All Chapters of Overnight Magnate: Chapter 1331 - Chapter 1340
1441 Chapters
Chapter 1331
Tanks and other heavy machinery began hurtling toward Logan, but the latter was too fast.A T-62 tank fired the first shot across several kilometers toward Logan, showcasing the state-of-the-art technology in the Varricks' produced weaponry. By analyzing his movement, the tank's computer system had
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Chapter 1332
Jubar had no idea the sudden change in attitude from the Smoker family was because they feared Logan's incoming wrath. For all Jubar knew, this could just be the Smokers' latest psychological operation."There's no point in doing this anymore, Mr. Smoker. I won't betray my friend even if it costs my
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Chapter 1333
Logan drank half a glass, tasted it, and brightened up. He sighed. "Okay, you win.""Of course I did. It started out cold—ice cold. Then you'll feel hot like flames unfurling in your abdomen. It grows and spreads to your head, banishing the cold in your head, and the ice melts into sweat. On your fo
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Chapter 1334
"You need money?! Uh…" Neck Crick rummaged through his pocket, looked around, and suddenly perked up. That chick's bag! It was left behind!Neck Crick scrambled toward it and poured its contents out. There was lipstick, a glasses storage bag, and an authentic leather purse. He quickly opened it to
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Chapter 1335
The person was furious. He leaped and bellowed, "You bastard! How dare you lay your filthy hands on my girl?! I'll kick your ass!"Clarice glanced behind her at this point. Seeing someone approaching, she asked with surprise, "Chuck? What are you doing here?"Chuck Nan yelled, "What's your relations
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Chapter 1336
"I can't seem to get this noise out of my head every time I want to meditate."Logan opened his eyes. The moment he stepped into the hotel, he clung to the enlightenment he had just gained from meditation, and his strength improved. He didn't want to break out of this state.After exploring it for a
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Chapter 1337
Rochen remained a virgin as he wanted to perfect his martial arts. He had a fiery temper and would cripple a person the moment the slightest conflict arose.This devil incarnate who once peed on the red carpet was exceptional in terms of strength and identity. Even some of the top leaders could only
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Chapter 1338
Rochen could not move Logan even after using both arms. He had no choice but to let go of Logan. He pressed his shoulder against the floor and twisted it so that he could fix his dislodged arm.Then, he flexed his humongous biceps and chuckled at Logan. "Again!"Logan was speechless. He had nothing
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Chapter 1339
"What should we do, Laus?" Decus asked anxiously."Forget it. Let's go up the stairs and check ourselves."Laus had quicker reflexes than Decus. The two of them panted heavily when they finally reached the floor. They found the presidential suite, but Rochen was nowhere to be seen. There were bloods
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Chapter 1340
Behind them was the big and tall Rochen and petite Clarice. The two of them were there to watch the show. They did not know why Logan brought them here, but it was exciting for them to show up in this manner, which was humiliating to the Forns."Dad! Grandma!" Chuck could not help but call out to th
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