All Chapters of Mr. Ryan: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
198 Chapters
Chapter 151
KATE I was about to board the flight to Vancouver, waiting in the lounge next to my boss. Five days. Five days had passed with no message or call from Nathan. My heart was in pieces. He didn't want me anymore. That was the conclusion I reached after all these days. It wasn't just a burst of anger, as I wished; I had really hurt him. What's worse is that it was all my fault. I would never have gotten close to Niels if I had known. I had no idea they were so close; I was just living my life and trying to forget him back then. And just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, everyone found out about us right after he told me to disappear. On Monday, they published a photo of us on the cover of a gossip magazine, holding hands as we left the restaurant. I wondered why Nathan didn't avoid that. Did he know about it before they published it? If he did, he didn't do anything to stop it. Why? I tried to bury myself in work to try to forget everything that was happening, but I couldn't.
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Chapter 152
Trigger Warning: Sexual violence.KATE It's a good idea to drink before an important meeting, Kate. My head was still throbbing even after taking medicine. I could hardly remember anything except for the crying and calling Nathan. At least he didn't answer. The Russian director we were going to discuss the Vancouver Media deal with was named Victor Pavlovich. He was in his forties, and had a strong accent, but seemed amiable. I assisted Harry whenever possible during the long morning meeting. After the events of Saturday, I had even more time to study everything being discussed. Later, we ended up having lunch at a fancy restaurant with Victor and two other Vancouver Media executives. At least business was managing to distract me, even if only a little. We had a pleasant conversation. "We should celebrate," Victor said. The man had a prominent nose, slightly large, and blue eye
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Chapter 153
NATHAN "Kate? Kate?" She was crying; someone tried to abuse her, and she was bleeding. It couldn't be real. This couldn't be happening. I panicked. What was going on? Where was she? What did it mean? Damn it! It couldn't be! I kept calling again and again, pacing back and forth in my room, but the damn phone kept sending me to voicemail. I tried not to lose control; my heart was pounding in my chest. She must have been in Vancouver. Had she gone on that damn trip? I was about to contact my team to find out exactly where she was when her name appeared on the screen. I answered. "Kate? Please, tell me where you are." "Good evening!" It wasn't her; it was a woman's voice. "You are the last name on the recent call list; are you familiar with Ms. Katherine Collins?" "What happened? Where is she?" "Ms. Collins is being taken to the hospital now." Damn it. I struggled not to shout at the
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Chapter 154
KATEWhen I woke up in the morning, he was already in the room, sitting in the armchair next to me, but when I woke up in the middle of the night, he wasn't there. The doctor had said that I would need to stay under observation for a few more hours before being discharged, so we could go home.I suspected that Nathan had done something, but when I noticed his injured hand, I was sure. He tried to hide it when he realized I noticed."What did you do?""Nothing. How do you feel?""Lie.""Kate…" He shook his head.He wouldn't tell me now. Leaning in, he held my hand in his."I feel fine.""A policewoman is waiting to take your statement."I nodded."I'm ready.""Do you want me to stay?"I shook my head. I didn't want to have to remember and say all of that out loud in front of him. I would break down again.He nodded."He's in custody?""The hotel's cameras and witness
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Chapter 155
NATHANShe seemed sadder now that we were back. Seeing the sadness in her eyes was killing me inside. It was raining heavily when we arrived. I escorted her to my room."Do you prefer to stay in another room, or do you want me to sleep somewhere else for now?" I didn't know if she needed space or if she wanted to be alone. I watched as she sat on the bed, looking anywhere but into my eyes."No. It's your room. I already feel bad enough for being here after what you...""I've already told you to forget about that. If you change your mind, I'll leave anytime; you just need to say.""Why are you doing this?""I want you to be comfortable.""No, not that. Why are you pretending like nothing happened? Like we're okay?"Why? Because she was my priority, damn it."Kate, my priority is knowing that you'll be okay.""And what about your feelings?""I'm not doing this out of pity if that's what you're thinking. I'm d
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Chapter 156
KATEWe had an entirely unusual afternoon. We had lunch together and lay on the couch to watch a movie. Nathan ended up falling asleep before me; he must have been even more tired after my jokes.Soon, I'd have to tell my friends everything that happened. Mary would be at work on Monday and would find out that I wouldn't be working the entire last week before Christmas. I would only return to work on the first day of the year. This reminded me of the trip the Ryan family was planning.When I woke up, I was in Nathan's bed. He must have woken up before me and brought me here. I got up and went to the kitchen.Maryan always cooked for Nathan, but I liked to cook sometimes, so if she showed up, I'd let her go tonight. I decided to prepare mashed potatoes with steak and some vegetables. I was famished.I turned on the home theater in the living room and chose "Play the Game Tonight" by Kansas. I started dancing awkwardly, laughing, and heading toward t
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Chapter 157
KATE"You must be kidding," he said as I parked in front of the La Perla store on Madison Avenue. I laughed."I said James couldn't buy it.""So you need my approval; is that why I'm here?""Don't be grumpy," I said, unbuckling my seatbelt and leaning in to kiss him. "Let's go."A smiling blonde approached us as we entered the store."Hello! How are you? Can I help you?" She ogled Nathan while he looked around, scanning him from head to toe."Hello! I want to try some pieces from the new collection.""Sure, follow me."We exchanged names, and I picked out some pieces to try on before she led us to the fitting rooms, leaving me alone with Nathan."Have a seat." I pointed to the salmon-pink sofa across from the mirror."Kate... this doesn't seem like a good idea. Not now.""It's a great idea." I smiled.I entered the small cabin to try on the first piece, a white set with floral designs and a ga
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Chapter 158
KATEMy father confirmed that he would come to visit me on Christmas, but I felt like he was hiding something; he was acting strange. On Thursday, I was alone. Nathan had an important meeting at the company. Another day with my face buried in a book. The nights seemed harder sharing the bed; I didn't know who would go crazy first, and the tension was building up between us.I was trying to mentally prepare myself for the event the next day. To officially announce our relationship to everyone. Couldn't Nathan just be an ordinary guy? And not a billionaire celebrity? The media frenzy around his life was hell, and I was hoping it wouldn't affect us.On Friday, I forced myself to go to a beauty salon to get my hair and makeup done. This kind of event required more than my own skills to get ready.I chose a long black dress with a side slit, thin straps, and a small neckline. I decided to leave my hair loose, with the incredible waves done by the ha
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Chapter 159
KATE "I had to see it to believe it. So, it was him all along? Ryan?" John asked with a familiar smile. "Huh?" "You made me think you hated him. But my suspicions were right after all. Love and hate always go hand in hand, don't they?" "Sorry, John, it's complicated." "Do you trust him?" "Why are you asking that?" "I don't know. It's weird, considering he was your boss." "Are you trying to insinuate something?" "Some people just can't accept that they've lost." Nathan appeared behind me, placing his hand on my back. His tone was irritated. "Excuse me," John said, stepping back. "I'm not your damn trophy, Ryan," I growled between my teeth, pulling his hand away. "No, you're not. You're the woman who just put me in an embarrassing situation with my cousin and my friend." "Like all the times I bumped into the fucking wo
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Chapter 160
NATHANShe wasn't in bed. I searched the entire apartment, but I couldn't find her. Where could she have gone so early?I asked James to check if she had left. He confirmed she had gone around five. What did that mean? Did she give up on us?Yesterday, I couldn't control myself; I let anger take over. But how could I not, given that situation? Why the hell did Niels decide to show up at the event when he knew Kate would be there with me? And then that damn John had the nerve to approach her and insult her, and we were all at the same table, with my damn cousin leering at Kate.Why did things with her have to be so difficult? Why couldn't I control myself when it came to her? It was already hell not being able to touch her the way I wanted for an entire week, and now this.Right now, she must be hating me. I acted like a jerk, and I couldn't blame her. I said I wouldn't chase after her anymore, but I was wrong. KATEI wok
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