All Chapters of Kindly Sign the Divorce Papers, Curt: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
876 Chapters
Chapter 111
Curtis was still sitting on the rug in front of the couch.The way he looked was indeed frightening.Doris had once again prepared his meal and called out respectfully, "You should have some food, Sir. You can't continue being like this."Curtis had a cell phone in his hand.Margot was smiling brightly in the photo on the screen of the phone.Curtis' gaze was empty as he sat slumped.He asked Doris weakly, "Was she happy whenever I'm not at home?"Doris nodded and replied, "Ms. Stone was always a lively person who was always smiling. But I've seen far less of her smile since you brought Tammy back."Curtis was speechless.So, the actual culprit that caused Margot's death was him, after all.It was not because she really liked someone else that she left him.Oh, Curtis really was despicable.He waved a hand to indicate for Doris to leave him. He continued to slump by the couch and let his mind wander off.Various scenes of their interaction flashed continuously in front of
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Chapter 112
Tommy declined all of his work after Margot woke up.He kept watch over her daily and took the doctor's advice in continuing to stimulate her consciousness so as to not let her remain in a stupor.Otherwise, she would end up having severe motor impairments.Perhaps Tommy's efforts had paid off, as Margot finally regained some consciousness after a few days.She could now smile.Tommy was ecstatic as he continued to sit by the bed to talk to Margot.He asked, "Do you know who I am? Do you know what I do for a living?"Margot fell into a stupor once again. Her gaze was unfocused as she looked at the person before her.She couldn't recall who he was.However, she felt that he was a good person.Margot blinked before shaking her head.Tommy saw how she had answered him again and hurriedly scooted closer to say, "Well, I'm your superhero! Do you know what a superhero is?"Margot watched him innocently and dumbly like an idiot. She could not understand him.Tommy continued to ex
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Chapter 113
Gabriel's face fell when he heard Natalie's words.He coldly retorted, "Curt grew up with us, Natalie. Wouldn't you know what he's like? How could you suspect Margot's death has something to do with Curt?"Natalie explained her own opinion and said, "Margot's suicide note said that Curtis killed the person she liked."That means it's likely that Curtis liked Margot, but she only sees him as an older brother. That's why he harbored a murderous intent toward her, all just because he couldn't have her."Otherwise, why didn't he marry Tammy after all these years of their engagement?If he only treated Margot as his younger sister, why would he let Margot stay with him?All those signs indicated that Curtis harbored different feelings toward Margot.Gabriel said, "Even if Curt liked Margot, he wouldn't kill her just because of an unrequited love. You really don't understand Curt after all!"He stood up suddenly and told Natalie, "I'm going to visit Curt at the hospital. I'll tell hi
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Chapter 114
His Margot was not dead?They found her already?Curtis grabbed Gabriel excitedly and asked, "Where's Margot? Where's she now?"Gabriel pulled his hand away disdainfully.He said, "Go eat something first. You haven't been eating much since something happened to Margot. You've tortured yourself until you're hospitalized. You can't even walk properly now. How can I bring you to see her?"Curtis asked, "You're not lying to me, right?"He tried his best to make himself calm down.Margot was not dead, that was great!He could finally see Margot again.Curtis immediately nodded and replied, "Alright, I'll eat. After that, you should bring me to see her."Gabriel said, "Okay."There was some food on the bedside table. Curtis quickly took the food over and wolfed them down without caring about his image.…At the same time, Tammy was carrying some food in her hands.She stood stiffly by the entrance of the room. She couldn't believe her ears.Margot did not die?How could that
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Chapter 115
Margot was not dead!Curtis was so excited that he almost rushed over to her.Tommy supported Margot and immediately said, "Let's go back."Margot reeled her gaze in and nodded.Once they were back in the hospital ward, Tommy told Margot, "Be good and wait for me here. I'll be back soon.""Okay," Margot replied while nodding.Tommy walked out of the hospital ward and closed the door.He looked at the two people that walked over.He asked angrily, "Why are the both of you here? The doctor said that she cannot be exposed to any stress!"Curtis asked, "Why didn't you tell me you found her?"He wasn't in a hurry to enter the hospital ward. He wanted to understand her condition first."Why would I tell you? So that you can kill her again?" Tommy questioned.Curtis frowned as he held his still-weak body up.He was confused as he asked, "What do you mean?"Tommy said, "Wouldn't you know best what I mean? Would she become like this if it wasn't for you?"Curtis asked worriedly,
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Chapter 116
Curt? Wasn't this how Margot addressed Curtis?Tommy was taken aback as he peered at the person embracing him tightly in her arms.Despite Margot's temporary memory loss, a subconscious connection to Curtis lingered. So, Curtis must have held a significant place in her heart, right?Curtis didn't expect that Margot would instinctively call out his name. He reached out to touch her and gently said, "Margot, I'm right here."However, Margot refused to listen and held Tommy tightly in her arms.Noticing Margot's growing agitation, Tommy looked at Curtis and said, "You should leave. She currently has no recollection of you at all."How could Curtis just leave? Margot had called out to him, indicating some lingering recognition. She just needed time to adjust.Curtis persisted, speaking softly, "Margot, look at me. It's me, Curtis."Margot still refused to look at him, tightly holding onto Tommy. "Make him leave. I don't want to talk to him.""Alright, I'll tell him to leave. There
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Chapter 117
Curtis stopped in his tracks, then glanced back at Tommy.Tommy continued, "Her condition isn't that severe. I believe she'll recover quickly as long as we don't stimulate her any further."Earlier, the doctor had explained that if a patient remembered certain details while overlooking others, it indicated the presence of dissociative amnesia.That implied that Margot selectively clung to the positive aspects of her life. She wouldn't be able to recall the people or situations that caused her sadness or grief.Curtis disregarded Tommy's advice and entered the ward anyway.Tommy had initially planned to stop him. However, considering they were married, he had no choice but to relent.Once again, Curtis stood by Margot's bedside, quietly observing her.Margot sat at the head of the bed, staring out the window. Upon realizing someone had entered, she turned to look.Although the man standing before her was extremely handsome, she had no idea who he was.Margot wasn't fond of inte
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Chapter 118
After ensuring Curtis had left, Tommy requested Margot's discharge from the hospital.On that very night, he took Margot and left, going to a place beyond Curtis' reach.Although he knew it wasn't appropriate, he always felt that Margot would be in danger if she continued to stay there.Although uncertain whether Curtis was the source of danger, Tommy preferred that Margot avoid any contact with him until she had completely recovered and he had unraveled the reasons behind her attempted suicide.…Curtis simply went home, showered, and changed his clothes. Upon his return to the hospital, the ward was already empty.Seeing the nurse tidying up the bed, he strode forward and asked, "Where is the patient who was staying here?"The nurse was startled and quickly replied, "She's been discharged this afternoon.""What do you mean? She hasn't fully recovered yet, right? How could she be discharged?""I'm not so sure about this as well. Her family insisted on discharging her."Curti
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Chapter 119
Margot slowly nodded, and her awareness gradually returned to normal. She asked Tommy, "If you're not Curt, what's your relationship with me?"After a moment of hesitation, Tommy replied, "I'm your … best friend.""Then why didn't you take me home? Why did you transfer me to another hospital instead?""It's not safe for you to return home for the time being.""Why is it not safe? I remember having a home, and someone loved me dearly there. He would buy me everything I liked. I felt very safe with him."Tommy knew who she was talking about. He asked in return, "Don't you feel safe with me by your side?"Margot smiled and nodded. "Of course, I feel safe!""In that case, just treat me like the person who loves you dearly back home."Margot was at a loss. Was it okay for her to do that? If it were, then she would do it."Tommy, I'm a little tired. Can I sleep for a while?" Margot asked while yawning. Besides, she didn't feel like eating anymore.Tommy swiftly set aside the fork a
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Chapter 120
Curtis remained unfazed and determined to leave with Margot despite the pain in his arm. Tommy wanted to intervene but got stopped by Chester.Seeing that Curtis still wouldn't let go, Margot bit down more forcefully. However, it didn't work at all.Margot suddenly let out a piercing scream. Amid her scream, Margot clenched her fists and delivered a punch to Curtis' face.Her scream had attracted the attention of those nearby. Unable to bear it any longer, Tommy shouted at Curtis, "Are you trying to kill her? Isn't once enough?""Tommy! Save me, Tommy!"Margot continued to struggle and scream. Curtis couldn't bear her struggling anymore, so he let go of her.Freed from Curtis' grasp, Margot raced toward Tommy as if fleeing for her life. Trembling violently, she clung to him and mumbled incoherently, "Please don't hand me over to him. I don't like him at all. I hate him! I feel a sharp pain in my chest whenever I see him. Tommy, please take me away. I'm scared."Margot curl
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