All Chapters of The Lycan King's Assassin: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
83 Chapters
Book 2: Chapter 31
Osiris POV The drive to Petra's cottage is quiet. Willow fidgets awkwardly in her seat as we take the winding roads that lead up the mountain. I have never seen her so flustered. Normally, she is calm and composed, with a steady head on her shoulders. But today, she seems nervous and excitable. Whatever happened during her last episode seems to have changed her. She is now wearing fingerless gloves and touching me on the arm and the shoulder. She is laughing at my jokes rather than rolling her eyes at me and flirting. I think my mate is flirting with me. I turn down the small gravel lane that leads to the cottage. My small sports car hits every bump on the lane, and I glance over to see Willow's gloved hands digging into the leather of my seats. "You aren't taking me out to the middle of nowhere to kill me, are you?" Willow chuckles nervously. "I promised you that my wolf never hurt you," I answer her, but she does not look convinced. "I know King would never hurt me, b
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Book 2: Chapter 32
Willow POV When we pull up to the cottage, something emerges in the back of my mind. It is like an itch that I am unable to scratch. It is almost as if a memory is trying to surface from the depths of my mind, but it is trapped. As I sit in the car and looked at the cottage, I can't help but feel like I had been here before. It isn't until I see the woman sitting on the front porch with knitting needles in her hands that a memory floods into my mind. I couldn't have been more than four years old. It was before I was sent to live with the Princess. I was sitting on the lap of an old woman with dark hair in a long braid. Her hands overlapped mine as I held a pair of oversized knitting needles in mine. Silently, she showed me how to loop the yarn around the needles to create the stitches. Before I can recall more of the memory, I get a splitting headache. Closing my eyes, I rub my temples roughly until the pain in my head subsides. When I reopen my eyes, I notice Osiris is already out
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Book 2: Chapter 33
Willow POV Standing on the cottage's front porch, I look longingly at the gravel lane that leads down the mountain. I sigh. I really don't want to walk back to the rogue colony. Not to mention, I don't think I know the way back. I wasn't paying attention on the way here. I look back at Petra, trying to decide what I am supposed to do. She is standing in her doorway with a curious look on her face. She is waiting for me to make my decision. "Do you think he will come back for me?" I ask Petra nervously. "He will be back," Petra says as her eyes flash a startling color of blue. "He just needs some time to cool off." "I don't understand what I did wrong," I say as I sit down on the porch swing. "I cannot control my powers. As soon as I touch someone with the palms of my hands, I am transported into a memory. At least, I think that they are memories." Petra listens to me carefully and nods her head up and down. I don't know why I am opening up to this woman. I don't
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Book 2: Chapter 34
King Faris POV The phone rings over and over again before it cuts off. Once again, Natacha avoids another phone call from me. I am afraid I will have to visit her shitty apartment in order to hunt her down. I slam the phone down on my desk and turn my attention back to the computer screen in front of me. Pinching the bridge of my nose in frustration, I glare at the computer screen. I am running through the City's numbers, and we are short tens of thousands of dollars for the month. Ever since Natacha went missing after our last phone call, we have not been able to intercept Chow shipments from the rogue colony. We cannot secretly make up enough to make up the difference we are missing. Chad is sitting with his feet propped up on my desk with a shit-eating grin on his face. He is tossing cheese puffs in the air and catching them with his mouth. He has no respect for the fact that he is in the presence of the Lycan King, and it makes me miss Ward. Ward was always profession
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Book 2: Chapter 35
Willow POV Curled up in a comfortable chair in the farmhouse, I continue my knitting project. I have decided to make a blanket for Osiris’s bed. It will be a surprise for him. I don't know when his birthday is, but I have decided to treat him like my mate. Which means I don't need a reason to surprise him with a gift. The farmhouse is quiet today. The only sound that fills the room is the clicking of my knitting needles together while I hum to myself. I know that I am supposed to be out mingling with the members of the rogue colony, but I am not comfortable putting myself out there yet. ‘I don't know why you are fighting role within this colony,’ the annoying voice inside my head chimes in. ‘You are meant to be their Luna.’ Glancing around the room, I make sure no one is around before I respond. “I wish you would stop talking to me,” I whisper. “I am beginning to feel crazy.” ‘You aren't crazy,’ the voice tells me for the hundredth time. ‘But there is something that we
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Book 2: Chapter 36
Willow POV Osiris pulls up to my little cottage, and I see a small light flickering in the window. I let out a sigh of relief. My mother said she would single with a candle if she managed to come alone. Osiris parks the car and opens his door. "Wait," I call out to him. "You can't come." "That wasn't part of the deal," Osiris says as he crosses his arms over his chest. "I am coming inside to protect you." "I don't need protection from my mother," I groan. "How do you know that Faris isn't in there?" Osiris growls. "I just found you. I won't lose you." Osiris walks around the car and opens my door. He is clearly not taking no for an answer. I steady my breaths and prepare myself for my mother to meet my mate. I walk toward my home, and I cannot help but feel a series of different emotions. Knowing that Osiris wants to be by my side, my heart is full, but I am also nervous. I don't know how my mother will react, knowing I am mated to a rogue. Not just any rogue but the Rogue Alpha
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Book 2: Chapter 37
Willow POV After kissing and hugging my mother and my grandmother goodbye, I stand on the front porch of my cottage while I watch them leave. They both walk around to the back of my house and shift. My mother into her extraordinary lycan and my grandmother into her silver wolf. I watch as they run off into the distance back to Lycan City. The scent of sandalwood dances around me, and I know Osiris has left the car and is standing beside me. "I want to grab a few things," I say without turning to look at him. "Did you get the answers that you were looking for?" Osiris asks. "Mmhmm," I mumble as I turn back into my cottage. I walk past all the rooms and make my way back to my bedroom in the far corner of the house. Standing inside the bedroom, I try not to think about the implications of what I was told tonight and what Petra told me. We didn't get a chance to read Osiris's tea leaves, so I have no idea if he will lead me into the light or the darkness. Without knowing my path,
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Book 2: Chapter 38
Willow POV My fingers twitch nervously on my stomach. I am not sure what I am supposed to do. Of course, I have pleasured myself before, but I have never done it in front of someone before. I don't know what Osiris wants to see. "I don't know..." I begin, but Osiris places his fingers to my lips. "Just do what you would do if you were alone," Osiris smirks. Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes and let my fingers inch toward my apex. Using two of my fingers, I spread my folds. I dip a finger into my core just enough to get it wet. I then let my finger swirl around my already swollen clit. A soft mewl escapes my lips, and I hear Osiris growl happily. My eyes flutter open, and I see Osiris standing over me with his massive cock in his hands. He is stroking his cock as he watches me play with myself. Seeing his cock in his hands fuels my pleasure, and the pressure between my legs begins to intensify between my legs. "Get on the bed," Osiris instructs me, and I scramble onto the bed
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Book 2: Chapter 39
Willow POV Uncle Faris is unusually quiet as we drive to my drop-off location. I haven't been alone with Uncle Faris for this long, for years. Eventually, Faris stopped communicating with me altogether unless it was about my work as his secretary. Chad became the one who would deliver my assignments. Half the time, I wasn't sure if Uncle Faris even knew what the jobs were. The longer we drive, the more uncomfortable I become in the silence between us. "Did you know?" I finally ask Faris. "Huh?" Faris responds. "Did I know what?" "Did you know that the runes on my back are meant to seal the light magic within me?" I ask. "I might have heard something about it," Uncle Faris mumbles. "Did you know that I was supposed to be raised in the light?" I continue my barrage of questions. "What is the big deal?" Faris practically screams at me. "Just have the runes removed, and it will unleash your light powers." I slap my hands on my cheeks in fake surprise. "Why didn't I think of that?"
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Book 2: Chapter 40
Willow POV The doors slam shut, and I try to hide my shock. I have never been able to do any other magic besides my visions before. This magic feels different. It feels robust and dark. I know that I shouldn't indulge in the darker side of my magic, so I try to push it to the side, but it keeps trying to surface. I look down at my hands, and they are glowing red. It appears that red flames are bursting from my skin. The four men in the office back away from me, but I am too busy looking at my hands. "Willow," Chad yells from behind me. "What the fuck are you doing?" I don't know how to answer. I certainly don't want to tell them I don't know what in the hell is going on. The flames don't seem to be burning my skin, but they sure as hell look intimidating. Spinning around with a smile, I hold my hands to my side. I can see my hands glowing brightly in the reflection of Chad's eyes. "Did you think I would make this easy on you?" I laugh. Chad swallows audibly and ta
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