All Chapters of Mr. Ryan: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
198 Chapters
Chapter 131
KATEMy cell phone alarm went off, waking me up. I had to be at work in an hour. I quickly got up, feeling a bit groggy. Wait, where is he?Damn it! I said those words. Damn it! Damn it! Was it too early? Of course, it was. But I didn't care; it came out naturally. I just said what I felt.But deep down, I knew I was just trying to convince myself that saying it was the worst part. And the truth was, what bothered me the most was that he didn't say it back.I needed to forget about it. I had to rush to work. I took a step and felt a slight pain between my legs, a reminder that he had been there.I reached for my phone again; there was a notification, a message from him.From Nathan: I went for a run in the park. Have a good day, baby.I stared at the phone screen. It wasn't exactly what I expected. It was too direct and simple for Ryan. There were no jokes or innuendos about sex. That made me certain that I shouldn't have said, 'I lov
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Chapter 132
KATEWhat? I was perplexed.The waitress brought the martinis and left them on the table. I thanked her without paying attention."Continue..." I encouraged him."It was a difficult time, Kate. I don't remember it well, but I think I witnessed some of his episodes. It wasn't pleasant to see. But anyway, with treatment, he improved. The symptoms regressed a lot over the years.""Can you tell me more about this disorder?""Are you afraid that he'll lose control?"No. Of course not. I trusted him completely. I couldn't imagine him hurting me.Suddenly, the words he had said earlier seemed to make total sense. His usual dark look, which seemed to carry a bit of darkness, also made sense. Was I afraid of something?"I just want to know more.""I don't know much. They say it can be genetic or due to other reasons. When the episodes happened, Nat would be consumed by anger, impatience, and he would swear a lot when he co
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Chapter 133
KATEOn the way to my apartment, I tried not to dwell on the confusion I was feeling and ended up growing a bit concerned about him. How could our relationship be so unstable? Just hours ago, I had told him I loved him, and now I was rethinking how harmful this relationship could be.When I got out of the car, it was starting to rain. I went inside, throwing my bag on the couch, and grabbed a bottle of wine and a glass before heading to my room. Where I took off my shoes and everything else.A bath and a bit of wine, that way I could organize my thoughts. I turned on the hot water to fill the bathtub.I was feeling a discomfort, like a tightness in my chest. I felt bad for leaving him alone with his own thoughts now. Maybe I could even understand him a little more, after what Stephan had told me. But it didn't change the fact that I felt used in a certain way. But it had been so long, as Stephan said. Yet all the signs he was showing of this dark side of hi
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Chapter 134
NATHANMy heart nearly stopped when she walked into my office, dressed in skimpy lingerie. What was she doing?Bethany turned her head back, sitting in the chair in front of my desk."I'm sorry, I thought I was alone," she smiled, and I understood everything. She circled the desk until she stood behind me."Hello, Bethany!"Her hands rested on my shoulders. It was only then that I noticed Miss Dempsey's expression of astonishment."Katherine!" Bethany said, unable to hide her surprise and bewilderment.I glanced at Kate over my shoulder. She continued to smile. She smiled at Bethany and then at me before leaning in closer to my ear."You're late. Don't keep me waiting," she whispered softly."Well, I didn't want to disturb you. I'll let you finish here. It was a pleasure seeing you, Bethany."Miss Dempsey nodded and smiled awkwardly. Kate caressed my shoulder, neck, and hair before leaving. She gave me one last wi
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Chapter 135
NATHANHer mouth wasn't dirty when she stood up to kiss me as I caught my breath. I could taste myself on her lips. She did it so naturally, it impressed me. She climbed back up the island, while I was still breathing hard. I took a deep breath and did not delay in undressing her breasts. I couldn't take my eyes off them. I wanted to abuse them until I couldn't anymore. The skin was so soft and they were so big and perfect.While playing with my fingers around one nipple, I noticed an almost invisible scar beneath the areola. How had I never noticed that before? It was almost imperceptible against her fair skin."What's this?" I asked.She was breathing heavily as I looked into her face."Huh? What?""Surprisingly, I had never noticed... It looks like the remnants of a scar.""Oh... yeah.""That's it? I want to know how you got hurt here.""I didn't hurt myself. When I was eighteen, I had breast reduction su
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Chapter 136
NATHAN Stephan called me. My mother wanted to confirm my presence at the dinner to plan the year-end celebrations. My head was too full to think about it, especially since it involved someone other than myself.The day had started infernally. For some reason, people couldn't do their jobs properly. I seemed to be surrounded by incompetents. The urgent problem Miss Dempsey had come to inform me about was bigger than I had imagined, and it was making my head boil. For years, Ryan has been one of the best, if not the best, in hardware development. But one of our projects had gone terribly wrong in its final production phase. After seeing the reports and the million-dollar expenses, I felt like firing every damn engineer. Stress was taking over me, making me contemplate retirement before turning thirty. And then there was Kate, persistently lingering in my mind, popping up out of nowhere. Our relationship was highly unstable, an
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Chapter 137
KATEHe was hard and huge. It felt so good to have him after a tiring day at work."I was a little worried about your tiredness today, but now I see I shouldn't have been.""Did you come to take care of me?""I thought about helping you relax.""I'd love that," he said, biting his lower lip, sending a shiver down my spine and increasing the desire between my legs.I pulled his lips with mine, wanting him to feel all my desire."How can I miss you if we saw each other hours ago?" I said, leading him to the chair and making him sit.I knelt between his legs. I looked at his face before his head tilted back as he took a deep breath. My fingers opened his belt and pants, releasing his cock from the black boxers.He was so hard, he could have torn his clothes apart. Deliciously ready, pulsating warmly in my hand. I stood up, remembering what I had bought for him the other day."What?" He looked at me, slightly frustrat
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Chapter 138
KATEI entered the elevator, and he did the same. I pressed the button for the parking lot."Wasn't it you who was upset because you thought I cared more about work than about you?""Don't try to do that.""So, you can be upset, and I can't?""It was just a phone call.""A phone call that interrupted our sex. Should I be happy about it?""It's clear that you don't understand how important my work is to me.""I wish I were more important than it.""Are you mocking me?"He laughed. Son of a bitch.The doors opened, and I started walking toward my car. He kept following me.I stopped next to my car."What are you doing?""What?""Following me.""I want to finish what we started.""No. I'm going home.""I'll go with you.""I didn't invite you.""I'm your boyfriend; I don't need an invitation. Give me the keys."Boyfriend? It was so strange to h
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Chapter 139
KATEBeing here now made the idea seem ten times worse.The car was parked in front of his parents' house. Nathan unbuckled his seatbelt, and his gaze landed on me."What?" he asked.He wet his lips, and a mischievous smile appeared on his face. "This is going to be interesting.""Telling your parents about us? If you're trying to calm me down, it's not working.""I can't wait to take off this dress. I want to do it now.""No. Are you crazy?"Damn it. He wasn't helping, making me horny."Just a little..." He leaned in to unbuckle my seatbelt and placed his free hand on my thigh, sending shivers down my entire body."I know what you're trying to do... and the answer is no."My words probably didn't sound convincing because his lips were almost touching mine. "Nathan... no."He slid his hand along the inside of my thigh, moving upward with a mischievous smile. His lips covered mine, and his fingers rea
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Chapter 140
KATE I returned to the dining room, stepping heavily. Nathan followed me. Stephan was already sitting at the table."Are you going to be upset about this, Collins?" He asked from behind me. "I don't want to talk to you. Not to you, either." I shot Stephan a look as I sat down. "It's not my fault. Wait... you call your girlfriend by her last name? Isn't that weird?" Stephan questioned. "You should close your mouth, little brother. You've done enough for today," Nathan said, sitting next to me, irritated. "Quiet down; you're starting to give me a headache," I said. And they really were. "What are the plans for New Year's?" Nathan changed the subject. "I think our father wants to bring the family together," Stephan replied. "Ireland?" "Yeah." "I thought he wanted to stay in America as long as possible." "Relax, N
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