All Chapters of Mr. Ryan: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
198 Chapters
Chapter 161
KATE"I'm here. Do you really think I still need to decide?" he said."You were a complete jerk yesterday.""I let anger consume me. But how could it be different? Do you think that situation was easy for me?""No. I know it wasn't, but it doesn't give you the right to act like a jerk.""I'm sorry.""If you want to move forward with this, I hope you commit; you need to control yourself. Your possessiveness is extremely toxic; no relationship would work like that.""I'll try.""Try? I'm serious, Nathan.""Fine.""Then I hope this matter about Niels is closed." He nodded silently, still staring at the ceiling."My intention was never to hurt you. Believe me. I thought we would never be together again." I said.I knew it wouldn't be easy for him to get over that; it would take a while, but I hoped he would at least try."Are you angry with me again?""No.""It doesn't look like it."He remained silent."See? You keep everything to yourself. You don't talk.""You're annoying. I preferred
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Chapter 162
KATEMinutes later, we were all seated at the table, and the food was incredible, with the table full and beautiful.Part of me was very happy to be with them and to have finally come clean to everyone about my relationship with Nathan, despite everything.I was also happy that my father was with us. After losing my mother, I had never felt this sense of belonging to a family. And Nat's family was amazing.My father seemed at ease, and that made all my concerns disappear."So, Mrs. Ryan managed to convince you to spend New Year's Eve in another country?" I asked.He was sitting to my right."I really would, my dear, but I won't be able to.""Then I'll go home and stay with you.""It's not necessary. You should go and stay with your boyfriend. Enjoy yourself.""I won't leave you alone.""I won't be alone.""How so?" I furrowed my brow in confusion."I guess this isn't the best time to tell you this, but... I'm getting to know someone.""What? Is my dad dating someone? "For how long?"
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Chapter 163
KATEThe next morning, I was awakened by a knock on my door. Nathan stood there, shirtless. He looked like he had just taken a shower. How could he be fine? No hangover whatsoever?"Good morning, princess of perversity," he said before entering my room, passing me."What?"Did that mean he was in a good mood?"I've come to tell you about my plans for us tonight.""I can probably guess...""Smartass."He lay down on the bed, putting his arms behind his head, causing his abs to flex. Oh, God!"I want to spend tonight with you at my cottage in East Hampton," he said."But don't you think my dad is here, and I can't leave him alone?""I talked to him, and he told me that he sees no problem in staying here. We'll be back tomorrow before he leaves for Texas.""Wow! You were fast.""I figured you'd object. You always do.""And showing up here half naked is part of your plan to convince me, isn't it?""I think that's just your perverted mind at work.""Do you really want to go to the Hamptons
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Chapter 164
KATEI took a quick shower. The smaller cabin next to the house had glass doors and windows on all walls, except in the bathroom. There was only a sofa and a huge television furnishing the space.Nathan had already set the table when I returned."I'll take a quick shower and be right back," he said before grabbing his things and leaving.The shower didn't help me feel less excited. My whole body was craving him. The tension was increasing with each passing minute.Dinner was almost torture. The pasta was delicious, but watching Nathan eat only worsened my state. How could someone be so sexy while eating?He seemed a bit nervous, and I had no idea why, but the amount of wine he drank confirmed his nervousness.When we finished, he went out to light the bonfire a little ahead of the house, close to the sea. It was dark, and I could only see him when he lit the fire. I could also see what I thought were chairs.He walked back to g
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Chapter 165
KATEI woke up with a wave of pleasure coursing through my body. I opened my eyes, looking at his face between my legs. His eyes met mine before his tongue slid over my sex once more.I moaned in response. It was dark, and only the moonlight streaming through the ceiling windows gave the room a sensual ambiance.He wrapped his lips around my clit, sucking eagerly. His tongue roamed everywhere, between my folds, reaching deep inside me and repeating it over and over."Oh, God… I missed this," I moaned. He slid a finger inside me, thrusting quickly and hitting that spot, making my body squirm as he sucked me. He looked really hungry, determined to drive me crazy. "Yes! Yes!" I encouraged.Nathan added another finger, increasing the speed. I moaned in desperation, feeling my body tremble. I bit the back of my hand to avoid screaming."Come, beautiful," he said, his lips pressing the words against my skin. All my focus was on t
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Chapter 166
KATEI went up to the room when we arrived at his parents' house. Nathan stayed downstairs, looking for someone. I changed clothes and found Stephan in the hallway."Kate! You're back already?" He hugged me."Yeah, I have to accompany my father to the airport in the afternoon. You disappeared yesterday after lunch. Where were you?""Doing guy stuff. Has your friend returned from New Jersey?""Guy stuff? Wait... how do you know Lisa is in New Jersey?""I've been trying to take her out for a while. How was the trip with Mr. Kindness?""Much better than I expected, actually. Why aren't we walking?" He was standing in front of me. I crossed my arms over my chest, suspecting his restlessness."Yeah, did you like the beach?""Why are you trying to stall me?" I asked, raising an eyebrow."Damn. I guess I'm not good at this."Nathan appeared from the stairs."Thank God!" Stephan groaned."W
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Chapter 167
KATENathan made me accompany him to Ryan on Thursday since I insisted on staying home during the week before the trip. Bethany was sitting right where my seat used to be, which reminded me of the madness I did on the night she showed up at his apartment.Some receptionists I already knew treated me as if I were Mrs. Ryan herself. At this point, everyone already knew about us. I saw at least a dozen articles about us with photos from the charity event. I realized that being with Nathan would make people treat me differently, and I still didn't know if I liked that.We entered his office."I don't know why I wanted you to come here. It's so strange," I said.I sat in the chair in front of his desk. The office brought back good memories for me."Strange?"He remained standing."Yes. People here know I worked for you.""We both know what really happened.""Yes, unprofessional behavior." I laughed."I never fav
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Chapter 168
KATEI took a shower, put on some perfume, and wore a robe. I left my hair loose since he hadn't mentioned anything about it. I waited until there were only five minutes left until seven, and then I went upstairs, feeling my legs trembling with nervousness.I stood in front of the door, took off the robe, and stared at the clock on the wall. Each passing second made my heart pound. I took a deep breath, exhaled, hugged myself, and knocked as soon as the clock struck seven.Nathan opened the door a second later. He was wearing only a white shirt, a black tie, and leather gloves."Come in."The room was somewhat dark. My heart raced even more when I saw the wooden X-shaped structure in the corner of the wall behind him. There were also some things hanging by the side that I had no idea what they were. I identified some whips, chains, ropes, and handcuffs. Were these things always here?"Do you want to give up?" He was staring at me.I shook
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Chapter 169
KATEWe met the others at the airport the next day, very early in the morning. I was still feeling sleepy. We settled into Nathan's jet. Mia was also present, making my stomach turn at such inconvenience.Mary and Ben also came, much to my delight. The flight was long. By the time we arrived in Cork, it was already past nine at night due to the jet lag. The car journey to the family house in Glandore took a little over an hour and a half.The house was a bit secluded from the village, on a hill with a breathtaking view of the harbor bay. The place was incredible, with lots of green fields and trees around. The nighttime view of the village lights was beautiful."This is insane," Mary said, getting out of the car.They came in the same car as Nathan and me. "You grew up here, Nathan?""No. My father did."He approached me and hugged me from behind."Imagine living in this place. We should go to the village."Nathan and I
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Chapter 170
NATHAN I didn't want to be rude, so I raised my hand to call the bartender. He refilled our glasses, and we went back to the table."Would you like to take a walk around the streets?" I asked as soon as I sat down, turning to Kate. She furrowed her brow, not understanding."It's safe. I can take you to the port.""Okay," she smiled.Whenever she did that, I wanted to kiss her. I just wanted to be alone with her and leave behind the heavy energy that Mia caused."We'll be back soon," Kate said before we got up."I bet they're going to have sex in some alley out there!" Mary shouted as we were leaving.I saw Kate's face blush, making my cock stir. We walked a bit away from the bar, down the street. She made a point of crossing her arms so that I wouldn't take her hand. She was upset."What were you guys talking about?" she asked seriously, looking ahead."You don't need to be jealous of her," I reassur
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