All Chapters of Rival Alphas: Dance of Desire: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
129 Chapters
61. Arena (Clay POV)
The day of the pack meeting descended upon us faster than the winter storm bearing down on us as we left for the school. Before I knew it, we walked into the local werewolf high school arena where Luke and I had once been students. We played football together on this very field. There was a strange sense of déjà vu, like revisiting a dream but with the edges blurred by reality. Typically, these gatherings occurred in the auditorium, but today was different. Challenges were in the air, and this space would save the trouble of transitioning from talk to combat.I led Lexi toward the Luna section, my footsteps hesitant. For a moment, the idea of leaving her there crossed my mind, but I quickly dismissed it. There wasn't another human Luna at the moment, and the werewolf Lunas would bombard her with questions the second Luke and I stepped away. I could feel their curiosity already, almost prickling my skin.In stark contrast to my guarded demeanor, Luke radiated a sense of effortless, a
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62. Challenges (Luke POV)
Pulling on black pants and a white button-down, I surveyed my reflection in the full-length mirror against the bedroom wall. My fingers grazed over a sleek, dark tie resting on the counter, but I hesitated. I glanced in the mirror at the mark on my neck, exposed to anyone who bothered to look closely. It was tempting to button up the collar and hide the intimate brand that linked me to Clay and Lexi. The werewolf world didn't know about us, not in the way that mattered. Yet, even as I considered the tie, I pushed it aside.I could almost hear the whispers and feel the questioning glances, each one a stab at my newly complicated identity. But there was no real point in hiding it. Our kind wasn't easily fooled. Their senses would alert them to the oddity among us. Rumors spread like wildfire, especially about a prodigal Alpha-to-be who left for the human world and returned...different. My shirt stayed open, and the mark remained exposed. A symbolic, if futile, 'come and get me' to anyon
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63. Brutal (Clay POV)
I took each step toward the pit deliberately, as if trying to slow down time itself. Every crunch of gravel beneath my boots was a metronome, counting the seconds to the inevitable conflict. The crowd that gathered sounded like a storm, a constant hum of voices rolling like thunder, punctuated by the occasional laughter or sharp words like a lightning flash.Yet, my thoughts were an intricate maze of strategy. Each calculated movement, every imaginable maneuver or lunge, unfurled in my mind like a well-choreographed dance. Then, Lexi's voice broke through, her question about her surname like a ripple in a still pond, disrupting my concentration.The Council had inquired what name Lexi should carry. I had impulsively decided to keep her name, questioning whether she'd even want to be a Carmichael. In that instant, hearing her voice filled with playful disappointment, a wave of regret washed over me. I'd made a choice for her without asking, underestimating her readiness to be part of
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64. Golden (Luke POV)
My eyes locked onto the savage ballet unfurling below, a heart-wrenching dance of snarls, fur, and fangs. Clay and Trevor circled each other, predatory and feral, in a pit now an arena of ancestral rites and simmering rivalries.Every part of me was in a state of upheaval. My brother had been rash and arrogant, traits I recognized because they lived in me, too. But it was Clay in the pit, the person I had grown to trust and love, fighting my fight. It felt like I was watching a clash between two divergent parts of my own soul.I gripped the edge of the barrier that separated the spectators from the combatants, my knuckles turning white from the strain. The tension was so thick I felt like I could reach out and grab it. And then, like a knife through the fog, the impulse surged within me. I wished it were me down there. I wished I could carry the weight of this moment for Clay. I turned my eyes to Lexi. She stood there, solid and resilient next to me, in the eye of this storm. She st
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65. Carmichael (Lexi POV)
Standing in the medical tent, I felt like I'd been swept up in a cyclone of unbelievable events. This morning, I had walked into the arena with the intoxicating scent of damp earth and the musk of wolves filling my nostrils. Every eye was fixed on me, sensing my unfamiliarity like bloodhounds on a scent. Luke had warned me, but experiencing it firsthand was different. Then there was Colton Corbin, that strangely nerdy "Alpha" who had talked down to me like I was an intruder. I felt like shaking him and telling him he had no idea who he was dealing with. And that fight, my God, the brutality, and the raw display of power all swirled around me, leaving me unsteady.My eyes shifted to Clay, wincing instinctively as the needle punctured his skin for another stitch. I couldn't detach myself from the unease that tightened my stomach with each new stitch that brought him relief. It was as if I was mirroring his physical pain in an emotional maze I hadn't yet navigated.The healer interrupt
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66. Beta Bites (Clay POV)
"Trevor, you'll need to swing by the pack house in a day or two. We need to hash out the new treaty," I said, locking eyes with him for a moment before we parted ways. From where I lay sprawled in the backseat of the car, the energy of the day felt like a heavy blanket, both comforting and smothering. Luke took the wheel, his eyes focused on the road ahead, but I knew he carried the weight of more than just driving. Lexi leaned over the center console, her fingers finding mine in the back. The warmth of my touch was enough to send her into an almost immediate slumber. Luke reached over and began to twirl strands of her black hair around his finger, a soft look in his eyes that he rarely revealed. "She was strong today, you know," I remarked, squeezing Lexi's hand lightly as I said it. "Yeah, I noticed that, too," Luke chuckled, but it was an auto-response. I could tell his mind was elsewhere. It was a mask I'd seen him wear too many times before. "Thanks for doing all this for me
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67. Healing (Luke POV)
The knowledge hit me like a ton of bricks. Sixteen? Sixteen! I couldn't wrap my head around the sheer idiocy of it. My thoughts on my brother's actions were a swirling vortex of disbelief and disappointment, painting a bleak picture of the path he was carving out. I was hoping there was more to the story than what I knew at the moment. Many Alphas claim their young mates, yes, but they have the decency to wait to seal the bond until their Luna is of an appropriate age. Kyla was far too young for any of this. I hoped my brother was decent enough to realize this because otherwise, we would have a few more...conversations...after he signed the new treaty. Switching gears, we started discussing the specifics of the treaty. Clay leaned back, crossing his arms over his chest as he casually said, "I'm thinking of extending the treaty to 20 years."I erupted in laughter. "Twenty years? Trevor would rather surrender his left nut than agree to that.""Well," Clay shrugged, "Considering the
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68. (Lexi POV)
I stood in front of the bathroom mirror, my makeup brush poised in the air as my eyes caught the glimmer of my Luna mark. Nestled on my neck, the crescent moon was perfectly healed now, its curves as elegant as fine calligraphy. Staring at it, a sense of purpose washed over me, anchoring me to the present moment. I resumed applying my eyeliner, my thoughts drifting to the horrifying stories Luke and his brother endured. Those dark memories cast a shadow that eerily mirrored my own past after my father died. The weight of those years felt isolating, but the difference was, Luke and his brother had each other. I never had a sibling to lean on.Exiting the bathroom, the sight that met me in the bedroom startled me. Luke stood there, leaning into the open safe. "Luke, what exactly are you up to?" My tone hinted at suspicion and concern, the words laced with an urgent need for clarity.Like a deer frozen in headlights, he looked caught, stuttering before finally speaking. "Lexi, Trevor's
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69. Both of Us (Clay POV)
The front door closed behind us, sealing off the outside world and its never-ending complications. Lexi's eyes met mine, and I could see a twinkle in them that wasn't there before."Kyla's not what she appears to be. She's no wallflower, Clay. She's got this quiet strength," Lexi said, her voice tinged with awe.Before I could respond, Luke sprawled onto the couch with an exaggerated sigh, a sense of relief radiating from him. Clearly, making it through the meeting without punching Trevor had lifted his spirits. He looked up at Lexi and smirked. "So, are you aiming for the title of First Luna or Second Luna?"I chuckled and jumped in before Lexi could reply. "Well, 'Second Luna' over here just announced our complex relationship dynamic to the whole werewolf community. Trevor's about as tight-lipped as a sieve."Lexi burst into laughter, her whole face lighting up. "Oh, really now?"Without missing a beat, I scooped her up effortlessly and slung her over my shoulder, feeling her laught
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70. First Time (Luke POV)
The sheets beneath us felt like an oasis, and for a brief moment, time seemed to pause, allowing us to bask in the haze that enveloped us. Our limbs were interlaced in a tangled mess. Just as I was drifting off, a noise pierced through the fog. It was the unmistakable sound of footsteps echoing from below. The Omegas were back, their duties calling them to set our household in order.I leaped up urgently, crossing the room in a single stride to slam the door shut and turn the lock. The audible 'click' felt like a barrier between us and the world beyond, sealing this intimate space for a bit longer.Clay chuckled as I sank back onto the bed. "I hope you've got reserves, man," he said with a smile. "We've got training in an hour, and my shifting abilities are still off the table for another day or two. So we are 'humaning' it."I let out an exaggerated groan, burying my face in the crook of Lexi's neck, inhaling the intoxicating scent that was uniquely her. She laughed, a sound that so
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