All Chapters of My Luna my bride: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
190 Chapters
one hundred and twenty one
Dante’s POVAs Evelyn's words pierced through the air, my world turned upside down. Lilian, one of my most trusted maids, accused of being a witch? It felt like a cruel joke, something out of a nightmare. How could a witch have been living within the walls of my palace, among my people?The news hit me like a thunderbolt. Leaving the hospital, I rushed to my room, seeking solace in the familiarity of my own space. Anger coursed through my veins, fueling my every thought. I couldn't help but feel a sense of personal failure, questioning my ability to protect and discern the truth. How did I let this happen? How did I allow a witch to dwell so close to me and my people?The weight of responsibility pressed heavily upon my shoulders. I had always strived to be a leader my people could rely on, a protector of their well-being. Discovering Lilian's true nature shattered that image. Doubt crept into my mind, clouding my judgment. Had I been blind to the signs? How many other secrets lay hid
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one hundred and twenty two
Drake's POVI sat on my bed, the weight of pain and anger crushing through my veins. It was unfathomable to believe that Evelyn had lost our baby, even though I had denied the pregnancy and made her pin it on Dante. But deep down, I couldn't help but feel the loss of something precious, and it was all because of those damn witches. If Lilian hadn't attacked Evelyn, she would still be with our child.The pain of the loss was unbearable. It was a heavy burden to carry, knowing that my actions had inadvertently led to this tragedy. I couldn't help but feel like all my plans were falling apart. My plan of distracting Dante with Evelyn has failed.The emotions overwhelmed me. The pain, anger, and sadness intertwined, creating a storm within my heart. I couldn't believe that this was happening. Frustration boiled inside me like a volcano ready to erupt. I grabbed the nearest objects and hurled them across the room, their crashing sounds echoing my outrage. My heart pounded in my chest, and
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one hundred and twenty three
Drake’s POVI was sitting on the chair at Elijah's palace, waiting for him to arrive. I had this plan in my mind, I wanted to win him over and convince him to fight alongside me against my brother Dante. Elijah is a powerful Alpha, and with him on my side, I felt like victory was guaranteed.And just then I saw Elijah walking into the room. The look on his face was priceless, surprise mixed with curiosity. I could tell he didn't expect to see me there. It made me feel a rush of emotions excitement, nervousness, and a bit of uncertainty.As Elijah approached, I stood up, trying to appear confident. I wanted to make a strong impression, to show him that I was serious about this alliance. But deep down, I couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking. Would he be open to the idea? Would he understand the importance of this fight?I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart. This moment was crucial, not just for the battle ahead, but also for the bond between us. Elijah and I h
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one hundred and twenty four
Vanessa’s POVI sat in the garden, surrounded by my maids, enjoying the cool morning breeze. Some of them were giving me a soothing massage, while others simply kept me company. These past few months, I've been living a life fit for a queen, thanks to Elijah's unwavering care and attention.My stomach has grown significantly, and the midwife has warned me that labor could begin at any moment. It's a mix of happiness and fear that fills my heart. The maids have shared stories about the pain of childbirth, and it's natural to feel apprehensive. I wonder if I'll have the strength to endure it. But amidst the fear, there's an overwhelming sense of joy, knowing that soon I'll be cradling my beautiful baby in my arms.As I sat there, the garden came alive with the sounds of nature. The birds chirped melodiously, and the scent of blooming flowers filled the air. It was a serene moment, a calm before the storm. The anticipation of motherhood weighed heavily on my mind, but it was accompanied
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one hundred and twenty five
Vanessa’s POVI sat on the bed, my body tense with fear and uncertainty. The darkness behind the blindfold enveloped me, leaving me disoriented and vulnerable. My hands were tightly bound, restricting my movements and reminding me of my captivity. It felt like an eternity since I had been forcefully taken from the safety of the palace, and the absence of any explanations only deepened my apprehension.As I sat in silence, straining my ears for any sign of approaching footsteps or voices, a familiar scent wafted through the air. It danced around me, teasing my senses with its familiarity. My heightened sense of smell, a side effect of my pregnancy, seemed to amplify its presence. It was as if my wolf, my inner instinct, had awakened, urging me to pay attention.Confusion mingled with curiosity as I tried to place the scent. It was elusive, yet undeniably connected to someone I knew. My mind raced, sifting through memories and faces, desperately tr
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one hundred and twenty six
Elijah’s POV“I don’t know if it’s a good decision to keep it from Dante, if Drake were to succeed he would make us an enemy of his” Jacob's advice, I told him I wanted to keep Drake’s plan from Dante but he thinks it’s a bad idea.“I know, I just don’t want to get involved with the game of politics,” I replied stating my reason for wanting to do so.“You are an Alpha Elijah, you can’t hide from politics” Jacob said calmly Just as I was deep in conversation with my beta, Mirabella, Vanessa's maid, burst into the room, her breath coming in quick gasps. My heart raced as I wondered what could have possibly happened. A myriad of thoughts flooded my mind, each one more alarming than the last. Was Vanessa in labor? Was she okay?"What's happened?" I blurted out, barely able to contain my concern. Mirabella was panting so heavily that she struggled to catch her breath, making it difficult for her to speak. I watched anxiously as she tried to compose herself, her eyes wide with urgency.Fin
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one hundred twenty seven
Elijah’s POVAs I settled on my throne, the room was filled with an air of anticipation. The flickering candlelight cast dancing shadows against the opulent walls, adding an aura of mystery to the scene. The soft rustle of silk echoed through the chamber as I adjusted my position, waiting for Drake's arrival.The weight of countless pleas hung heavy in the air. I had implored Drake to meet with me, desperate to learn more about Vanessa's fate. He had set a condition, demanding my allegiance in the fight against Dante as a prerequisite for Vanessa's release. But since then, silence had enveloped our communication, leaving me with an unsettling sense of uncertainty.I couldn’t help but wonder what was Drake's true motive behind this meeting. Was it a glimmer of hope, a chance to reunite with Vanessa, or a trap waiting to ensnare me?As I sat there, the weight of Vanessa's absence bore down on me, casting a shadow over my thoughts. I couldn't help but imagine the fear and uncertainty she
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one hundred and twenty eight
Drake’s POVAs I left Elijah's palace, my heart raced with a mix of anticipation and caution. I knew I couldn't trust him, not completely. He had his agenda, and I couldn't let him interfere with my plan he might try to save Vanessa. Every step I took, I made sure to be mindful of any prying eyes, any potential spies that Elijah might have sent.When I finally arrived at the place where I had kept Vanessa hidden away, a surge of emotions washed over me. I had been away for what felt like an eternity, and I couldn't help but worry about what she had endured in my absence. Although I don’t care about Vanessa I feel like I still have a soft spot for her but I won’t allow it to interfere with my mission. I am going to get to the throne at all cost I don’t care who falls along the way. As I entered her room, I saw her sitting on the bed, her eyes swollen from what seemed like endless tears.The distasteful look she gave me pierced through my
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one hundred and twenty nine
Drake’s POVAs I swung the door open, my heart sank at the sight of Evelyn. She was sitting on the floor, her legs pulled close to her chest, and her pale face showed signs of tears. It was clear that she had been crying. The moment our eyes met, anger flashed in her eyes, and she rushed towards me in a fit of rage. Without warning, her hand connected with my cheek in a sharp slap.But despite the sting, I remained unfazed. I understood the pain she was going through, and the grief that consumed her after losing our child. It weighed heavily on my conscience, knowing that she blamed me for the loss. She believed that my rejection of the pregnancy was the cause, and in some ways, I couldn't help but feel guilty.“You bastard! I hate you!” Evelyn yelled angrily at me, In that moment, as her anger poured out, I stood there, feeling a mix of remorse and regret. I knew deep down that turning away from the pregnancy had been a mistake, a decision made in haste and fear. The timing felt wron
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one hundred and thirty
Drake’s POV“Let’s get to work,” I said as I stood at the outskirts of the pack, surrounded by a gathering of Alphas who had pledged their support. Alpha Jake and Alpha Phil stood beside me, their presence offering a sense of reassurance amidst the tension that hung in the air. However, the absence of Alpha Elijah struck me as a surprise. I had expected him to be here, knowing the stakes involved and the potential harm that could befall Vanessa if he didn't show. But he sent his beta and some of his men to aid me, this wasn’t what I was expecting though.Pushing aside my thoughts and the lingering worry about Elijah's absence, I focused on the task at hand. The weight of responsibility settled upon my shoulders, a heavy burden that I willingly bore. This gathering marked a turning point, a pivotal moment that would determine the course of our future.Emotions swirled within me, a potent mix of determination, anxiety, and a fierce determination to protect what I held dear. “My lord we
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