All Chapters of Kindly Sign the Divorce Papers, Curt: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
876 Chapters
Chapter 101
Margot felt her heart clenched in pain when she heard Curtis requesting for Tammy to come over and work with him.She endured that uncomfortable feeling and tried her best to remain calm.She then asked him, "When will we get our divorce certificate?"Margot would leave once Tammy came over.As for the money she owed Curtis, she would start her acting career by following Tommy. Margot believed she would soon be able to pay the one million dollars back as long as she worked hard enough.Margot didn't want to stay by Curtis' side any longer.She had enough of him!Curtis turned his head to look at the woman beside him.His tone was mocking as he said, "You're getting rid of me so soon? Even after the divorce, you'll never get rid of me, Margot!"Margot replied, "I only want to know when we are getting the divorce."She glared at him with reddened eyes. Her entire face was filled with rage.Curtis was about to lose his temper again but hesitated.It seemed like this was how Ma
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Chapter 102
Margot tried her best to calm herself down.It wasn't worth her time making a fuss with him.The more she made a fuss, the more it showed that she cared for Curtis. He would be even more unscrupulous.She should endure it no matter how it pained her to do so. She shouldn't show it on her face.Margot finally managed to suppress her rising emotions after repeatedly reminding herself.She turned to look at the man beside her and acted calm as she asked, "Sorry, I fell asleep in the car earlier. Do you need me for anything, Mr. Crosby?"Curtis was speechless.Mr. Crosby?Curtis squinted as he looked at how indifferent Margot was. He suddenly felt stuffy in his chest."What did you see earlier, Margot?" he asked despite knowing what had happened.Margot's eyes glistened. She almost couldn't hold her emotions in.She endured it and chuckled. "I saw everything. You and Ms. Vaughn really make an ideal couple, Mr. Crosby. You two are a perfect match."But … You should find somewher
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Chapter 103
Tammy suddenly laughed wildly.She then said, "But as much as a scumbag Curtis is, he still has countless women throwing themselves at him, including you."You're just a 20-year-old young lady. Didn't you marry Curtis just because he's rich?"Tammy pulled Margot over. Her emotions became unstable.Tammy said, "Why didn't you want the money I gave you?" That was ten million dollars! Margot could have any man she wanted if she left with the ten million in hand. Why should she compete with Tammy?"Don't you know that he's the one who made me unable to bear children forever? He must dedicate his entire lifetime to compensate me. He has to compensate me!"Margot pushed away Tammy, who was in hysteria.She stepped back and shouted, "I don't care about what happened between you and Curtis! I've also told you that I'll divorce him. I can leave anytime as long as he agrees to it!""Will you leave?" Tammy asked with reddened eyes.Margot felt that her heart had given up completely.She
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Chapter 104
It was already 7:00 pm by the time Curtis returned to the parking area. He had finished the inspection with the others from the company.They were planning to have dinner at the nearby farm stay before rushing back to Amberville the same night.Curtis realized that nobody was there when he got into the car. He couldn't help but look around but still couldn't find the person he was looking for.He then instructed Chester by his side. "Give Margot a call."Chester took his phone out and called Margot's number.The call went through, but nobody picked it up.He called multiple times, but they were all unanswered.Chester looked at Curtis and said, "Ms. Stone is not picking up, Mr. Crosby."Curtis took out his cell phone and personally gave her a call.He knew that she was angry at him.However, regardless of her anger, she still has to return to the car and head back with everyone else when it is dark.Who would Margot head back with if they were to leave without her in this
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Chapter 105
Curtis' heart skipped a beat. The bad feeling grew.It was to the point that he started having difficulties breathing.Nothing would happen to her.She was a 20-year-old adult. How would anything happen to her?However, it was hard for Curtis not to worry when he recalled her reaction as she left him earlier.Before this, Margot would cry and make a fuss no matter what he did with Tammy.She wasn't like that earlier.Not only was she calm, she was even smiling when she told him that Tammy and him were an ideal couple.Was she suppressing her sadness and did something foolish while avoiding him?Curtis vaguely recalled the words she had told him previously.She said that she could give her life to him if he wanted it.Did she really …Curtis could no longer stand still upon thinking this. He quickly strode into the mountains to look for her.He threw his image aside as he shouted, "Margot! Come out now, Margot!"Nothing could happen to her!She finally grew up and walked
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Chapter 106
The two drivers brought Curtis over to the riverside.One of them pointed at the stone beside and said, "We've picked the phone up here. It seemed like she placed it at such an obvious spot on purpose."Curtis looked at the turbulent river ahead. His tall figure staggered and almost fell out of balance.The two drivers by his side immediately supported and checked on him. "Mr. Crosby?"Curtis avoided their touch. Tears flooded his eyes as he choked out a sob. His chest felt stuffy as if he couldn't breathe.Did that mean that his Margot had jumped into the river?Did she commit suicide?Was she dead now?Curtis couldn't believe that Margot would just die after leaving him a suicide note!No, it wasn't true.She must definitely be joking with him.She must be hiding somewhere nearby.Curtis suddenly grabbed at the person next to him and shouted with a hoarse voice, "Go call for help and get people to come look for her. Get a thousand or ten thousand people to look for her if
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Chapter 107
Chester said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Crosby. We couldn't find Ms. Stone nearby."But I've already lodged a police report and gotten men to come over to search in the mountains. Ms. Stone will be alright!"Curtis' eyes reddened with despair.He grabbed onto Chester as tears blurred his vision.He was in a daze as he muttered, "My Margot committed suicide. She's dead."Was I too cruel toward her, Chester? She would rather die than stay by my side."She used to ask me back then if I loved her. I never knew the answer. But now that I've lost her, I realize that I cannot live without her."I loved her. I really loved her."It was as if Curtis was a child, holding Chester's hands while crying.His voice was choked in a sob as he spoke, "I'm instructing you to bring her back, Chester. I want her back!"It was Chester's first time seeing Curtis crying.He didn't know what happened to Margot, but the way Curtis was behaving was more than enough proof that something had happened to her.Che
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Chapter 108
On the other side, some period drama crew were setting up the shooting scene by the riverside at the foot of the mountain.The crew members were busy with their own work while the actors were getting their final makeup done by the makeup artists.The actors were wearing thick period costumes in the scorching summer. They were all sweating profusely despite having fans pointed at them.Such a scorching summer was making everyone irritated.Tommy, who had been sitting on a chair, had long since had a displeased expression on him.He was wearing a black robe with a pleated pattern, and on his head was a jewel-encrusted gold coronet.His assistant, Casey Reyers, had also realized his displeasure. She carefully passed him a bottle of iced water.She asked, "Since your scenes will only start later, do you want to wait in the car instead, Mr. Nelson?"Tommy received the iced water and drank a few mouthfuls. He was about to get some shut-eye when he suddenly heard the screams of the cr
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Chapter 109
As soon as the call connected, Natalie responded with a nasal tone, "Are you aware that Margot committed suicide, Tommy?"Tommy's heart squeezed as he repeated in disbelief, "Margot committed suicide?"Natalie said, "Yes. Curtis brought her along for inspection in the countryside yesterday. Something seemed to happen between them. Margot left a suicide note in her phone and committed suicide by jumping into the river."Tommy was speechless.He was stunned as he stared at the words "IN SURGERY" shown at the doorway ahead. Margot committed suicide?Why would she commit suicide?Even if she were unhappy with Curtis, such an optimistic young woman wouldn't have behaved this recklessly.Tommy knew that he wasn't well-acquainted with Margot, but he didn't believe Margot chose to commit suicide.There was something wrong here.Tommy ended the call when he thought of something. He then called to inform the crew not to spread the news of them finding a female body by the riverside ou
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Chapter 110
Everyone in the living room looked over when they heard the commotion at the entrance.They were indifferent as if they had lost interest when they saw it was Tommy.Tommy walked over and stood in front of Curtis.He coldly asked, "What exactly did you do to Margot? Why would she commit suicide?"Curtis buried his head in his hands and remained mum.It was as if he was numb all over and could no longer feel pain.Natalie passed Margot's phone over to Tommy from the side.She said, "This is Margot's suicide note."Tommy glanced over at Natalie before taking the phone over.He didn't know what to say after reading the message.If it really were Margot's own doing, he would have no right to blame Curtis.Tommy recalled that the suicide note had mentioned that Margot liked someone.He then asked Curtis, "Who was the person that Margot liked? Did you break them apart and hurt the person she liked?"Curtis' mind was a complete mess.He was unwilling to think further.He only w
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