All Chapters of To Trap A Kiss: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
85 Chapters
Fifteen: Audrina Bianchi
FifteenAudrina Bianchi “Where are you going?” Marie Bianchi asked. It was Friday, and I had managed to arrange a club outing for Daniela. Luca and Niccolo would be there, and so would Louis. I was wearing a silver, Valentino dress, with a matching pair of strappy, silver high heels. “I’m going out.” Marie Bianchi was a tall, dark haired woman woman in her forties whose plastic surgery had been paid for by the work I did as a model. “Do you actually care?” I asked. If she were the kind of parent that gave a crap, she would have. Especially since I had been arrested for having drugs in my purse and that was the whole reason we were in Boston in the first place. She was sitting on the couch in the living room of our loft, flipping through a magazine, not even looking up from it to talk to me. “No. But I received a call from Andre this afternoon. He’s very upset that he hasn’t seen you recently. And you know, he is footing the bill for this place.” At this, she looked up from
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Sixteen: Luca Capaldi
SixteenLuca Capaldi We finished our breakfast with Wilkins, and then I took Audrina to the Prudential Center. It was a large, shopping mall filled with designer stores with everything from Dior to Kate Spade. “What are we doing here?” Audrina asked. “You know I can just have my stuff shipped from my home.” I laughed. “You’d have to go back to New York to do that. I’m not letting you out of my eyesight now that I’ve got you. Besides, since the public knows that we’re married now, there’s something important that the two of us need to do.” Audrina groaned. “Please don’t tell me that you want to have a vow renewal ceremony or something. The wedding in Vegas was enough. I don’t want to live through that experience again.” I kept my face neutral. Audrina was the kind of girl that loved to put on a show. When we were younger, we’d gotten married as a spur of the moment thing to keep her safe from Andre. Now, we were adults, with money of our own. Not that we’d ever been poor. We’d
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Seventeen: Audrina Bianchi
Seventeen Audrina Bianchi Maybe I shouldn’t have given in this easily. After all, sex in relationships was a power move, wasn’t it? I hadn’t expected Andre to come back. I hadn’t expected Luca to offer to buyout my family so that I could run my business. Without my family involved, then I would be able to run an honest business. One that didn’t involve smuggling drugs in with my merchandise. And we knew the location of where my daughter was. On my darkest nights, I had thought that she was in another country because I had searched everywhere for her. I didn’t have her yet. But I had no doubt with Luca by my side that I would get her back. Luca was the one person in my life that I had been able to count on. Even when I had betrayed him. He was still constantly trying to save me. The only reason that he had given up on me was because I had pushed him away for his safety. And I’d killed Giuseppe for his safety too. If Niccolo had stayed in power, Giuseppe would have used Luca as a p
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Eighteen: Luca Capaldi
Eighteen Luca Capaldi The drive home was far too long. Even watching Audrina play with herself. Even with having had her mouth on my cock. When we got to the house, I didn’t even let Rick open the door for us. I got out, and pulled her with me. I dragged her through the house, up the stairs, and to my room. Our room. She was still wearing the same dress that she’d come to me the previous night in. I took it off of her. Then her bra, and panties. When she was completely naked, I picked her up and wrapped her arms around my neck and legs around my torso. She kissed me deeply, and I could feel my cock bulging in my pants against her core. I found myself sticking my finger into the crevice of her perfect ass. Audrina’s eyes widened. “Do you like that, Beauty Queen?” She blushed fiercely, and nodded. “I do.” “Good. Because I’m going to fuck you there eventually. Maybe I’ll even make you wear a buttplug. Just to torment you a little the way that you torment me all of the time.” A
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Nineteen: Audrina Bianchi
NineteenAudrina Bianchi When I got home from going to the club with Luca, Andre was there in my apartment with Marie. The two of them were sitting by the couch, talking and laughing like they were old friends. “Oh, you’re home,” Marie said when I came into the door, “Andre stopped by to visit. He was awfully upset when you weren’t here.” Andre looked up, his blue eyes roaming my body. My stomach twisted in knots. It wasn’t like when Luca looked at me. When I wanted him to. No, this felt like Andre trying to take something---someone----that wasn’t his to take. Because I didn’t give a fuck about Andre. I hated him. And if it weren’t for his connections, and Marie’s coke habit, I wouldn’t have anything to do with him. “You look nice, all dolled up,” Andre said, “I was planning to take you out on the town. But it seems you’ve already done that yourself. Maybe, instead, we could stay in and have some fun together, eh?” Marie smiled. “Andre got me and my friends reservations for th
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Twenty: Luca Capaldi
Twenty Luca Capaldi A whole month. Audrina missed a school for a whole month. I checked her social media accounts, and I saw her posting pictures. She was everywhere but Boston. Even though I knew she was supposed to be staying in the city, even though I knew she had community service that she was supposed to be doing. I knew it had something to do with Antonov, but I didn’t know what. “What are you doing?” Daniela asked. The two of us were studying in my room. Well, Daniela was studying.I had my cell phone out and I was looking at Audrina on social. “Nothing.” I quickly pocketed my phone away. Daniela smiled at me. “It’s not nothing. You only ever look that guilty when there’s a girl involved, or you’ve been masturbating.” I glared at her. “You have never once caught me masturbating.” She snorted. “Yes, I have. And I’ve caught Niccolo doing it too.” I laughed at her. “Really?” She nodded. “He wouldn’t look me in the eyes for a week.” I smirked. “Well, you know that you’re
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Twenty-one: Audrina Bianchi
Twenty-one Audrina Bianchi The first few years of my life weren’t that bad. I had a happy family, even. Mama---that’s what I called Marie before I found out the truth----took care of me during the day. I remembered coloring at the kitchen table while she baked in the kitchen, humming to herself along to the old radio we had. At night, Dad would come home, always with dinner and a smile for the two of us. Dad would kiss Mama and spin her around, until she’d hit his chest making her burst into laughter. It was a happy time. Things changed on my thirteenth birthday. Grandfather Lorenzo always made the biggest deal out of birthdays and holidays. Everyone would gather around for a celebration. I had a frilly pink dress Mama had gotten for me. There was a giant, pink Unicorn cake. I’d already been modeling for a few years at that point and there were a few other girls that I’d made friends with who were models also that came. Grandfather themed the back patio of his upstate, New York ma
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Twenty-two: Luca Capaldi
Twenty-two: Luca CapaldiThe plane ride was the longest one of my life. I had no idea what I would find when I got to New York. If Audrina would even want to talk to me. She had every reason not to. And I was still seething from everything that she had told me. When my own mother had died, Augusta had been the closest thing I had to one. She had been a maid but she had felt more like family. Still, Audrina was my life. The woman I had been in love with since I was a teenager. I wasn’t going to let her slip through my fingers all because of one fight. There was also the long drive to The Barretta Mansion. They lived in upstate New York. The family did have a place in Manhattan, on the Upper East Side, but Audrina’s Grandfather, the head of the Barretta crime family, was rarely in the city anymore. He was old enough and powerful enough that he made people come to him instead of the other way around. When I got to the Barretta mansion, there were two men standing there. The last time
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Twenty-three: Audrina Bianchi
Twenty-three Audrina Bianchi I hadn’t planned on going back to Andre after the fight. Except that I’d been pacing in the back yard of Luca’s mansion, worrying what he was going to do with me now, when something hard pressed into the back of my skull. A strong hand gripped my shoulder so roughly that I was certain that I was going to have bruises on there. “If you don’t come with me, your daughter is going to die.” It was his voice. The voice that had had so much control over my life. Andre. Slowly, I turned around to face him. “How did you find me?” He laughed. “I’ve been here before, remember? When I tried to get you back after that little shit stole you from me. Your Grandfather wanted us married. We were supposed to unite our families. And you screwed everything up.” I spat in his face. “Your brother tried to kill me!” Andre’s eyes darkened, and he wiped the spit from his cheek. “Funny thing about that, Audrina. You know that they found my brothers body recently?” The hair
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Twenty-four: Luca Capaldi
Twenty-four Luca Capaldi This wasn’t what I had planned on happening when I took Audrina to Foley’s. I wanted to take her some place where she could tell me about her life without worrying about the wrong person hearing about it. The Foley’s ran a whole different part of Boston that my father couldn’t touch, not unless he wanted to start shit. And since they were technically family, because Niccolo and me were related by marriage, he wouldn’t go there. I had no idea that the Foley’s were involved with The Fixer either though. But Audrina’s face when she saw the man spoke volumes. She ran to him. “Daddy, what are you doing here?” He was a tall man, with brown hair, and brown eyes. He also reeked of beer. “Can’t call me that anymore, ‘Drina. Not your dad.” Audrina stiffened, but the man stumbled, and she caught him before he fell off of the chair that he was sitting on. “You raised me. You’re still my dad, even if you don’t think you are. Blood doesn’t mean anything. It’s who shows
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