All Chapters of Kindly Sign the Divorce Papers, Curt: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
884 Chapters
Chapter 151
"Tammy came over just now and told me that I was pregnant, but Curtis didn't believe that the baby was his, so he got someone to cause my miscarriage. Tammy also said that Curtis was the one who made me jump into the river and commit suicide."Margot couldn't hold back her emotions and cried.She continued, "I wanted to give him a chance, Tommy. But I cannot accept the fact that I had a miscarriage."Besides, why would I remember everyone but him and Tammy? Perhaps I subconsciously wanted to forget about him."Perhaps those memories were too painful. Since I've already forgotten about it, then I shouldn't try to recall it. I don't want to stay by his side and let the same things happen again."Margot wanted to leave Curtis before she could cry over him.She wanted to cut him from her life while her heart still wouldn't hurt.Tommy couldn't advise any further when he heard Margot's words.He had always suspected that Curtis had something to do with Margot's suicide.If it was l
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Chapter 152
Curtis didn't know what Tammy had told Margot, to the point that Margot thought he was the one who caused her miscarriage.He tried to explain, "I told you that I didn't even know you were pregnant. I only went over after you got hospitalized for your miscarriage.""When did I have my miscarriage?" Margot asked coldly.She didn't want to argue with him.Curtis thought briefly before replying, "Over a month ago."Margot asked, "Over a month ago? It's been a good half month since I regained consciousness after that incident, right? So you're saying that you brought me down to work with you in the countryside not long after I miscarried?"Curtis replied, "Back then, I …"Margot said, "I don't care how you treated me before this, Curtis. I also don't care why I married you."But I really can't live together with you. I hope we can get divorced after this trip. We'll part amicably, okay?"Tommy said that she would never win against Curtis if they were to bring the matter to court.
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Chapter 153
Margot finally finished her vacation. The first thing she did once she got home was to find Curtis for the divorce.Margot sat in the living room of the villa. She was looking through the marriage certificate that Doris had gotten out for her.She looked at the date of the certificate and saw that she had only married Curtis for eight months.They had only been married for eight months, but so much had happened.She looked at the time. It was 7:00 pm.Margot asked Doris, "When is Curtis coming back?"Doris had just finished preparing for dinner.She looked up at Margot and replied, "I'm not sure about this. He has not been back since you've gone on your vacation. I'm not sure if he'll be back tonight either."Margot told Doris, "Then can you call him and ask him to come back? Just tell him that I have some matters to find him."Doris replied, "Alright."Before Curtis came back, Margot returned to her room to pack up her baggage.Her semester will start in a few days. She has
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Chapter 154
Margot didn't believe in Curtis' lies at all.If he could make her happy, he wouldn't have suspected that the baby she was carrying belonged to someone else and caused her miscarriage.If he could make her happy, would she be despaired to the point of jumping into the river to commit suicide?A leopard can't change its spots, after all. Men were the same in Margot's eyes.She would just take their words with a grain of salt and not believe it.Margot said, "I've already made up my mind regardless. Either you draft the divorce agreement as soon as possible so I can sign it, and we can part amicably."Or I'll make you regret it if you don't want to get a divorce with me."Margot was resolute.Curtis looked at her helplessly and said in a low voice, "Then you should show me how much I will regret it."He didn't want to discuss the matter with her anymore, so he said, "Once you're done, you should come down and have dinner."He then left the room.When Margot turned around aga
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Chapter 155
So Margot had punctured his car tires during the short time she was out?What kind of trick was this?Curtis was helpless against her. He then took out his cell phone and called Chester.He said, "Drive over and send Margot to her university."Since she didn't want him to follow along, he'd just not go then.…Margot had called for a cab online. Before Chester reached her, she had taken the cab to the university.When she dragged her suitcase to the dormitory, she realized her bed was occupied by another person.She argued angrily with the newcomer and said, "Did you not see that this is my bed? Why did you take out all my things?"The woman replied innocently, "But the professor arranged for me to sleep here?"Margot said, "But this is my bed!"Margot's former roommate rushed over just as the two of them were arguing over the matter.Quinn immediately pulled Margot over and said, "The professor indeed arranged for her to sleep in this bed, Margot."The professor said that
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Chapter 156
All of them were drunk.Chester waited until they passed out before arranging for their transport back to the university.Of course, Margot was carried by Curtis into the car.Margot's demeanor changed as soon as she was drunk. A mischievous thought crossed her mind as soon as she got into the car and saw Curtis' handsome face.She reached out to guide Curtis' chin to face herself and boldly spoke, "Hey, looking good there, handsome! How about you stay the night with me? I'll even pay you for it!"Curtis was speechless.He coldly looked at Margot beside him.He got madder when he recalled all the terms she had used to describe him earlier.Curtis wasn't willing to speak to her at all. He had a stiff and icy expression on his handsome face.Chester was driving and dared not speak. He could only glance backward occasionally from the rearview mirror.Margot was probably the only person in the world that would treat Curtis like this.Chester thought that Curtis was the same as w
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Chapter 157
Curtis remained silent, but it was evident that his patience had been maxed out.Drowning in anger, he was initially planning to pull away from Margot, who was underneath him.However, Margot was like a teasing little imp when she was taking the initiative.How could a man like him be able to resist her?Curtis finally yielded to her in a punitive manner.…It was already 12:00 pm the next day when Margot woke up.The sun was already high up.Margot rubbed her eyes sleepily as she sat up. She suddenly realized that she had nothing on her.Her eyes widened immediately as she stared down dumbfoundedly.It was more so when she had felt pain all over her body as if someone had dismantled and reassembled her.So had she … been taken advantage of by someone else last night?Margot immediately looked for her phone to call the police when she thought of it.However, she dismissed the thought of calling the police when she saw the familiar room she was in.Wasn't this her room?W
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Chapter 158
Margot was spacing out at home for the entire day.Her roommates had only woken up at noon. They called her to ask for her whereabouts and whether she was alright.Margot told them that she was fine. After she ended the call, she continued staring at the video Curtis had sent her. She was on the couch in the living room.So, she was the one that had forced herself on Curtis.It wasn't him that had taken advantage of her vulnerability.Why did she behave like this when she was drunk?If it was someone else, she would've been screwed for good!Margot rolled around on the couch angrily.She swore to never drink again in the future.Upon remembering something, she quickly took her phone and sent a message to Curtis.Margot texted, "Um … Did you put on a condom last night?"She felt extremely embarrassed when she sent the text out. She immediately cupped her burning cheeks as she anticipated Curtis' reply.Curtis was having a meeting in the room at the moment.The phone that wa
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Chapter 159
Margot busied herself eating during dinnertime. She didn't even spare Curtis, who was sitting opposite her, a glance.Curtis was expressionless, but his gaze was deep as he looked at her.He watched as she ate heartily before speaking leisurely, "From now on, you can't drink alcohol and enter bars. You also can't hang out with any other men."Margot lifted her gaze at him when she heard his words.She questioned, "Why must I listen to you?"Curtis replied, "You can only listen to me."He was back with his condescending attitude again.Margot gritted her teeth and said, "Who do you think you are? Since you don't want to divorce me, I'll head out and find other men just to spite you!"Curtis was speechless.He pursed his lips and convinced himself not to get angry with her.Margot was just in her rebellious phase. It was normal for her to want to disobey him.He had to coax her and not be forceful with her. Otherwise, it might just backfire on him.Curtis said, "You can fool
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Chapter 160
Margot returned to her room after finishing her dinner.She tossed and turned on her bed while thinking about everything Curtis had told her.Even though she found them reasonable, can relationships be forced?She was really troubled.…Margot couldn't sleep no matter how much she tossed and turned on her bed late at night.She didn't even realize it when Curtis entered her room. It wasn't until her head had moved to the end of the bed and she looked up that she saw someone above.Margot was startled and sat up with a jolt.She asked, "You … Why did you appear out of nowhere?"Margot looked alarmingly at Curtis, who stood beside her bed.Curtis had a gentle look as he said, "I can stay with you if you can't sleep. You used to like it when I hugged you to sleep."It was the same as the previous night.She had snuggled into his embrace after they were done. Not only had she fallen asleep quickly, she had a deep sleep as well.Margot's cheeks reddened when she heard his words
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