All Chapters of Triplet Alpha Claim: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
90 Chapters
Chapter Sixty-One: Betrayal Silence 
Chapter Sixty-One: Betrayal Silence Phera POV:The metallic tang of the cage seems to seep into my bones, each attempt to reach my wolf thwarted by the lingering poison of wolfsbane in my veins. Fuck! I’m supposed to be a strong warrior. I'm trapped, not just within these iron bars but within my own body, a prisoner twice over. The frustration is a living thing, clawing at my insides, a constant reminder of my vulnerability.I've always believed in the strength of my wolf, in the unbreakable bond that ties me to my pack, to the triplets. But now, isolated and weakened, doubts begin to cloud my mind, whispers of fear that I struggle to silence. It's in this moment of despair that the door creaks open, heralding the entrance of a figure I never expected to see here.Josh.He steps into the dim light, his features shadowed, yet unmistakably his. But the man I see before me is a far cry from the friend I once knew, the person I trusted. His face is a mask of indifference, his eyes devoid
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Chapter Sixty-Two: Tangled Fury
Chapter Sixty-Two: Tangled FuryDamon POV:The atmosphere in my study is charged, like the air before a storm, heavy with unsaid curses and the weight of our silent rage. Two days. Two goddamn fucking days since Phera vanished, and here we are, powerless, furious, and frayed at the edges.Axel paces like a caged beast, his usual calm nowhere in sight. "This is bullshit," he spits out, the words sharp, a raw edge to his usually controlled tone. "She's out there, and we're stuck in this damn loop of helplessness!"Zane's at the window, staring into the distance, his quiet more unnerving than any string of curses. When he turns, the storm in his eyes is enough to make me tighten my grip on the chair."We’re not just sitting ducks," he growls, "We’ll tear this world apart brick by brick if we have to."I can't sit still; the energy in the room is a living thing, feeding off our shared frustration. "And as if Phera’s disappearance wasn’t enough," I add, slamming a fist down on the table,
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Chapter Sixty-Three: A Sudden Shadow
Chapter Sixty-Three: A Sudden Shadow Damon POV: The road stretches before us, endless and winding, a ribbon cutting through the darkening landscape as we head back to Red Moon. The Alpha King’s proposal still hangs in the air, thick like the storm clouds gathering above. None of us are keen on the idea of bargaining with futures not ours to trade, yet the offer clings to our thoughts, an uninvited specter at the back of our minds. "We can't seriously be considering this," Axel breaks the silence, his voice tight with tension. He's driving, hands gripping the steering wheel like he might tear it from the dashboard.Zane, sitting shotgun, rubs his forehead, looking out the window at the passing trees. "It’s not about considering. It’s about leveraging. We don’t have to decide anything now. But it gives us an angle, something to hold onto if things get worse." I'm in the back with Adam, who's been unusually quiet since we left the palace. "It feels like a damn shackle," I mutter,
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Chapter Sixty-Four: Endurance
Chapter Sixty-Four: EndurancePhera POV:The room is cold and dim, the only light a sliver that slips through a crack above me. I hang from the ceiling, suspended by ropes soaked in wolfsbane, each thread seeping its venom into my skin, burning every inch they touch. My feet barely graze the damp floor, my body strained and suspended in a cruel parody of flight. Every moment is a battle against the pain that tracks my body. I’ve endured beatings that left me gasping for breath, each blow a stark reminder of my helplessness in this dark place. I’m sure I have a couple of broken ribs and because of the fucking wolfbane in my system I’m not healing as quick. I may as well be human at this point. The bruises on my skin are a spectrum of pain, blooming in purples and blacks, a visible testament to the cruelty I’ve faced.Above my heart, a reminder of how close I’ve come to death—a steel rod impaled just centimetres from my vital artery, left there by my captors as a brutal warning of my p
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Chapter Sixty-Five: Depths of Despair
Chapter Sixty-Five: Depths of DespairPhera POV:Author note: Detailed abuse(physical) ahead. Skip in any triggers for physical abuse trauma present. The damp, oppressive air of the cell clings to my skin as Rex steps into the dim light, his dark eyes gleaming with a cruelty that chills me to the bone. Each of his visits marks a descent further into the depths of torment, a relentless exploration of pain that he orchestrates with a cold, methodical precision. I have lost count of the days I’ve been here. "Good day, Luna," Rex greets mockingly, drawing out my title as if it’s a delicious morsel on his tongue. His footsteps echo on the stone floor, slow and deliberate, as he approaches with an unhurried confidence. The room feels smaller with each step he takes towards me.Today, his tools of torture are already prepared, laid out on a grimy table nearby—sharp implements that glint ominously under the flickering light of the single bulb above us. He picks up a thin, metal rod, turnin
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Chapter Sixty-Six:: Agonising Wait
Chapter Sixty-Six:: Agonising WaitDamon POV: It's been an excruciating three days since we bowed to the Alpha King's demands, each moment stretched taut with tension and the echo of Phera's pain that haunts us ceaselessly. Axel, Zane, and I can barely fucking function, the connection through our mate bond transmitting waves of agony that cut deep into our souls. We know, with a sinking dread, that the torment we feel is but a shadow of the brutality Phera is enduring.Fuck! We have failed her in every turn of her life. Will we ever be worth her? Every surge of pain that washes over us drains the colour from our faces, a grim reminder of our helplessness in the face of her suffering. It's a sharp, piercing reminder that she is out there, somewhere, facing unimaginable horrors alone. The thought is unbearable, a sharp thorn in our hearts that we can neither remove nor ignore.Amidst this personal torment, the Alpha King’s trackers scour the land, their efforts a constant buzz in the b
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Chapter Sixty-Seven: The Siege of Amalfi
Chapter Sixty-Seven: The Siege of AmalfiDamon POV: The flight to Italy is a blur, every mile that passes beneath us bringing us closer to Phera, to ending her torment. My brothers and I sit in grim silence, each lost in our own thoughts, our own fears for what we might find when we arrive. The coordinates lead us to a small coastal town named Amalfi, a picturesque place overshadowed now by the dark deeds unfolding at its edges.The moment our jet touches down, we're met by a team of local pack, RavenClaw Pack, who've been briefed and are ready to assist according to the eilter team the alpha king had sent with us. We waste no time; every second counts. Our command center is set up in a secure location just outside the town, hidden from view by thick groves of lemon trees, their sweet scent a stark contrast to the gravity of our mission.Axel takes charge of the aerial surveillance, coordinating with drone operators to get a live feed of the area. Zane and I focus on ground operation
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Chapter Sixty-Eight: Shadows of Treachery
Chapter Sixty-Eight: Shadows of TreacheryOne Hour Before the explosion Phera POV: The stale air of the dungeon chills me to the bone as I hang from the ropes, each moment stretching endlessly with pain and dread. The door grinds open, and Rex strides in, his presence like a dark cloud filling the small, grim space. His eyes lock onto mine, gleaming with a malicious pleasure that sends a shiver down my spine."Guess what, darling? Your beloved mates are on their way here," Rex announces, a smirk playing on his lips. The initial shock gives way to a fleeting surge of hope—maybe, just maybe, there’s a chance for escape, a chance to be saved. But as Rex continues, that hope is quickly smothered by a growing sense of horror."Oh, but don’t get too excited. They’re walking right into a meticulously laid trap. I’ve set a little surprise for them—the kind that goes boom."My heart sinks as he details his plan with relish, each word more sinister than the last."Here’s the fun part," he say
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Chapter Sixty-Nine: Masquerade of the Monstrous
Chapter Sixty-Nine: Masquerade of the MonstrousRex POV: As I watch the wolves tear into each other with feral intensity, a symphony of chaos plays in my head, each snarl and snap of teeth a note in my gruesome orchestration. The ground is slick with blood, mud mixing with the crimson stains as bodies fall and rise in a brutal dance of survival.Around me, the battle rages with savage ferocity, but inside, I'm calm, almost detached. It's as if I'm an observer, watching a play unfold—my play, where I pull the strings and manipulate each actor with precision. The air is thick with the scent of iron and fear, and it's intoxicating, feeding the darker parts of my soul."Push them back! For Red Moon!" I shout, my voice echoing over the clamor, a beacon for the weary fighters of the pack. They rally around my call, drawing strength from what they believe is a noble alliance. Little do they know, they're rallying around their downfall. I stride through the melee, my presence a rallying cry
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Chapter Seventy: Echoes of Destruction
Chapter Seventy: Echoes of DestructionAxel POV: The deafening roar of the explosion rips through the air, sending a shockwave that knocks me off my feet. I scramble up, my ears ringing, heart pounding as the reality of the situation slams into me. "Fuck," I curse under my breath, my mind racing with a thousand scenarios, none of them good."Everyone, move!" I shout, my voice raw with urgency. My team reacts instantly, spreading out in a practiced formation, but the chaos of the explosion has turned the once-organized plan into a scramble for survival.Rubble and debris are scattered everywhere, the once formidable structure now reduced to ruins. Smoke billows up, making it hard to see, and the acrid stench of burning materials fills my lungs, making it difficult to breathe. I cough, trying to clear my head and focus. "Find her. Find Phera. And watch out for any survivors or kidnappers!"The teams spread out, each warrior scanning the wreckage for any sign of Phera or her captors.
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