All Chapters of SHE’S MINE: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
28 Chapters
Nursery rhymes filled the room as the children took their place in front of the tv. The senior citizens were playing a game of bingo in the backyard. An exhausted but satisfied Jeanine sat at a corner of the room beside a cradle, rocking a baby. Everything was going fine, donations were made and some of the children were taken under foster care for adoption. The thought of them having new families almost made her cry, they deserved all the love in the world and they were finally getting it. She smiled and sang to the baby, hoping she’d fall asleep. If there was any reason she believed in miracles, it was because of baby Milagra. She was brought into the orphanage when she was only ten weeks old, her mother had abandoned her. She was terribly sick and the doctors were scared she wouldn’t make it. Jeanine met her during one of her visits to the children’s wards. Her heart melted at the pink face, the rise and fall of her little chest and her tiny hands. Baby Milagra was a good fig
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He took in deep breaths and reminded himself to breathe. With the little baby in his arms, it almost felt like his heart was going to rip out of his chest. Her warm smile, bright eyes and red face reminded him of that night. He panicked so much that he had to let go of the baby. It was the first time he held a baby in five years and he had done a horrible job at it. Her cries of protest when he handed her over to Jeanine broke his heart. He wished he could have held her for longer, he had tried his best but he couldn’t. He felt slightly embarrassed for walking out on Jeanine and freaking out because of a harmless baby. He understood how much the charity meant to her which was one of the reasons he decided to show up.The main reason was because he had gotten an email that some of his business partners were coming the next weekend. He had to show them he was a good husband and he was capable of running his father’s business. The media and blogs were going to help him with that. Meet
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Jeanine hid a smile as they walked towards his Cadillac. She blushed and smiled throughout the event that she was scared her face would split in half. When the older women teased her about Aiden, her cheeks turned crimson red and her heart swelled with pride. She tucked the children in bed while Aiden busied himself with the senior citizens. Their act was so natural that she was proud of herself, she was convinced that if they kept up with it, they would make everyone believe they were truly in love. “I’ll have one of my drivers come pick up your car” he said to her as he unlocked the carShe had almost forgotten about her car. It was nothing compared to his car but it served its purpose anyway. She nodded in agreement, it was going to be nice driving in his nice car. Also, she was going to get a close up view of his tattoos, which was even nicer. “Don’t you think you should hold the door open for me?” She asked, raising an eyebrowShe bit her lip and waited for his reply.
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An unwanted excitement filled him as he drove to the restaurant she picked out. She asked him to dinner, what was exciting about that? It was just a regular dinner, wasn’t it?So many women asked him on dates, some of them even offered to pay for the dates to which he declined but there was something different about Jeanine asking him to have dinner with her. He could feel heat rise to his face, it was the Jeanine effect. It was probably the way her blue eyes sparked innocently each time she spoke.He mentally checked if it was against the rules of their contract, it wasn’t. He was being paranoid, Aiden Braithwaite was nervous which was rare.He grabbed the steering a little to hard as if to steady his emotions. Being around so many children had ignited emotions he’d rather have locked away. “Here we are” she announced with a smile as he pulled up into the restaurant’s parking lot It wasn’t the kind of place he’d go to on a date but it was somehow perfect. From the way
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The cheesecake was excellent, just like she remembered it being. It was the perfect thing to melt all the anger she felt towards Aiden. The rub of it all was that she couldn’t single out what made her feel infuriated. Aiden’s bluntness or his disregard for her.He didn’t have to be so blunt about him not wanting her to meet his mother, the way he had said it kind of infuriated her. Was it because she was a stripper or because she was never going to be one of the girl’s he hung out with? A group of girls in low-cut dresses had flocked by their table twice, each giggling and whispering to one another. One had been bold enough to look Aiden in the eye and smile widely at him. It annoyed her so much, they had the guts to look at her husband —her fake husband. Was she jealous? Just a tiny little bit. She didn’t want him for herself, he was too reckless and carefree for her liking. He should be thankful, if she hadn’t shown up in his life, he could have lost his father’s properties
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One week, two days, six hours and nine minutes later, Jeanine was still stock in a state of confusion, anger and pure delight. Mostly anger, she had seen Aiden only twice after the kiss. The first time she saw him, he mumbled a good morning to her when he was about to leave the house and the second time, he nodded his head to her in acknowledgment. Who kissed someone that passionately and didn’t talk about it? It was almost like it didn’t happen, the only evidence were their pictures on the front pages of gossip magazines and her lips still wishing they were locked in his. She understood it was all an act but she couldn’t pretend that she didn’t feel something that night, she didn’t feel a thousand fireworks go off in her tummy, her knees weak and jelly like from his kiss. The drive home that night was quiet, she had stayed awake all night thinking of him while he was probably fast asleep or working on a new project. The next morning, she was late to her class and she zoned out so
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Something about the punching bag tearing open brought him satisfaction. There was no other perfect distraction than boxing, he declined a match with an opponent in the boxing ring because he was scared of what the rage in him would do.The past week had been hell for him, he had been consumed by guilt and blame. He shouldn’t have kissed her, what the heck was he thinking?He shouldn’t have dragged her into his messy life, Jeanine was a girl from a small village who deserved a nice life. Now, there were so many publications on the internet about her, most of which said very horrible things about her. “That’s the second bag you’ve torn” Henry commented and then took a gulp of his waterThe lawyer had spent the past hour trying to talk to his client but Aiden paid him no attention. “I’ve never seen you this way, Aiden” he started as he watched him move to another punching bag“Are you going to talk about what is going on with you?” Aiden sighed as he stared at his bruised
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She wrapped her scarf carefully around her face as she made her way to the back of mama Lucia’s restaurant. She hoped the oversized glasses and clothes were enough disguise. It was the first time she left the house in three days, she had missed all her classes and spent her time curling up in bed, feeling sorry for herself and her family.She needed someone to talk to. Aiden was busy with one meeting or the other and it didn’t seem like he wanted to talk to her. He was her boss, she knew what she signed up for when she went through the contract, so why bother him? “You look terrible” Aaron commented as she sat opposite himHis voice was cold and distant and she could feel the look of disgust in his eyes.Things between them were never going to be the same. She imagined that they’d get married after college even though she didn’t feel anything for him but now, that was never going to happen. He was the only one that looked at her with love in his eyes, the only man that told h
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She folded her arms and then tried to focus her eyes on a painting on the wall. It was easy to feed her eyes on different things, Aiden was an art collector and he had a piece in almost every room. It wasn’t the first time she had dinner with him but it was different, she was way more nervous than the first time and she had sweat on her palms. She had even taken extra time to pick out her outfit, it was a regular shirt and her favorite jeans which according to her former roommates enhanced her curves. He was dressed in a sleeveless tank top and gray sweatpants. It was the simplest of outfits but it was Aiden, he could never look bad in anything. She swallowed hard at the sight of his tattoos, she resisted the urge to reach across the table and run her hands along his arm.Was this what it felt like to have a crush on someone? She felt herself melting under his gaze and when the chef brought in their food, she could finally breathe. “Have a nice meal” the chef smiled after h
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Aiden yawned as he made his way downstairs. For the first time in weeks, he had slept peacefully and he was taking a break from work which was an absolute shocker to his personal assistant. Life was great, the association of business managers and administrators had nominated for businessman of the year which he had won twice in a row. He was certain he would win again because of how hard he worked, his father’s company recorded twice the usual amount of sales in just a few months of him taking over.He decided to skip his usual morning run because the day was strictly for resting and his hands were still bruised from boxing.As a married man, he wasn’t doing as bad as he thought he’d do. His mother invited them for dinner which he almost declined but accepted at the last minute only because she hadn’t met Jeanine yet. He sighed at the thought of his wife, she was quite a character. It was obvious that their little kiss had rattled her but she was right too, if she didn’t feel
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