All Chapters of Kindly Sign the Divorce Papers, Curt: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
880 Chapters
Chapter 131
Margot blinked her doe-like eyes as she gazed at the man before her. Her voice became increasingly faint."Can't I call you 'Curt'? Your name is Curtis Crosby, right?"She didn't know why she had to call him "Curt", but it seemed very befitting for him.Curtis found himself unable to speak. As he gazed at the individual before him, the sound of her calling him "Curt" lingered in the air, a comforting familiarity that hinted at positive prospects.With a gentle expression on his face, he nodded and said, "Of course you can. You can call me whatever you want.""Alright, you guys carry on then. I'll be heading over there."With that, Margot hastily turned around and ran off.She felt that her change toward that man had been too sudden, and it would make others think that she had deliberately approached him to build a relationship after learning his identity. That wasn't the case.She had previously misunderstood him, so she simply wanted to apologize to him.Meanwhile, Curtis
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Chapter 132
Curtis sought solace in alcohol, hoping to numb himself so that he could completely forget about the scene before him. He continued to reassure himself that Margot's behavior toward Tommy was a result of her confusing Tommy with him.Recognizing the critical moment, Curtis knew he couldn't let anger take over and risk stimulating Margot. He had to restrain himself.Natalie and Gabriel, who were sitting nearby, remained silent. They were silently observing the scene before them.When Margot noticed Tommy remained unmoved, she frowned and puffed out her cheeks as though she was about to cry."Do you not like me anymore? Why can't you fulfill such a small request of mine?"Tommy felt like he was reaching his breaking point. If Margot kept hugging his arm and acting coquettishly, he would eventually give in.Left with no choice, Tommy laughed dryly to hide his discomfort and poured Margot some wine. "Fine, here's your drink. Just a sip, though. After all, the injury on your head hasn
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Chapter 133
Gabriel pursued Curtis into the living room, bringing him to an abrupt halt. "Are you jealous?" Gabriel asked with a smirk.Curtis' face was flushed with anger as he walked into the living room and sat down. He was so angry that he could barely breathe.Gabriel sat down next to him and patted him on the shoulder. "You need to learn to accept it. After all, in her subconscious, she sees Tommy as you. Just pretend that her actions are directed at you.""How am I supposed to pretend when Tommy himself is a living, tangible person, and I have to watch them behave intimately in front of me? If it were you, would you be fine with it?"Curtis finally realized what it felt like to see someone he liked with someone else. That feeling was truly unpleasant.Gabriel huffed, "I think you should consider yourself lucky that she's still alive. Think about how you were when you couldn't find her then."Curtis was at a loss for words.Although he was grateful that Margot was still alive, no o
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Chapter 134
"Alright, alright. Go to sleep now. I'll only leave when you're asleep," Tommy said. Not wishing to keep him from heading to work any further, Margot closed her eyes immediately and succumbed to sleep.When she woke up again, it was already the next day.As expected, Tommy was nowhere to be seen.After washing up, Margot went downstairs, only to see the man named Curtis sitting in the living room, dressed in a suit and tie. He was surprisingly quite charming.Despite her surprise, Margot still looked wary as she entered the living room. "What are you doing at my place?"Curtis looked up from his laptop and met Margot's gaze. "I'm here to talk to Tommy about work. Is he still asleep?"Margot furrowed her brows and said, "He went back to the crew to film last night. Why didn't you call him if you wanted to talk to him?"Was this man really the CEO of Regal Enterprises?How could he be so dense?"Oh, I see. In that case, we'll have to put off work for now." Curtis packed up his
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Chapter 135
Margot had been waiting for Tommy for the past two days. However, Tommy had never taken the initiative to call or message her. Consequently, Margot's anxiety, panic, and fear escalated. Over time, her temper grew increasingly irritable.Curtis was so scared that he didn't even dare to show up and provoke her any further. He could only rely on Doris to keep him updated on Margot's situation.On Friday, Tommy finally returned to pick Margot up. When the car pulled up at the villa's entrance, he turned to Curtis and said, "I'll go in and get her.""Okay," Curtis responded faintly, his eyes gazing toward the direction of Margot's bedroom in the villa.Tommy got out of the car and walked into the villa. Upon reaching Margot's bedroom, he gently knocked on the door.Margot had had a throbbing headache and spent the entire day lying in bed, unwilling to get up or talk to anyone. She didn't even respond when she heard the knock on the door.However, the door wasn't locked, so Tommy pushe
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Chapter 136
Curtis had organized the destination for the trip, which happened to be on a private island. He was well aware of Margot's fondness for the sea.During one of his business trips, he happened to come across an auction for a tourist island. He bought it and renamed the island "Margotte Isle" without much thought.Initially, he planned to give the island to her as a gift on her birthday.However, since she wanted to go to the seaside right then, he decided to take her there to familiarize her with the environment.Two cars pulled up to Curtis' private airport, one after the other.Margot got out of the car and spotted Natalie and Gabriel in the distance. Although she was feeling down, she still ran toward them with a smile on her face. "Natalie!"Natalie turned around, spotted Margot approaching, and greeted her with a smile, "You're here, Margot!""I see that it's just the two of you here. Why didn't you bring your kid along?"Natalie smiled gently, took Margot's hand, and boarde
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Chapter 137
Margot felt a sense of an impending breakup looming over her as well.At that moment, she was probably feeling the same way as Curtis. Experiencing a common struggle, they probably had much to discuss."She's very stunning, and she's definitely one-of-a-kind. Although she's not exceptionally outstanding, I like her very much." Curtis gazed at the person frolicking before him, his eyes full of tenderness. It had been a long time since he had genuinely admired her.It became evident that his heart found contentment in her presence by simply gazing at her smiling face. It turned out that he had loved her all along.Margot clicked her tongue.Margot shook her head, glanced at the man beside her, and sighed. "You're so outstanding and good-looking. How could anyone bear to break up with you?"Curtis trailed behind her, his voice soft and regretful. "Maybe I didn't pay enough attention to her feelings back then. She must have been too disappointed in me, so she chose to leave me."M
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Chapter 138
Tommy skillfully maneuvered the speedboat to shore, then jumped off, holding a bouquet of white roses in his arms.With a lean stature and well-dressed figure, he walked toward Margot with a smile that could melt hearts.Although Margot was still upset, her anger instantly dispersed when she saw Tommy walking toward her with a bouquet of flowers.Tommy walked up to Margot and presented her with the flowers, ignoring the three people standing beside her."I'm sorry for coming late, Margot."Margot had always been someone easily persuaded. She would always forgive the person she loved as long as they treated her well and didn't do anything out of line.She accepted the flowers with a pout. Then, she uttered in a slightly annoyed tone, "I thought you weren't coming."Tommy gently pinched Margot's chubby cheeks and said with a smile, "Why wouldn't I come? I've already promised you that I'll accompany you."Margot, who was pinched by Tommy, blushed and threw herself into his arms.
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Chapter 139
Margot said, "Tommy, show me how the photos turned out."Tommy snapped out of his daze and lied to her. "I haven't gotten the settings right yet. Go back, and I'll take it again.""You're so slow," Margot grumbled as she walked toward the sea again.It was only then that Tommy seriously took some photos of her.When they had taken enough photos, they walked hand-in-hand along the beach.After walking for a while, Margot felt a bit tired and hot. She saw a coconut grove in the distance and said, "Tommy, let's take a break over there. The sunlight is so intense now.""Sounds good to me."Tommy held her hand as they walked into the coconut grove.They settled in a shady spot facing the sea. The sea breeze instantly made them cooler and refreshed.Margot leaned on Tommy's arm and then pointed to the glaring sun with a smile on her face."It's so beautiful here! The beach is a beautiful shade of pink, and the sky and the sea are crystal blue. Most importantly, I'm accompanied by s
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Chapter 140
Margot stared blankly at the tall man before her. She didn't understand what he was saying.What did he mean by saying any man can casually touch her and win her over?What did he take her for?Margot felt so humiliated, and she glared at Curtis with unbridled fury."Who are you to say that to me? Tommy is my husband, and what I do with him is none of your business. Who are you to judge others?" "He's not." Curtis angrily responded to Margot, his face a mask of fury."What did you just say?"Margot was suddenly caught off guard.Curtis glared at Tommy. Unable to withstand it, he revealed, "He is not your husband.""Do you think I don't know who my husband is? Why are you being so ridiculous?"Margot couldn't hold back and shouted again, angrily dragging Tommy along. "Let's go, Tommy. We shouldn't get involved with someone like him."However, Tommy withdrew his hand from her grip and looked at Margot, saying, "He's telling the truth.""What did you say?"Margot turned to l
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