: The sun peeks through the slits of the blinds, casting lines of warmth across my room, pulling me from the comfort of sleep into the reality of a new day. I stretch, my body stiff from yesterday's events, the lingering sense of unease from last night's revelations still clutching at the edges of my consciousness. Today isn't just another day; it's a day that could change everything. Maybe just maybe Josh could help shed some light. I’m optimistic but I have to remember I’m asking for info regarding his pack and I’m not so sure how well that would go down with him. I shuffle out of bed, my feet cold against the wooden floor. The mirror reflects a girl who seems caught between two worlds – one of normalcy and one fraught with secrets and potential danger, not to mention a mate bond creeping up my throat to be completed. My eyes, a deep brown, carry the weight of the unresolved, and my hair, brown ringlets, falls messily around my shoul
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Chapter Fifty-Seven: Whispers in the Wild
Chapter Fifty-Seven: Whispers in the WildPhera POV: Well that was an absolute cluster-fuck! Instead of actually helping Josh just made the hard into fucking impossible with all the dodgey answers? Was there actually a third person in play? And if so, then who? The day was ending, painting the sky in shades of pink and orange. I was walking back to the pack, the familiar path feeling oddly eerie now after the mind scrabble Josh played. My heart felt heavy, a stark contrast to the usual lightness I carried after meeting with Josh. Despite the confusion, his words left a tangled mess in my thoughts. As I strolled, the only sounds were my footsteps and the distant calls of the forest creatures beginning their songs. But then, something shifted. It wasn't loud, nor was it particularly menacing at first—just the slight rustle of leaves, a whisper against the natural harmony of the forest my wolf hearing pick up.. I tried to shake off the feeling, telling myself it was just the wind or a
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Chapter Fifty-Eight: Shadows and Codes
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Shadows and CodesZane POV: I was pacing my office like a caged animal, frustration boiling within me like a tempest. The screens on my wall, usually a source of pride with their streams of financial data and pack communications, were now taunting me, displaying incomprehensible numbers and transactions that made no sense."Dammit!" I slammed my fist onto the desk, the impact sending a shiver through the wood, mirroring the storm inside me. "Who the fuck is behind this?"Axel and Damon were on the speakerphone, their voices blending into the chaotic symphony of my fury. I could barely distinguish between their reports, each word another drop in the flood of bad news washing over me."...and then there's the shipment that never arrived," Axel was saying, his voice strained with the same frustration I felt."And the energy grid disruptions are no coincidence," Damon added, his tone grim but laced so much fucking fury the person on the other end of the phone would d
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Chapter Fifty-Nine: Fractured Silence
Chapter Fifty-Nine: Fractured SilenceDamon POV:The world had tilted off its axis, the ground beneath my feet no longer solid, the air thick with a tension so sharp it could slice through bone. The news had hit us like a freight train, unyielding and merciless—Phera was missing. My Luna, the love of my life was missing. My mind, a swirling vortex of fear and rage, refused to settle, the pieces of the puzzle scattering just out of reach. Where the fuck did she go? And why the fuck didn’t she say anything to us? Just when we thought things were getting better and maybe just maybe she was ready to solidify the bond she went and did this. Fuck, when I get my hands on the little hellion her ass is going to black and blue. I felt it, the boiling blood, the simmering fury shared between my brothers and me, a silent storm raging within our veins. We had been trying, desperately, to link her, to breach the void that separated us from her, but she was out of range, beyond our call, a fact th
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Chapter Sixty: Echoes of Captivity
Chapter Sixty: Echoes of CaptivityPhera POV:Consciousness greets me not as a friend, but as an adversary, dragging me back to a reality I'm not ready to face. Disorientation is the first sensation that washes over me, followed closely by a dull, pervasive ache centred around a burning on my neck. It's a cruel reminder of the last moments before darkness claimed me: the ambush, the struggle, and the sharp, unexpected pain of acid. Crap! Even thinking about it wants me to curl in a corner and hide. Blinking against the dim lighting, I take in my surroundings with a growing sense of dread. The world has shrunk to the confines of a cold, merciless cage, its bars as unyielding as the reality I'm forced to confront. Fuck! How’d I get here and by who? This isn't just a physical trap; it's a mental one, designed to break spirits as much as bodies.Outside my prison, the room stretches, shadows clinging to its corners like spectres. There's nothing familiar about this place, nothing comfort
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