All Chapters of Mr. Ryan: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
198 Chapters
Chapter 121
KATEWhen I returned from my room with some clothes, he was reading the note that came with the flowers sent by John."What does this mean?" He stared at me, perplexed."He was just being kind..."" 'Congratulations... I miss you. I hope to see you soon,' " he read with a tone of disdain."We have nothing, Nathan, you know that.""Fine. I'll throw them in the trash for you.""No.""No?" He looked at me with wide eyes."They're mine, and they're just a gesture of kindness. I'm not ungrateful.""We're together, Collins. I don't want to see you receiving flowers from anyone.""Fine. We are, but we weren't before, so it still wasn't your concern, so leave them alone.""This is ridiculous... That guy is a jerk.""And you're pathetic with jealousy.""Let's go. I don't want to argue with you right now.""Great. Let's go, I'm exhausted."We arrived at his apartment, and I wasted n
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Chapter 122
KATE"Why are we here?"He led me until we stood in front of the large mirror on the wall of his enormous closet, which he called his wardrobe, and was next to our bedroom, or rather his bedroom.Extending his hand, he pulled me closer, spinning me around before kissing my neck, until we were facing our reflections in the mirror.Untying the knot of my robe delicately, he let it fall around my feet. My body was already craving his touch."What are you doing?"I wondered if it was some kind of crazy fantasy, while my face grew redder as I stared at my own reflection."Not yet."Lowering himself, he slid his fingers between my skin and the fabric of my panties, undressing me."This is... a little embarrassing.""I don't want you to feel shy around me. I want you to always feel comfortable.""Most of the time I do, but this... is different?""I want to show you that anything else is insignificant compar
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Chapter 123
KATE"Shit," Nathan muttered, pulling up his pants. "It must be urgent." He kissed my forehead. Taking a deep breath and running his hand through his hair, he walked to the door and opened it slightly, so James couldn't see me."Yes?" Nathan said. His tone of annoyance was evident."Sorry, Mr. Ryan. I tried to call you, but...""Yeah, yeah, I think I left my phone in the office. What's the matter?""They said it's urgent, someone is waiting on the phone. Something about a fire.""Right... I'll be there in a minute." He closed the door."Fire?" I asked as soon as his eyes landed on me."I'm sorry, I have to check that out now.""Sure, it's okay."He left shortly after, leaving me alone. Damn it. I felt so selfish for not wanting him to go. I was so turned on, but whatever it was that he had to attend to must have been more important than sex. And I hated the fact that there was something more important than us, tha
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Chapter 124
KATEI woke up a little late, it was already past noon, and I had to get ready for lunch with my dad. Since I didn't have my car, I called a taxi, even though James had insisted on driving me.I think my happiness was visible to anyone who saw my smile when I saw my dad sitting at the table in the Italian restaurant. He always had the ability to make me happy and calm with his serenity.I approached the table and kissed him before sitting down."Are you alright?" I asked."Great. I had forgotten how busy this city is. I'm sorry for waking you up early today, dear," he replied."No problem. I actually missed your concern a little. But about New York... It's a bustling city, but it has its calmness and beauty," I said."Sometimes I wonder if you don't miss home?""A lot... especially the people. But my life is here now." "I understand." He was always so understanding, but I knew he would prefer to have me
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Chapter 125
KATEThe Monday started off rainy, and I mustered up considerable effort to get out of bed. After a hot shower, I looked for something to wear. I should have stopped by home to get something for work.I opened his closet in search of a shirt. Damn it, there were clothes of mine in his closet, from months ago. Not that it was a bad thing at the moment, but it made me realize that I was spending too much time at his place. It was like having a drawer for a toothbrush and socks, it was so strange.There was a lacy lingerie set that I loved with a garter belt and thigh-high stockings, folded among the other pieces. I put them on under a white shirt and a pencil skirt. Mary always said that there was nothing better than fabulous lingerie to make a woman feel powerful in any situation. She was right. I put on my pumps, a blazer, and applied light makeup.I grabbed my bag and headed to the living room, since I didn't have my car; I would have to call a taxi.
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Chapter 126
KATEI followed Mary inside the bar. There weren't many people. Perhaps because it was Monday and still early. I noticed two men sitting in a corner with jackets on the table, and a girl sitting alone at the bar, possibly waiting for someone.We sat in a corner at the back. A waitress came to attend to us shortly after. She was blonde and had a flashy tattoo on her neck.Mary just waited for her to finish saying 'good evening' and ordered a bottle of whiskey. That meant she was willing to drink for real. Then the girl looked at me, waiting. I didn't think much about it. I ordered a beer and thanked her before she left."Beer? Sometimes I forget how Texan you are."I shrugged. I noticed a group entering the bar, three women and two men. They laughed loudly before settling at a table."So?" Mary caught my attention."What?""How are you feeling now?""About?""Ryan.""I don't think I want to talk about him ri
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Chapter 127
NATHANI was mentally exhausted, my only thought being that she would regret ignoring my messages and calls. Where the hell was she? She didn't come home, and James didn't find her when he went to pick her up from work.I managed to solve the problems I could in Tokyo as quickly as possible to come back, and she simply disappeared.When I arrived home, I was ready to have someone track her phone, but the security guys informed me that she was coming up. It was almost one in the morning in New York. She must be kidding with me, trying to annoy me as always.I waited for her to come up, sitting on the living room couch. We were going to have a serious talk. Even though I wanted to avoid arguments now that we had reconciled, she couldn't do this.The elevator opened, and she walked out, leaning against the walls. Was she drunk? Throwing her purse and what seemed to be a blazer on the floor, she took off her shoes and walked towards the bedroom, slight
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Chapter 128
NATHANI made her leave my shoulder, so I could kiss her. I immediately wanted to remove her robe when I felt her soft, warm lips on mine. Her kiss turned wild in seconds, and woke my cock instantly..I untied the knot on her robe while still kissing her, her tongue still managing to surprise me. When had she become such a confident woman? With experienced lips and tongue that made me lose my mind.I tried to remove the sleeves of the robe through her arms, but she stopped me and stepped back, inhaling deeply."No.""No what?"I stared into her eyes, her mouth, and her heavy breathing. My erection was throbbing."No.""I don't want to play this game right now."I approached again, holding the back of her neck with one hand, trying to kiss the skin on her neck."Hey, no, look at me."She was smiling as she held my face in her hands. But I was impatient, and getting harder by the second."What?""I'm no
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Chapter 129
KATESomething was wrong. He was acting strange. His hand tightened around my neck slightly before his lips touched mine."When did you cut your hair?" I asked.Had he cut it himself? Now it was almost shaved. It was even sexier than when he had the topknot, either when he put it all the way back, or when it was messy."Shhh."He opened my robe as he had said he would, sliding the fabric off my arms until it was off me.I was too excited to stop him, but also a bit tormented by what had just happened. I was accustomed to his sexually rough behavior, and I liked it. I enjoyed wild and even violent sex. But what were those things he believed he shouldn't even imagine? Did they cross my boundaries?I was too excited to think about it.I hurriedly pulled his shirt off. I wanted to touch him urgently. He moved away after I pulled it off, and leaned on one knee to remove my panties. His fingers purposely brushed against my skin, teas
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Chapter 130
KATEI closed my eyes, still smiling, and tried to use the next minute to breathe and return to normal. My desire hadn't vanished, and I wasn't going anywhere without satisfying it.He shifted in bed, and I felt his lips on my belly."Have my minutes run out?" I opened my eyes, staring at him."I thought this area wasn't included," he said, smiling, and kissed slightly higher, without averting his gaze."They all are when you touch me anywhere. It drives me crazy.""I like that.""It's pure torture just to look at you, especially when we're not alone or in public places.""Always? Not exclusively now?""Yes.""I'll remember that.""As if you didn't already know." I rolled my eyes, and he smiled in that wicked way before kissing higher, stopping between my breasts."I really want to be inside you right now because I know you're completely wet, hot, soft, and tight. Let me know when I can." He whispered,
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