All Chapters of Rival Alphas: Dance of Desire: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
129 Chapters
111. (Luke POV)
Emerging from the grip of withdrawal felt like stepping out of a prolonged, oppressive darkness into the the sun. Each day unfolded like a delicate petal, revealing a touch more clarity, a shade less discomfort, and a gradual strengthening of both body and soul. This journey back to myself was painstakingly slow, a path marked by frustration and impatience, but with each passing moment, I sensed the essence of who I once was piecing back together, bit by bit.Lexi's perception of this transformation was unmistakable. Her gazes lingered, filled with a deep emotion that hadn't been there before. Her smiles radiated a warmth, an unspoken acknowledgment of the change she was witnessing. The way she looked at me spoke volumes; it was an evolving dance of glances, each one revealing her growing attraction to this reborn version of me – the Luke who once carried an air of confidence, who could draw laughter effortlessly, who stood unwavering in the face of life's challenges.One evening, ne
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112. Shared Nature (Luke POV)
The days that unfurled leading up to the full moon ceremony were like navigating through a stormy sea of emotions. Each day was a clash of feelings, a whirlwind that left me feeling unsettled and restless. The most jarring wave came crashing down when Trevor, my own brother, and Kyla, his partner, expressed a desire that took me aback – they wanted to be marked at the same ceremony as Lexi, Clay, and me. This revelation stirred a deep turmoil within me, a complex tangle of resistance and discomfort that I couldn't easily shake off. It wasn’t that I begrudged Trevor and Kyla their own moment of commitment. But this ceremony – it was meant to be a sacred seal on the bond between Lexi, Clay, and me. It was our moment to sanctify the union of our souls, a ritual marking our journey and struggles, our love, and resilience. The idea of sharing this intimate event felt like it would somehow lessen the profound significance it held for us. With a heavy heart, I found myself voicing my concer
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113. Grey (Luke POV)
The day Professor Gray arrived unannounced at our doorstep, unease immediately enveloped our home. His presence, though not unusual, always seemed to foreshadow significant news, and this time, there was a discernible tension in the air, a sense of impending revelation that hung heavy around us.As he crossed the threshold into our living room, his eyes briefly scanned the space before landing on Lexi coming down the stairs. His greeting, usually warm and familiar, was uncharacteristically formal."Congratulations, Lexi," he began, his voice steady but lacking its usual warmth. "You've completed your coursework. You're now eligible to apply for your degree." While his words were meant to be celebratory, they were overshadowed by a hesitancy in his eyes that didn't escape our notice.A brief wave of joy washed over us at his announcement, but it was quickly tempered by the undercurrent of something else, something unspoken yet heavy with implication. Professor Gray had always been a co
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114. 8 Minute Video (Clay POV)
Waking up the following day, I was filled with a sense of purpose and excitement. Today was the day I would finally reveal the surprise I had been meticulously planning for Lexi. "Why don't we go apply for your degree today?" I suggested casually to Lexi, trying to mask the anticipation in my voice. "I need to grab a few things from the gallery anyway."In reality, the gallery held more than just a few forgotten items. For weeks, I had been covertly orchestrating the transformation of the second floor into a dance studio, a dream space for Lexi. But this secret was mine alone. Neither Lexi nor Luke knew what awaited us there.Luke, who had been unusually quiet, hesitated at the suggestion. "I think I'll stay home, not feeling that well today," he said, a hint of anxiety tainting his words. I knew the real reason behind his reluctance. His growing apprehension about the spell and what Professor Gray might reveal. The weight of the unknown was clearly taking its toll on him.However, I
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115. White (Lexi POV)
My omegas, led by the ever-reliable Hilda, gathered around me, their faces etched with awe and uncertainty. This wasn't just any ceremony. It was uncharted territory for us all.Hilda stepped forward, her eyes scanning my expression for guidance. "Lexi, we're unsure how to handle this new marking ceremony. It's... different. Do you think Luke will need Luna support?" Her voice wavered slightly, betraying her confusion.I couldn't suppress the laugh. The idea of treating Luke, with his rugged alpha presence, as a traditional Luna was amusing, to say the least. "Hilda, Luke isn't a Luna. He's more like Clay's mom—both are Alphas. We're redefining roles here," I explained, smiling at the thought.Understanding dawned in Hilda's eyes, and she nodded, a smile breaking through her initial apprehension. This was new ground for all of us, but we were ready to embrace it, to step away from old traditions and carve our own path.With the omegas reassured, I decided to choose my dress for the ce
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116. Destroyed (Luke POV)
"It's about the dark magic, Luke," Gray's words haunted the air. The room seemed to shrink ."You bound their feelings, your connections, through that spell. And it seems you never broke it."I looked at Lexi, her face etched with shock, then to Clay. His look was dark, stormy, a hurricane about to break. "You didn't break the spell?" Clay's voice was a dangerous growl. "All of this... Us... because of your fucking spell?"The accusation in his voice beat at me more brutally than a lash. "I... I didn't realize, Clay. I thought it was broken. You saw it turn to ash!" My voice quivered. The room spun, the enormity of my mistake crashing over me like a relentless spiral."You didn't realize?!" Clay's voice boomed, shaking with fury. "You wrapped us, her, in something you couldn't even control? Damn you, Luke!" His control shattered like glass. In an instant, he was on me.The blow landed hard against my jaw, making me stagger backward. Physical pain shot through me, but it was nothing com
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117. Stop Doubting (Luke POV)
I stood there, my heart heavy, staring into the eyes of Lexi and Clay. The room felt cold, the warmth of our bond now just a distant memory. "After all this, my mistakes, making you both want me when maybe you didn't... you still want me?" My voice broke, the question hanging in the air, heavy with the weight of all we had lost.They nodded, their eyes shimmering with both tears and love. The dimly lit room seemed to hold its breath, waiting for my reaction. I couldn't feel anything anymore. The once vibrant connection now just an empty void where the mate bond used to reside. I touched the mark, the symbol of our bond, and looked pleadingly at Lexi.Her response was a silent, heartbreaking shake of her head. Her eyes, usually full of life and warmth, now mirrored the despair consuming me. She didn't feel it anymore, either. Clay, however, clung to a strand of hope, his voice filled with desperation. "I can still feel it, Luke. It's faint, but it's there. We just need to mark each ot
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118. Ceremony (Luke POV)
The following day, with the weight of the previous night's events still pressing heavily upon me, I found Trevor. He needed to know what had happened, why we had to delay his and Kyla's marking."Trevor, we had to break the spell," I explained, my voice hoarse from emotion. "We need to fix this first, to get our bond back. Can you... can you put off marking Kyla for another moon cycle? I really want to be there for it. I missed so much else."Trevor's expression softened, understanding dawning in his eyes. "Of course, Luke," he said. "Take care of yourselves first. We'll wait."Relief washed over me. I couldn't have handled the thought of missing such a moment for him and Kyla, especially after I had already missed so much in his life.In the living room, Lexi spoke softly to her omegas, telling them we'd handle this privately. I watched, admiration mingling with a strange nervousness in my gut.As Lexi started dressing in casual clothes, Clay stepped in, his voice carrying a weight o
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119. (Clay POV)
The night air was alive with our renewed bond as we ran through the woods. I could feel Luke's presence beside me, his energy infectious, and Lexi on my back, her laughter a melody in the cool air. Communicating directly with Luke without needing Lexi as a conduit was exhilarating. Our thoughts intertwined and danced, a rapid-fire exchange of mental messages almost dizzying in intensity."Slow down, guys!" Lexi's laughter rang out, her voice loaded with amazement. "I can't understand you both; you're talking so fast." But we were lost in our newfound connection, the joy of being linked so closely too overwhelming to temper.As the forest opened up to the river, Luke's excitement crescendoed. He bolted ahead and dove into the water, his wolf form slicing through the surface gracefully. Underwater, he swam with absolute freedom, staying submerged for what seemed like an eternity.Not wanting to be outdone, I leapt in after him. The cool embrace of the water was a shock to my system. I
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120. (Lexi POV)
The playful tension escalated when I pushed Luke down onto the beanbag, straddling him. His reaction was immediate. He leaned back on his hands, eyes locked onto mine. Like he was literally seeing me for the first time. Leaning down, I kissed him with a passion that sparked through my veins. He returned the kiss with equal enthusiasm but unexpectedly pulled away.His eyes searched mine, rich with a new intensity. "You can get pregnant now," he said, his voice a mix of caution and wonder.I couldn't help but laugh lightly, a little amused and intrigued. "Now? Couldn't I always?"Luke's explanation was earnest, filled with a seriousness I hadn't often seen in him. "Well, yes and no. I mean, your human side could always take over if we were... relentless. But now, marked and fated from the start, we have the... blessing."The word 'blessing' sounded bizarre and otherworldly in this context. I couldn't suppress a chuckle. "That sounds so strange, but I'll take your word for it. We should
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