All Chapters of To Trap A Kiss: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
85 Chapters
Twenty-five: Audrina Bianchi
Twenty-five: Audrina Bianchi I still called The Fixer Dad in my head. I had never known Alessandro Ramono, and he had never made it a point to know me. The Fixer was the only father I had ever known. He might have been the scariest man in all of the crime families. I took him into his apartment. He’d given me a key in case I had any emergencies. Even though I wasn’t his daughter, he still tried to look out for me. I dragged him up the front steps of his stoop, into his apartment, and I placed him on the couch. I then went to go and get him some water. “Dad. Daddy!” I called out. I sat down on the edge of his couch. He snorted awake. “Shit!” He winced, and pressed his fingers to the temples of his forehead. Dad looked around. When he spotted me, he groaned. “Audrina, you shouldn’t be here.” I glared. “What was I supposed to do, Daddy? Was I supposed to leave you at the bar drunk, so that you could choke on your own vomit?” He sighed. “You’re not supposed to call me Daddy anymore
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Twenty-six: Luca Capaldi
Twenty-six: Luca Capaldi The minute I got back to Boston, there was someone pointing a gun at my head. “You must be a fucking idiot,” a familiar voice said, as the gun dug into my skull. I laughed. “You come quickly when you’re threatened.” The Fixer glared at him. “I shouldn’t have even bothered with such a bold, fucking request but I heard a rumor that Andre Antonov was back stateside so I thought that maybe there was something wrong. I didn’t want the bastard anywhere near Drina.” “Yeah, he’s back,” I said, “and he kidnapped Audrina. At least that’s my working theory. We got into a fight because she told me the truth about how she ratted Augusta out in order to save her own skin.” The Fixer raised an eyebrow. “Where the fuck did you get that idea?” “Because that’s what she said before she disappeared. She implied that she was the one for telling the Ramono’s where Augusta was hiding.” The Fixer removed the gun from my head, then turned me around. “You’re a fucking idiot.”
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Twenty-seven: Audrina Bianchi
Twenty-seven: Audrina Bianchi Andre had a large, blown up picture of my Vogue cover in the entry way. He stood behind me, pressing himself up against my backside. I could feel him. He was hard, and it made my mouth fill with vile. It hadn’t been so long ago that I had been in bed with Luca. That my husband had been making me feel all sorts of wonderful things. Now though, it wasn’t Luca. It was the man that had been my abuser for years. He made me sick. He brushed back my hair, his fingers grazing my neck, making it flinch. “Do you like the picture? I had it specially made. You were so excited about that cover. I even threw you a party that night. You invited your little friends. And of course, you fucking betrayed me.” He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me around roughly so that I was now facing him. “It drove my wife mad, having that there. But I always made sure that she knew that you were the only woman for me.” I didn’t know what to do. His poor wife. Andre was a monster, and
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Twenty-nine: Audrina Bianchi
Twenty-nine: Audrina Bianchi “You’ve got to wear the dress that Andre got you.” This order came from Marie as I was getting ready for the party to celebrate the launch of my Vogue cover. It was also supposed to be my birthday, but there hadn’t been any mention of that. Marie wasn’t exactly the kind of woman that was sentimental about things. Of course, how could she be sentimental when I wasn’t even her own daughter? When Daddy had stayed----The Fixer----it might have been enough to make her love me. But now, I was nothing more than a reminder of what she had lost. For that reason, she hated me. And did what she could to make my life miserable. As my makeup team worked on my face, I clenched my hands in fists. I had a plan. Things were going to be okay. Luca knew the truth about who I was. Daniela was coming to the party, and tonight I would tell her the truth about me. Daniela was the sweetest person I knew. Once she realized that we were sisters, there was no way that she wou
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Thirty: Luca Capaldi
Thirty Luca Capaldi I couldn’t find Audrina anywhere. The night had started off so good and then Marie had ruined everything the way she usually did. Daniela, strangely, (or maybe not) was dancing with Niccolo. The two of them had been in a weird rythm and Niccolo had mentioned something about scaring off some guy at the coffee shop a while ago that had resulted in a “date” between them. He assured me it was a one time thing. I didn’t buy it for one second as I watched the two grind up against each other. My brother looked happy for once. He was just too much of a dumbass to realize that was a good thing. Me, I wanted my girl. I got up from the black, velvet couch that I was sitting on and went to go look for her. I pushed my way through the crowds of people dancing in the club. I’d had an idea of how this night was supposed to go. I was supposed to get Audrina alone and we were supposed to be together. Maybe even run off to Vegas and get The Fixer and Giuseppe to sign off on
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Thirty-one: Audrina Bianchi
Thirty-one: Audrina Bianchi The dress that was left out for me to wear didn’t provide much coverage. I’d worn less at photoshoots but it was different when I wasn’t given a warning before hand. And someone I hated was making me wear the thing. It was off the shoulder, backless, and red. I had no idea how I was going to wear it. I also didn’t want to be wearing it while I met my young daughter for the first time. But I knew what would happen if I didn’t wear it. I left my hair down and once I finished, there was a knock on the bedroom door. “Audrina?” I heard Andre call. “Are you ready? Our guests are here.” I took a deep breath. Then I opened the door. Andre’s eyes roamed over my body, and I tried hard to keep my face perfectly neutral even though the lust he had for me was making me want to throw up. I had never once wanted him the way that he wanted me. I couldn’t understand why he wouldn’t just let me go. But Andre was all about control. It wasn’t that he loved me. It was
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Thirty-two: Luca Capaldi
Thirty-two: Luca Capaldi When my father was alive, everyone second guessed me. They would look to Giuseppe, then Niccolo, then me. But only as a last resort. And usually because it was something neither my father or my brother wanted to do. Now though, I was the head of our family organization. I had power and people to do things for me. The Fixer said we had to take on the Barretta’s together. Because if we didn’t get rid of them, they would come after all of us. I had my family with me. Niccolo, who had come back when I explained everything that was going on. My cousin Domitus, who was from the New York branch of the Capaldi family. Along with his brothers, Felix, Anthony, and Benedict. Then there were the cousins from Miami. Marius, Julian, and Noah. And the ones from Los Angeles. Cristian, Gio, and Xavier. Thirteen of us all together and that didn’t include the other men that we had underneath us. Or The Fixer, who was the important part of all of this. “Explain to me w
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Thirty-three: Audrina Bianchi
Thirty-three: Audrina Bianchi I kept on pulling at my hair on the car ride to my daughter’s home. “Where did you say we were again?” “Connecticut,” Vale said. I glanced back at him. “Why Connecticut?” “You really think anyone from the organization was going to think she was here? Audrina Bianchi’s long, lost out of wedlock daughter?” I coughed. “She wasn’t born out of wedlock. Remember, I married Luca in Vegas.” “That was real?” Vale said. I nodded. “Yes.” “I always figured that was just something the two of you cooked up so that Andre would leave you alone.” I shook my head. “No, it was real. And Grandfather Lorenzo still tried to make me marry the bastard even after he knew about everything that was going on with him. He kept on threatening to get the marriage to Luca annulled. Said that Luca had taken advantage of me.” Vale raised an eyebrow. “He didn’t, did he?” “No,” I said, “he didn’t. If anything, once I saw him, I wanted him more. I was the one who sent
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Thirty-four: Luca Capaldi
Thirty-four:Luca Capaldi When I brought Audrina home on the night of her birthday, Augusta was in the kitchen. She was preparing the weeks meals for us. She never knew if we would be home or not when she was and she liked to have freshly prepared food for when she wasn’t available to cook. Augusta was playing Frank Sinatra on the radio and singing to herself as she made fresh pasta. I told Audrina to wait out in the hall. “Augusta?” I called. Augusta looked up and smiled at me. “Luca, nino, what are you doing home early? I thought that you were supposed to be out with that girl you have a crush on. Dani said something about a birthday party for her?” I blushed fiercely. “Daniela talks too much.” The older woman smiled at me. “She is my daughter. Of course, she does. So, did something bad happen?” I shook my head. “Actually, uh. I brought her home with me.” Augusta wagged a finger at me. “You better not get that girl pregnant. She seems like an ambitious young woman. She
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Thirty-five: Audrina Bianchi
Thirty-five: Audrina Bianchi I had never been happier. I had met my aunt. She knew who I was finally. And she was going to get me out of the Barretta family grasp. I would get to marry Luca. The boy that I loved. And everything would be fine. I let Luca take my hand and lead me to his room. The second I was out of Augusta’s eyesight, Luca started kissing me. “You’re going to be my wife,” he growled, as he bit down on my lower lip. Wife. When Andre had talked about it, being married felt like a death sentence. When Luca talked about it, the idea of being married to him felt like heaven. I giggled nervously. He was pressed up against me, and I could feel his cock in between my legs. “Are you going to fuck me finally, then?” He laughed. “Not until I make an honest woman out of you, Beauty Queen. But Augusta did tell us to go to my room. Of course, there’s all kinds of things that we can get up to in there. I can still give you what you need, huh?” “Good.” I kissed his neck, and
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