All Chapters of Overnight Magnate: Chapter 1341 - Chapter 1350
1441 Chapters
Chapter 1341
"Please come out, sir! Our family is on the verge of being destroyed!" Murex cried almost unintelligibly.It was then that a loud peal of laughter echoed through the courtyard. The powerful presence Logan had been sensing finally stirred. "You're as arrogant and full of yourself as they say you are,
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Chapter 1342
This was the perfect time for August to gauge his own power as a God Grade fighter. August had once tried to find out with another prominent fighter from the Forn family, but that guy had not shown himself for a decade.Logan thought God Grade was still a good distance away from Chrysopoeia Grade.
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Chapter 1343
Logan had asked Lady Skaldi about it back then, but she always dodged the question. It was why Logan believed her arrival had brought a cataclysmic change to Earth. This time, Logan was sure to find out what exactly would happen. August had not expected Logan to be distracted yet again. It felt li
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Chapter 1344
August was confident his attack could defeat Logan even if the enemy had somehow slow time in this given space. He was wrong. When their fists were about to intercept, a gigantic black hole suddenly appeared from Logan's fist. It drew the dragon's breath and consumed it. Logan's hand was like a vac
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Chapter 1345
"He's becoming a god!""I knew it! There's no way someone like August could die so easily!"The Nans were especially happy. Even Murex knocked the earth with her cane in sheer elation. "My family is producing a God Grade!"A pillar of lightning snaked down to an old tree, sending splinters flying. T
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Chapter 1346
The third lightning croaked from the cloud before snaking down once more. 'This Thunder Raid is so weak! Weaker than the one I went through the last time!' Logan thought derisively before stepping out of the fort."Guys! That Logan dude is gonna pull off some stunt again!""Can you actually interfe
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Chapter 1347
Two more lightning strikes descended, one snowy white and the other purple. Neither of them hurt Logan. Both were used to purify his orbs. Then another strike, this time so thick it was more like a sci-fi laser beam than lightning. It completely consumed Logan.The light was so blinding that the cro
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Chapter 1348
It would be one's greatest honor to be invited into a discussion with Kaiser. August certainly thought so, but he knew the main guest was never him. It was Logan. He turned to the man, expecting a response, only to see Logan gazing at the sky as if lost in thoughts.Then, he yelled with a frown, "Ge
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Chapter 1349
Logan stomped the ground and disappeared outside Mount Wankjoe. "Where is he going?" August asked, puzzled."I have a bad feeling he's going to kill someone!" Kaiser said and disappeared, following Logan. They arrived at the Nan residence.Logan sensed around for a bit and began to whack the resid
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Chapter 1350
Logan turned. Their clairvoyance clashed.A bright red wave and a purple wave rammed into each other. The air shook from its force. At first, it seemed to be in equilibrium, but as Logan kept ramping up his power, Ater realized it was pushing him away from getting close. He sent out a punch right a
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