All Chapters of Kindly Sign the Divorce Papers, Curt: Chapter 841 - Chapter 850
876 Chapters
Chapter 841
"Change yourself."The next second, she ran out quickly.Curtis watched her back and smiled faintly.Margot was just like when they first got married; she still got shy.The only difference was, she used to love helping him put on suits and ties, but now she was too scared to do it.Without thinking too much, Curtis hurriedly changed his clothes.Margot ran to the restroom and splashed cold water on her face.Was she crazy? She actually got nervous just now.Was it really necessary? He was just an old man in his thirties, like a brother.Hadn't she seen lots of handsome guys? She shouldn't act like a love-struck teenage girl.Margot forced herself to calm down.After washing her face, she walked out.Coincidentally, she saw Curtis coming out of the walk-in closet.When she saw him in his suit, Margot was stunned.She had thought he had chosen an ordinary black suit, and questioned his fashion sense.But when he actually wore it, she found it stunning.It looked like it
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Chapter 842
"Is that Curtis?"Royce slammed on the brakes, lowered the window, and looked back.Seeing the car driving away, he turned to ask Zyla, "What did you say?"Zyla was still in shock and hadn't recovered. "Wasn't Curtis dead? How did he come out of the manor?"Royce was stunned.Curtis? He was alive?Thinking of something, he quickly drove into the manor.As the car stopped in front of the mansion, Royce saw Margot standing at the door.He urgently got out of the car and ran up to Margot. "Did Curtis come back?"Zyla followed closely.When she saw how Royce acted as if he had lost his soul every time he saw Margot, her face turned pale with anger.Margot looked at the two who had run back and felt deeply uneasy.Ignoring them, she strode into the house.Royce didn't give up. He chased after her and asked again, "Was that Curtis driving out just now?"Margot said in a bad mood, "What does it matter to you if it's Curtis or not?"Margot didn't want to see them, so she avoided
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Chapter 843
Regina almost fainted from anger after hearing what Margot said.She tried to keep her breathing steady while pressing her forehead, and her face was filled with rage.Margot hurriedly raised her hand to help calm Regina down. "Mom, don't get angry, it's bad for your health.""How can I not be angry? I worked so hard to raise Calvin to be so outstanding, just so he could inherit everything from your father, and what's the result..." Still unable to accept the fact that her son liked men, Regina looked at Margot."Margot, do you think he's doing this on purpose to avoid the girls I arranged for him?"Margot quickly shook her head, and said seriously, "Mom, it's not like that. Calvin and Mr. Sawyer's relationship is known to both Curtis and me. They're real. Besides, how could such a thing be faked?""Why can't it be faked? Didn't he like that woman before, what's her name? Natalie, right? Didn't he like her before? How can he suddenly like men?"Margot stabilized her expression.
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Chapter 844
"What if he doesn't listen? He is your father's hope. If your father finds out he likes men, he would be furious enough to disown him.""Just don't let Dad know for now. I'll think of another plan. Calvin trusts me the most so he won't suspect anything. Later, I'll find a stunning woman, drug him, and put her in his bed."Regina was moved upon hearing this. "Will it work?""I don't know, we need to try it to find out. But Mom, please promise me you won't send someone to trouble Calvin and Mr. Sawyer. If you push them too hard, they might really end up committing suicide together.""What if we send the woman to his bed, and he still doesn't touch her?"Regina wiped her tears, considering her daughter's plan feasible. Calvin had always been responsible. If he were to touch a girl, he might feel obliged to take responsibility for her. Margot said, "Since you said Calvin is crucial to our family, I'll find a way. Leave this to me, please don't interfere, okay?"Thinking about how
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Chapter 845
"I'll talk with you later. Please take good care of Mom for me."Margot knew Calvin was unwilling to talk meant things were likely progressing well.Margot quickly replied, "Okay, don't worry. You can count on me at home.""Mm." After hanging up, Calvin personally served food to Gabriel while smiling ingratiatingly at him. "Thanks for your hard work today."Gabriel's face had been dark since leaving the manor.He kept wiping his hands with a wet towel from the restaurant, as if his hands had been contaminated. He appeared extremely disgusted.Seeing his reaction, Calvin felt exasperated. "Is it really that bad? My hands aren't dirty."Gabriel glared at him. "I've never held a man's hand in my life. I haven't even held Curt's hand. Why would I hold yours?""Pft!" Calvin snickered. "You're upset about that? We're both men, why does it matter?""It's precisely because you're a man that it matters."Damn, this whole thing made him feel awkward.What was he even doing? Pretendi
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Chapter 846
Calvin realized he shouldn't have spoken that way, so he quickly changed the topic. "Then it's settled, we will both accompany Benjamin as he grows up." Gabriel remained silent. ……In the afternoon, Curtis returned from the company. He took Louis and Margot back to the Crosby residence. That night, the two stayed there. Thinking that he still had to visit the old man on the island, Curtis went to Margot's room before bed. He sat on the bed and played with Louis. "I have to go on a business trip tomorrow, maybe for a week." Looking up at Margot, Curtis spoke with a trace of guilt. "Take good care of our child at home." Margot was displeased upon hearing he was going on a trip. She knew that the company was running smoothly, as it was a stable period without many issues that required traveling. Hence, he was lying, but Margot didn't want to expose him. "No problem, you do your work, I'll take good care of our son for sure." "Margot, don't overthink. I'
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Chapter 847
Margot felt that she couldn't resist Curtis.Whenever he got close, joy filled her heart, and she wanted to go along with him for no reason.Although she had no memory of being intimate with any man, this moment had her acting like an experienced woman as she wrapped her hands around his neck and passionately responded to his kisses.Curtis originally just wanted to kiss her briefly and then cuddle her to sleep.Little did he expect her to take the initiative, and she was playing along so enticingly.If he pushed her away now, wouldn't that make him less of a man?Thinking about how much Margot needed him too, Curtis decided to let go of all burdens and fully indulge.An hour later...Margot lay on his chest, her face flushed with shyness.She pouted, and voiced her thoughts. "Do you really have to go on this business trip yourself? Can't Chester handle it?"Suddenly, she couldn't bear the thought of him leaving.Perhaps it was because they were so open with each other tonig
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Chapter 848
"I'll take you and Louis back to the manor first."He wasn't comfortable leaving Margot and the baby at the Crosby residence, even though his parents wanted them to stay.Before he left, he wanted to hand them over to the Morris family, just in case anything happened again.Margot sat in the back seat while holding the baby.She looked at Curtis from time to time. She then pouted and said, "No matter what I say, you're still going."Hearing the complaint and grievance in Margot's tone, Curtis looked at her through the rearview mirror.He comforted her. "Margot, don't be sad. I promise you, this is the last time. After that I'll always be with you and Louis, even taking you to work, okay?"His daughter was his obsession, and he wouldn't be at peace until he found out the truth.He also told himself, if he couldn't find any results this time, he'd convince himself to let go.Right now, Margot and Louis needed him more.But he still hoped that heaven would have mercy on his youn
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Chapter 849
Natalie immediately picked her up and sat her in her arms. She couldn't help but praise, "Sabrina is so pretty today, such a cute little darling, you will look great on camera."Sabrina's sweet mouth quickly returned the compliment. "Aunt Natalie is also very pretty and especially gentle, just like Mommy. Sabrina really likes you.""Aw, hahah!" Natalie couldn't help but laugh, then looked at Margot. "Did you hear that? This kid really knows how to talk.""That's why I like her so much."Margot locked the car and came over. She raised her hand to pinch the child's chubby little face.The three of them chatted as they entered the hotel.It was meal time, so Natalie had to take the two of them to eat first.When they walked into the private room, they saw only Benjamin sitting inside. Margot asked, "Isn't my brother here?""Your brother is looking after the company for Curtis, isn't he?"Natalie put Sabrina next to her son and looked at Margot. "I heard that Curtis is on a busine
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Chapter 850
"Natalie, how far have you and my brother progressed?"She had never discussed this matter with Natalie, and Calvin never mentioned it either.She also didn't know if Natalie was aware of what Calvin and Gabriel had done.When Calvin was mentioned, Natalie smiled and glanced at Margot. She was a bit embarrassed. "Why don't you ask your brother?""He's a man, how could I ask him such things?"Margot clung to her arm and said sweetly, "Natalie, just tell me. Can I start seeing you as my sister-in-law soon?"As long as Calvin settled things with the family, the relationship between these two would soon be official.She was suddenly very eager for Calvin to get married quickly.He was 36 and still single, which was worrying.Natalie was reluctant to say much, and gave a vague response. "I don't mind. No matter if I'm your sister-in-law or not, we are still sisters."Margot was overjoyed. "Really?"Natalie smiled and playfully tugged at Margot.Sabrina beside them chimed in, "Mo
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