All Chapters of Kindly Sign the Divorce Papers, Curt: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
880 Chapters
Chapter 121
"Don't come near me! Don't touch me! It hurts so much!" Margot yelled out, "My head hurts so terribly!"She winced in pain as she began to pull at the white gauze wrapped around her head.When Curtis saw this, he hurriedly stepped forward to stop her. "Margot, it's me! Please stop doing this!""Don't touch me! Go away! I don't want to see you. I feel so uncomfortable when you're near me. Please just leave me alone!"She flailed about, trying to keep Curtis away from her while screaming at the top of her lungs.Margot seemed to have completely lost her mind, behaving like a lunatic. She also kept clawing at the wound on her head.Curtis couldn't bear to see her in such a state and was determined to help her."Margot, please stop. The wound might reopen. I'm Curtis, and I'll never hurt you." He held her tightly in his arms, causing her to lose control even more. Then, she fiercely bit down on his neck.Curtis didn't dare to move, allowing her to sink her teeth into him. At leas
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Chapter 122
Curtis couldn't bear the thought of losing Margot. He truly regretted what he had done. He should have followed Tommy's advice and refrained from stimulating her.Realizing the gravity of the situation, he asked Chester to bring Tommy back. Although he was reluctant to ask Tommy for help, he knew it was the only way.Upon Tommy's return, he found Curtis seated on the bench outside the VIP ward, his pristine white shirt stained with blood from the neck bite.It was truly a heart-wrenching scene to behold.Tommy said, "Go take care of the wound on your neck. Don't worry, I won't take her away this time."With tears and bloodshot eyes, Curtis looked up at Tommy and managed a choked apology, "I'm sorry."He was apologizing for what happened moments ago.Turning the other cheek, Tommy said, "If you were truly acting in her best interests, I wouldn't hold it against you. After all, she is your wife."Cutis explained, "I was just too impatient. I didn't realize that my impatience coul
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Chapter 123
Margot remained unconscious for two full days. During this time, Tommy and Curtis maintained a vigil by her bedside.Curtis only left when Margot's vital signs returned to normal, and she regained consciousness. Tommy leaned over her and whispered, "Margot, you've been asleep for a long time. Please just open your eyes and look at me."Margot's eyes fluttered open at the sound of Tommy's voice.Several tubes were removed from her body, and there was already a hint of color returning to her face.She gazed weakly at the man sitting by her bedside, her voice barely a whisper. "Tommy, I had a dream."Tommy promptly asked her, "What did you dream about?""I dreamt that you lifted me by the fish pond, and I also dreamt that Natalie bought me a beautiful dress."Pleasantly surprised, Tommy asked, "So you've finally regained your memories?"Margot's brow furrowed in confusion as she tried to make sense of Tommy's words.Seeing her confusion, Tommy quickly comforted her, saying, "If
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Chapter 124
Margot was feeling much more clear-headed, yet an empty void lingered in her heart. It was as if she had lost something very important to her. Margot's face lit up when she saw Doris entering with food. Happily, she called out, "Doris!""Hey, Ms. Stone!" Doris smiled and swiftly unpacked the food. While doing so, she asked, "Ms. Stone, how did you manage to injure your head? Why does it look so serious? Does it hurt?"Margot pouted her lips like a child, looking especially pitiful. "I don't know how I injured myself, and it hurts so much.""Oh my, you poor thing! Come and have something to eat first."Tommy took the bowl, saying, "I'll feed her."Doris glanced at Tommy and nodded.Tommy remembered the doctor's words that Margot could only eat soft food. So he gently mashed the dumplings and spooned them to her along with the soup.Margot gladly opened her mouth and ate, her eyes fixed on Tommy. She was smiling. "Why are you smiling at me again?" Tommy asked. "Because you'r
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Chapter 125
Tommy turned to Curtis and asked, "I suppose you and Tammy must have done something that somewhat triggered Margot?"Curtis remained silent, his head lowered. He vividly remembered the events leading up to Margot's attempt to take her own life.It was because Tammy had kissed him. At that moment, Margot appeared unfazed and even commented that he and Tammy were well-suited for each other.It turned out that she still held him dear in her heart. So much so that, even as she started to recover, she couldn't bring herself to think about him and Tammy anymore.He was truly at fault for the current situation.Curtis' silence indicated his acknowledgment of being somewhat responsible for what had transpired.Tommy added, "I can help you take care of her for the time being, but I hope you won't hold it against me for whatever happens in the future."Curtis knew that, at the moment, only Tommy could effectively care for Margot. Although he didn't fully grasp what Tommy meant about futur
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Chapter 126
Margot thought to herself, "Curtis Crosby?" She furrowed her brows, feeling like Tommy had mentioned this name before, but she couldn't recall anything about it. No longer paying attention to the stranger, Margot turned to Natalie with a mischievous look in her gaze. "Natalie, why did you bring your friend over instead of your husband?"Natalie suddenly felt embarrassed by Margot's question. She glanced back at Curtis who was standing behind her.Curtis carefully approached Margot, extending his hand in a gentlemanly and elegant manner. "Hello, I'm Curtis Crosby."Margot cast a cold glance at Curtis, not bothering to shake hands with him. "I'm sorry, but I don't feel comfortable interacting with unfamiliar men."Margot turned to Natalie, pulled her over, and continued to chatter. "Natalie, your skin looks so amazing! Your husband is such a lucky man to be able to marry such a wonderful woman like you! Would you mind staying with me at the hospital today?""Sure!"Natalie wore a
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Chapter 127
Margot shifted her gaze to Curtis once more, scrutinizing him. She tried to recall, but before she could, her head started throbbing again.Uncomfortable, she shook her head and said, "I don't remember, and my head hurts so much."Witnessing her pain, Curtis tensed up, almost raising his hand to reach out to her.However, Tommy intervened before Curtis could, immediately comforting Margot. "There, there. Let's not dwell on it if you can't remember. The pain will go away as long as you don't think about it."Margot nodded and began to feel a little drowsy. "Tommy, tell him to leave. I want to rest." "Alright then. You should rest first since you're feeling uncomfortable," Tommy replied, glancing back at Curtis and motioning for him to leave.Having no other choice, Curtis left for the time being. However, he didn't go far and remained seated by the door. If the company urgently needed him to sign the documents, Chester would bring them over.Curtis, who had been in the hospital
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Chapter 128
If that debt remained unsettled, Tammy would never let him off the hook for the rest of her life.Curtis impatiently glanced at the time on his wristwatch.He didn't want to waste any more time, so he started the engine and said, "I've had enough of this. Either you do as I say, or you're out of my life."With that, he stepped on the accelerator and drove away.Tammy ran after him for a few steps, then watched as the car vanished into the distance. Suddenly, she came to a halt and let out a sardonic laugh. "The more it matters to you, the more I'm inclined to ruin it. Let's see how Margot will survive this."…Margot had finally made a full recovery and was discharged from the hospital. She stood by the window of her hospital bed, savoring a bite of her food as she watched Tommy tidy up for her.Once he finished, Tommy gestured to her. "Let's go, Margot. It's time to go home."Margot nodded cheerfully in agreement. She approached Tommy with a smile and fed him a snack. Tommy
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Chapter 129
A jarring bang reverberated through the chassis as Curtis' car collided directly with the vehicle in front of him, which was waiting at the traffic light.Fortunately, Curtis reacted quickly and slammed on the brakes, averting a potentially more severe collision.Margot, who wasn't wearing a seatbelt, was thrown forward by inertia when Curtis abruptly braked. Just as Margot was about to hit her head, Tommy shielded her."Are you alright, Margot?"Margot shook her head and glanced at Curtis behind the wheel. "What just happened? Did we get into an accident?"Curtis remained motionless in the driver's seat, his mind still consumed by the image of Margot leaning on Tommy's shoulder. He gripped the steering wheel tightly, as if trying to strangle it. It was evident that he was seething with fury, yet he couldn't vent it.The driver of the car that was hit got out and began yelling and banging on Curtis' car window. "What the hell are you doing? Do you even know how to drive? Do y
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Chapter 130
Curtis dismissed Doris and then followed Margot to the backyard.Natalie was busy preparing pastries and arranging them on plates in the back lawn. Gabriel was nearby, working on the flowers and balloons.Margot stood in the distance, marveling at the beautiful decorations in the backyard. They were like something out of a fairy tale.She cheerfully exclaimed, "Natalie!"Natalie turned around, smiling, and waved her hand excitedly. "Welcome back, Margot! Come over here and see what I've prepared for you."Margot walked over to Natalie, her mouth watering at the sight of the table full of delicious pastries.She hugged Natalie, affectionately nuzzling against her, saying, "You're the best, Natalie! I love you so, so much!"Natalie smiled gently and responded, "I know you love me, but I already have a very loving husband."Glancing at the nearby man, Margot asked, "Is he the one?"Natalie nodded. "That's right! Isn't my husband good-looking?"Margot wanted to agree but caught s
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