All Chapters of Kindly Sign the Divorce Papers, Curt: Chapter 831 - Chapter 840
876 Chapters
Chapter 831
Margot was waiting for Curtis to apologize when she suddenly saw him passing out. She was so worried that she knelt down and hugged him. "Curtis, Curtis, what's wrong with you?"There was no response from the man in her arms, but his forehead was burning hot.Margot called out for help in a panic. "Someone, come quickly!"Soon, the nearby bodyguards rushed over and helped carry Curtis into the house. They lay him on the soft bed.The servants quickly contacted the family doctor. Regina also came to check when she heard the commotion.When she saw the doctor examining and administering intravenous fluids to Curtis in Margot's room, she asked, "What happened? How did Curtis faint at the door?"Regina was satisfied with Curtis as her son-in-law. Mainly because he had saved her daughter's life and had financially supported her daughter's education since childhood. If it wasn't for Curtis, Margot wouldn't have returned to them. Moreover, Curtis was capable and came from a go
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Chapter 832
"What's wrong with me?" Margot felt somewhat guilty and said, "You, you stood outside the door all night and fainted from a high fever."Curtis frowned as he looked at Margot beside the bed. He pondered for a moment. It seemed like that was indeed the case. When did his body become so weak? He couldn't even withstand standing outside for one night without falling ill!Thinking that Margot was still angry with him, Curtis felt powerless, and explained, "I didn't pretend to be sick to gain your sympathy. I just came to see you and the child. If you're still angry, can you let me take a look at Louis before you drive me away?"Perhaps due to the lingering fever, his melancholic eyes were bloodshot, making his words even more heart-wrenching.Margot couldn't help but feel distressed. "I didn't say you were faking being sick. Besides, am I that heartless? I won't drive you away in this state."Afraid that she would tear up because she felt sorry for him, Curtis turned away and sa
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Chapter 833
Margot felt a pang of bitterness in her heart, and her face was filled with sadness. "You were the one who was angry at me."She lowered her head to look at her son in her arms as she struggled to control her emotions.Curtis thought for a moment and realized that he was indeed the one who had caused the conflict. He spoke in a deep voice, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten angry at you."Margot looked up at him again, her tone softening as she spoke, "You don't need to apologize to me either. If I hadn't insisted on accepting Sabrina as my goddaughter, you wouldn't have reacted like this. But now that I've recognized her, if you still mind, I have no other choice."Curtis continued to eat silently. He did care about Margot recognizing someone else's daughter as her goddaughter, and he was even more concerned about the man who used the child as an excuse to get closer to Margot. Unfortunately, Margot didn't know how to refuse or avoid suspicion."If you insist on that, then
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Chapter 834
"How about her being your sister-in-law?"Sister-in-law?Margot's expression changed as she looked at her mother. "Mom, are you trying to find a match for Calvin?""Calvin is already 36 years old. It's time for him to settle down."Margot glanced at Cressida again. At a second look, her external conditions were indeed not bad. However, Calvin already had Natalie. Was her mother trying to intervene?Thinking of this, Margot stood up and said, "I think we should consider Calvin's opinion on this matter. I'll go call him."She quickly made her escape.Regina called after her retreating figure. "While you're at it, call him back. Cressida is waiting for him at home."Ignoring her mother's words, Margot went upstairs and quickly dialed Calvin's number.At this time, Calvin was tutoring Benjamin with his homework. When his phone rang, he picked it up and stepped out into the corridor outside the room to answer it. "Hey, what's up?"His voice was always so gentle when speaki
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Chapter 835
Curtis frowned. "Calvin is dating Natalie?"Margot nodded. "Yeah, I'm not sure when they got together, but I'm sure they are dating now."They wouldn't have kissed if they weren't together. Natalie was not that kind of person.Curtis then fell silent.So Natalie and Calvin were together, which was why Gabriel decided to let go. He knew about Gabriel and Natalie's relationship all along, and how they had a son together. But in the end they didn't end up together, so he felt regretful for Gabriel.Could it really work out for Calvin and Natalie?Regina was so snobbish, so of course, she would not allow Natalie to bring a son into the Morris family. It would be even harder for Natalie to pass through Regina's inspection than to reach heaven."I'll wait for Calvin to come back tomorrow and see how he handles it," Margot said.Calvin sounded confident on the phone, so he must have a plan.If he couldn't handle their mother, she would intervene again.……The next day, in the
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Chapter 836
Recalling that he had things to deal with at home, Calvin glanced at his watch and said, "Then you go do your thing, I'll leave first."Gabriel asked him, "Where are you going?""Home."He was about to turn and leave, but something came to mind, which made Calvin pause.He turned back to look at Gabriel. "Are you busy?"Gabriel shook his head.Recently, he had been quite downcast, leaving the company's matters to others and just hoping for a few quiet days.Since he had nothing better to do, he thought he could come see his son, but who would have known..."Do me a favor," Calvin straightforwardly requested."What?""Come home with me."Gabriel frowned, not understanding his intention.Calvin explained, "To be honest, my parents don't approve of me being with Natalie."Gabriel remained silent."But I've made up my mind, Natalie is the one for me in this life."Gabriel still didn't understand what help he was being asked for."My parents don't seem to know you yet. Come
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Chapter 837
"Calvin, are you on your way? I saw a few more bodyguards at home. It's like if you don't please Mom, she'll lock you up and not let you out."Calvin said lightly, "I'll be there soon. Margot, just follow my lead when you see my signal.""Huh? I have a role to play too? What should I do?""Just improvise when the time comes. I'll be there shortly."After hanging up the phone, Margot was completely puzzled.She had no idea what Calvin intended to do.Looking at Curtis, who was holding their son, she asked worriedly, "Calvin is coming over. Do you want to go downstairs with me and say some nice things about Natalie?"Although Regina listened to her, she couldn't handle the situation alone.Besides, this was about Calvin's lifelong happiness. If Regina made up her mind, Margot felt her own efforts would be in vain.Curtis nodded and stood up with their baby. "Let's go and see."When the two of them went downstairs holding their child, only Regina and Cressida were sitting on t
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Chapter 838
"Mom, please, let Calvin and Mr. Sawyer be together." Margot sobbed and forced herself to tear up.Even so, Regina couldn't accept it.She was so furious that she could barely breathe. She glared at Calvin and Gabriel as she shouted, "You... You are shameless! I will never agree to such a thing happening to my son. Guards, guards..."The well-trained bodyguards, who were already waiting at the door, rushed in.Calvin stood there, unconcerned, with a straight posture and an expressionless face."It has already happened. If you don't allow me to be with him, then just shoot me."Gabriel ignored Curtis' presence and cooperatively said, "I love your son, and if you truly disagree, I'm willing to live and die with him."He looked at Calvin with an exaggeratedly affectionate glance.Unexpectedly, Calvin took the opportunity to hold his hand, and they gazed at each other tenderly.Regina was so enraged that she fainted. She couldn't even catch her breath."Mom..." Margot cried out,
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Chapter 839
Gabriel couldn't be bothered to respond to Curtis' teasing.Calvin looked at Curtis and asked a completely unrelated question, "Did you manage to make her happy in just one night?"Feeling embarrassed, Curtis didn't know how to respond, and remained silent.Calvin then added with a serious tone, "Luckily, Margot is simple-minded and doesn't hold grudges against you. But that doesn't give you the right to keep bullying her repeatedly. Listen, if I hear you shout at her one more time, I won't hold back against you."He wasn't joking this time.Margot deserved to be the happiest, most carefree person in the world.Anyone who made her suffer even a little would face Calvin's wrath tenfold.Curtis knew he was in the wrong and reluctantly promised Calvin. "It won't happen again.""Remember that."Calvin then stood up and signaled to Gabriel. "Let's go. You helped me a lot, so let me treat you to a meal outside."Staying in the house was not suitable.If Frederick came back and sa
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Chapter 840
She really liked him.It was the kind of feeling like she wanted to have a great future together with him.She firmly said, "I can only promise you that I won't like anyone else but you. Of course, I also hope you can trust me. In the future, don't use silent treatment to handle things, and definitely don't disappear without being reachable. That behavior hurts a lot."Curtis remained silent.He lifted his eyes to look at Margot, and saw her clear, bright eyes fixed on him.Curtis felt a pang in his heart, and tightly pursed his thin lips. "Hmm, I'll change."If he didn't improve his temper, how could the Morris family agree to marry Margot to him?Margot was no longer the same as before; she now had her family's protection and was no longer the pitiful girl without him.And after all these years, he remained the same person.With his current self, how could he be worthy of marrying Margot?"Are you feeling better? Is your fever still here?" Margot raised her hand to touch hi
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