All Chapters of The Lycan King's Assassin: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
83 Chapters
Book 2: Chapter 11
Osiris POV Matthew and I are sitting at my desk running the expense reports for the next month. A deep frown etches across my face as I look at the numbers. The cost of burning down a warehouse was more than I expected it to be. Without the extra product to distribute, it will be a rough month for the rogue community. "I told you not to burn the warehouse down," Matthew says with an annoyed look on his face. "Now, what are we going to do?" "You are freaking out over nothing," I groan as I pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration. "Send the Chow that we have to the distributors. It should be enough to get us through the month. In the meantime, we can grow more." "This shit takes time to grow and to process," Matthew groans. "Or have you forgotten?" "I haven't forgotten," I growl back at him. "Perhaps we should plan a raid on one of the King's warehouses. We can get what we need to bridge the gap." "You are out of your damn mind," Matthew laughs. "The Lycan King will have his ass
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Book 2: Chapter 12
Willow POV I pull up to the Wolf's Den at exactly 8:55 PM. My eyes glance around the parking lot, hoping to see Osiris outside, but I have no such luck. It looks like I am going to have to go inside. Stepping out of my cute little sports car, I look disgustingly at the building in front of me. This looks like the type of place rogues meet up to do drug deals. The siding on the building is mismatched, as are the shingles on the roof. It looks like the whole building was once painted black, but now it is weathered and peeling. There is a crudely painted wolf howling at the moon on the sign. I wrinkle my nose as soon as I walk into the bar. Even without a wolf, the smell of drugs, alcohol, and sweat is overpowering. The bar is busier than I expected it to be on a Wednesday night. Pushing my way through the crowd, I make my way to the bar. An older woman with bright red hair is handling the bar alone. Most people here must be regulars because she knows their order without
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Book 2: Chapter 13
Osiris POVI leave the Wolf's Den, knowing Willow will chase after me. She needs me in order to complete her demands for the Lycan King. If she chooses to let me leave, it will almost certainly mean death for her. The large double doors slam shut behind me, and I pull a cigarette out of my pocket. Rounding the corner of the building, I light my cigarette and wait.The sound of the doors creaking open catches my attention. She came faster than I thought that she would. Perhaps she feels the pull of the mate bond as well. Peeking around the corner, I look for her. She is standing just outside of the door. The wind blows through her hair and carries the smell of wintergreen to where I stand. King is going wild in my mind. 'Go to her,' he demands of me. 'Mark her.'Rolling my eyes at the abrasiveness of my wolf, I push him to the back of my mind. Coming back to the front of the building, I stalk closer to my mate. She doesn't even hear me coming, and I chuckle to myself. The
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Book 2: Chapter 14
Willow POV An awkward silence fills the car ride to the rogue colony. I feel like I need to make small talk with Osiris, but I am also fine ignoring his existence. Osiris pulls the car over onto the side of the road and reaches into his pocket, pulling out a red bandana. "I can't let you see the way to the colony. Not until I know that you can be trusted." He tells me. I wouldn't say I like it, but I must play my part well. "What if I promise to keep my eyes closed?" I laugh, pretending to be nervous. "No," Osiris says seriously. "It is this way, or I leave you here on the side of the highway." I can tell by his tone of voice that he is not joking. He will leave me here to protect his colony, and that is something that I will have to learn to respect. "Okay," I say, holding my hand out for the bandana. "I will wear it." "I have to put it on," Osiris says in the same solemn tone. "I don't like to be touched," I remind him, but he doesn't seem to care. "I promise no
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Book 2: Chapter 15
Willow POV Osiris slips into his bedroom and shuts the door behind him, leaving me out in the hallway. I let out a huff of annoyance as I lean up against the wall beside the door. I hear raised voices coming from inside, and my curiosity gets the better of me. Pressing my ear to the door, I try to hear the conversation that is coming from inside the room. "Damn it, Nat. What the fuck are you doing here?" Osiris yells. "I just wanted to welcome you home," a seductive female voice answers him. "I can't deal with you right now, Nat," Osiris's voice is becoming more agitated. "Now, put on your clothes and leave." Immediately I step back from the door. A naked woman is waiting for Osiris in his bedroom. For some reason, a surge of anger courses through my body. How dare he claim that he needs a mate when a woman is willingly waiting for him in his room? "Come on, Osiris," her voice carries through the door. "We haven't been together in like a week. Don't you miss me?"
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Book 2: Chapter 16
Osiris POV I find myself standing back outside of the Wolf's Den bar. I don't know what keeps bringing me back to this place, but it feels like home. It is after hours, but I know that Celeste is probably still inside cleaning up. Making my way around the back, I slip in through the service entrance. As I walk out from the back, Celeste stands with her hand on her hip and a glass of bourbon in the other. Her fiery red hair is falling out of its messy bun, and the wrinkles beside her eyes are more pronounced. Working nights at the bar has taken a toll on her, and I wish that she would take me up on my offer to quit this place and join my colony. But she insists that she is a loner. "I knew you would be back," she says as she places the glass on the bar and continues wiping down the tables. "How did you know?" I groan before drinking the glass of bourbon all in one go. Pointing to her temple, Celeste doesn't answer. "If you know so much, just tell me what I am supposed
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Book 2: Chapter 17
Willow POV Rolling my head to the side, I close my eyes again and try to go back to sleep, but it is hard with Osiris sitting this close to me. I can feel his eyes boring into my skin as he takes in my naked back. "Are you just going to sit there and stare at me, or are you going to get some sleep?" I ask, hoping that it will force him away from me. "Your back needs medical attention," he tells me. "It has seen worse," I mumble into the pillow. "It will heal." I feel his fingertips graze along the scars that line my back. The wounds from the many battles that the Lycan King sent me into. I didn't always come out on top. Not when I first started training. My father's training sessions were brutal; I left many battered and bruised. But my father's training was nothing compared to Uncle Faris's. My uncle would train me until I could no longer stand and then force me to train more. I cannot count the number of days I had to hide the marks left by Faris's warriors on my
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Book 2: Chapter 18
Osiris POV Willow falls back asleep quickly, but I cannot say the same for myself. The faint scent of her arousal is still in the air, and it is driving not only me but King crazy. My eyes rake over her bandaged torso, and I can feel my erection growing at the sight of her perfectly round nipples trying to break free. 'We have to get out of here,' I tell King, and he only nods in agreement. Carefully I slip from the bed and pull my dirty jeans back on, quickly checking the pocket for paper that contains the drawing of her runes. My hand wraps around the piece of paper, and I know where I need to go. Closing the bedroom door behind me, I consider locking it from the outside but instantly decide against it. I don't want Willow to feel like a prisoner. She is the Luna of my pack and will be treated as such. After alerting the house staff that there is a guest in my room and she is to be treated with respect. I make my way outside to my car. Sitting behind the steering wheel
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Book 2: Chapter 19
Willow POV I wake up to find the bed next to me cold. Usually, I am a relatively light sleeper. I can't believe that Osiris snuck out without me noticing. But then again, I have never felt as well rested as I do right now. Gingerly, I get up from the bed. The wounds on my back are still stinging from the fight with that she-wolf. Quietly I walk around the room and try to deny the urges I feel to be nosey. Surely Osiris wouldn't have left me alone if there was anything in this room to hide. The room has a woodland cabin feel to it. All of the furniture looks like it was made by hand. The bed appears to be made of logs pieced together like a puzzle. There is an old quilt on the bed that seems to be handmade and a century old. The fabric on the quilt squares is frayed and faded. Mismatched curtains hang on the windows. Actually, nothing in the room seems to match. Looking around the room, I make sure I am alone before opening the top drawer of Osiris's dresser. It is f
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Book 2: Chapter 20
Willow POV I don't miss how Osiris's eyes darken as he looks at me in nothing but a towel. Holding the towel just above my breasts, I stand up and run just the tips of my fingers along his collar. I am careful to ensure that my hand's palm doesn't touch his skin. But I have to admit that it is tempting. I have never wanted to dive into someone's mind more than I want to dive into Osiris's. Something about him has piqued my curiosity, and I cannot shake it. I want to know everything about him: secrets and all. Before I get too brazen and touch him, I drop my hand to my side and try to slide past him. But Osiris isn't going to let me go that easily. Grabbing my wrist, Osiris rips the towel away from my chest, and it falls to the ground. I ball up my hands to protect my palms while Osiris pins me to the wall with my hands above my head. "Please, don't make me head butt you," I groan, trying to ignore the fact that my body is exposed before him. Osiris doesn't speak. He on
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