All Chapters of Rival Alphas: Dance of Desire: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
129 Chapters
71. (Lexi POV)
Perched atop the platform, Clay and I were engrossed in my paper—or at least, we tried to be. The subject matter, "Werewolf Portrayal in Popular Media," should have been engaging for both of us, given our unique perspective on the topic. But the reality on the ground below—the lean, influential figure of Luke commanding his pack—kept stealing my focus."So, 'Werewolf Portrayal in Popular Media,' huh?" Clay broke into a playful grin, making air quotes with his fingers. "Let me guess, Twitlight didn't get it quite right?"I chuckled. "You have no idea. But hey, at least we don't sparkle in the sun, right?"Clay laughed, his eyes sparkling in a far more magical way than any fictional story. Our playful banter paused as we watched Luke call a break in the training. He sauntered over to a water cooler, gulped down half a bottle in one go, and then let the remaining water cascade over his head."He's distracted," I observed.Clay caught my gaze, his eyes growing serious. "Yeah, I'm sure he
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72. (Clay POV)
I lied.There, I admitted it. At least to myself. I told Luke and Lexi I was just taking the treaty to the council, that was true, but my mind was gnawing on another agenda. Professor Gray at the university might have some insights into the whirlpool of emotions and unprecedented connections enveloping me, Lexi, and Luke. I needed clarity, and I hoped Gray could provide some.Handing over the treaty to the council was straightforward, almost disappointingly so. I was in and out in less than a minute. The ease of it tempted me. A small voice in the back of my mind whispered that I could just drive back home, immerse myself in whatever Luke and Lexi were wrapped up in. Their emotional proximity pulsed through me, like the low hum of a sweet melody. But I sighed, steering my car toward the university.When I arrived, I slipped quietly into Professor Gray's lecture hall. I didn't want to disturb him, just listen and eventually ask him the questions that were burning a hole in my psyche.
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73. All Of You (Luke POV)
I padded through the forest, the soil yielding softly under my paws, with Lexi perched on my back. I moved deliberately, avoiding jarring her with abrupt turns or unnecessary leaps. My thoughts kept circling back to our intimate moments together, memories replaying in vivid detail. It was beautiful, electrifying, yet a knot of concern tightened in my gut.Had I been too carried away? Clay had warned me to take things slowly, but with Lexi so close in the heat of the moment, I lost all sense of caution. My instincts had seized control, drowning out reason or the protective urge I usually felt toward her.I felt a gentle tug on my ear and then a playful nip. I let out a faux whimper, playful yet clear with confusion."What was that for?" I thought, my eyes meeting hers."To get you to stop worrying about whatever's eating at you," she whispered, as if reading more of my thoughts than I allowed her to.We arrived at the river, and she slid off my back, her touch lingering momentarily a
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74. Crystal (Clay POV)
I maneuvered the truck down the winding road, my grip firm on the steering wheel. The radio played some nameless tune, filling the cab with a melody that neither calmed nor excited me. My thoughts were too preoccupied for that, dancing around the elephant in the room—or, in this case, the lack of two very specific people and the sensations they would cause if they were even touching at that moment. Were they holding back for my sake? The thought kept repeating itself in my mind, turning over like a well-oiled cog in a ceaseless machine of worry and curiosity.That's when it hit me. A sudden, overwhelming flood of sensations made my heart race.They weren't holding back. I could feel it, almost see it—a vivid tapestry of emotion and physical sensation that unrolled in my mind. Intimate touches, a rhythm as old as time, the close proximity of their bodies in a particular configuration.It was electrifying, disconcerting, and downright incredible all at once. The mixture of excitemen
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75. Darkness (Lexi POV)
My body still hummed with the memory of intimacy, every cell vibrating on a frequency that only Luke and Clay seemed to tune into. I lay there on the bed, sandwiched between their solid forms, their slow breaths mimicking the cadence of my own. A sense of wonder washed over me, something like awe but more personal. Twice in four hours, it was both exhilarating and overwhelming. My body was tender to the touch, a testament to the intensity of our connections, physical and otherwise.The sensation of their skin against mine felt like home but different—like discovering a room you never knew existed in a house you'd lived in all your life. Luke, with his rugged edges, and Clay, with his polished charm, were distinct yet strangely complementary. They felt like two halves of a whole, like puzzle pieces that had been waiting for the right moment to interlock. I marveled at the architecture of their bodies. The finely sculpted planes of their muscles, the way every curve and angle aligned
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76. (Luke POV)
I jolted awake, my heart hammering in my chest like a frenetic drumbeat. My senses screamed that something was wrong, dangerously wrong. Almost simultaneously, Clay sat up, barely avoiding my elbow."Lexi," I said, my voice thick with dread, eyes locking onto Clay's. He mirrored my concern, his eyes wide with alarm."Something's not right," he agreed, throwing off the covers. We both leapt out of bed, throwing on shirts and jogging to search the house.Each room we burst into seemed to echo back our desperation, empty and devoid of Lexi's presence. My eyes darted from corner to corner, my lungs felt tight as if they were being squeezed by an invisible hand. I was overwhelmed by a sense of doom that was not just foreboding but visceral, a dark wave that seemed to pour over me, leaving me drenched in a cold sweat.In our frenzied hunt, I found her phone on the nightstand, her purse dumped carelessly on the chair, and her keys still hanging by the door. My heart sank lower with each disc
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77. (Lexi POV)
My thoughts were jumbled, swirling around like leaves caught in a whirlpool. One moment, I was on the cold floor of a van, and the next, I felt myself being lifted. Arms, solid and sure, cradled me like I were fragile, and my eyes flickered open. For a brief second, I could have sworn it was Luke carrying me. The idea washed over me like a warm wave, filling me with an inexplicable sense of comfort. But then reality sank its teeth into me. Why would Luke be here? That didn't make sense. Nothing made sense. I was eased into the backseat of a car, still disoriented but becoming increasingly aware that I wasn't where I was supposed to be. The upholstery felt different beneath me—softer, more accommodating like it were trying to lull me into a false sense of security. "Luke?" The word escaped my lips as a whisper, almost a plea, as I leaned against the person beside me. Again, the sensation of familiarity washed over me. It felt like Luke, but I knew deep down that it wasn't. "You me
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78. It Did (Lexi POV)
I lay there, shivering in that ice-cold room for an eternity. Each passing minute drew the heat from my bones, until my entire being was reduced to a trembling mass of frigid flesh. The chilling atmosphere seeped into my soul, rendering everything else into a frozen haze. Then the door creaked open, its groan sounding like a symphony in my sensory-deprived state. My first instinct was to recoil, anticipating the return of Adam, Luke's father. But then I felt it—heat. Arms enveloped me, arms radiating warmth like a campfire in winter. For a moment, I was too overwhelmed to even care who it was. Those arms felt like a lifeline, pulling me out of an abyss of despair. As the heat soaked into me, my senses started to awaken, and I became vaguely aware that these arms were slender, and feminine. My eyes adjusted, and I turned to see Kyla lying behind me on the bed, her face stained with tears. The sight of her brought a sense of piercing clarity, like a blaze cutting through fog. I sat u
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79. (Clay POV)
We stormed back into the house, our collective anger a living, breathing entity. I felt it seep into the walls, heard it echo in the slam of the door behind us. Luke was a step ahead of me; he balled his fist and smashed it into the wall with a guttural roar. Plaster cracked. He turned, his eyes ablaze, and took out his fury on a table next, sending it crashing to the floor. Another swing of his fist found another wall.Inside, a war raged. I was grappling with an urge so strong it felt like a primal force, elemental in its ferocity. I wanted Adam's life; I wanted to see the light extinguish in his eyes, wanted to hear the ragged, futile gasps for breath as I choked the last remnants of life from him. I'd never considered myself a murderer, but what I felt now—this visceral need for retribution—had me questioning every moral code I'd ever followed.I glanced at Luke, who was taking deep, shuddering breaths, trying to rein in his emotions. He was at a precipice, and I knew that his fat
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80. (Lexi POV)
Lying in the fetal position in that icy room, shivering uncontrollably, I felt as if my very core were being hollowed out by the cold. Every muscle in my body was clenched in a futile attempt to generate warmth. The air felt like sharp needles against my skin. Each breath I took was a struggle, as if I were inhaling shards of glass. My thoughts were scattered, frozen fragments in a desolate landscape.And then, something changed. Deep within, an unfamiliar sensation emerged—a glimmer of warmth that defied the frigid atmosphere around me. It was not the dual source of comforting heat I'd come to associate with Clay and Luke, but it was unmistakable warmth, a radiant glow replacing the chilling void. My muscles relaxed a fraction, my clenched jaw softened, and my racing heart eased its frenetic pace.As I wondered about the source of this newfound warmth, my mark began to tingle. A soft, electric buzz that pulsed rhythmically, like a gentle heartbeat under my skin. I knew that tingle; t
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