All Chapters of Love me, Mr. President: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
262 Chapters
Chapter 111
"However, Sabrina has already lost her rationality, so she can do anything. She's not well, and she's definitely not going to let the two of us live in peace. Clarice, can you help your mother decide whether she should divorce him?""And do you happen to love? I never liked your marriage, so I don't know why you come to ask me what to do or not! This time, Clarice had completely seen through her mother, this extremely selfish woman. In her world, the person she loved the most was herself, and in her eyes, a husband wasn't as important as money.Julia spoke a few more words on the phone before hanging up.Clarice was almost certain that, this time, Julia's marriage would definitely end, but that had nothing to do with her. She didn't want to worry about it, and she didn't want to be bothered by it.It was 8 p.m., and everyone was at the Murray family's house to talk to the elder, the boys' grandfather. With all of the Murray family present, the atmosphere in the hall was extremely depr
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Chapter 112
"This isn't the outcome you always wanted, is it? I'll help you. Since you're already with Miss Agatti, I'll let you stay with her. You should marry her into your family." Filippo was about to ask him to stay when Nicholas suddenly said to his mother."Olivia, turn on the television." His words caused everyone's expressions to change.When Olivia heard him, she gave a significant look to the servant next to her, who immediately turned on the living room TV and handed the remote control to Nicholas.Nicholas changed the channel twice and then stopped on the live broadcast of the entertainment channel. The image showed Samantha, with a downcast face, accompanied by her father Eric, giving a press conference.When Gretta saw this scene, she couldn't take it anymore. She pushed Filippo away and straightened up."This is the fate of us, husband and wife. Tomorrow, go to the lawyer and sign your name; we'll have nothing to do with each other." After she finished speaking, she didn't wait fo
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Chapter 113
"Lady, you're back!" Seeing that she had returned, the maid immediately welcomed her. "Where is Edward?""Hospital." Clarice tossed out those words and began to climb the stairs. At this moment, her heart was very tired. Her whole body was filled with an unprecedented exhaustion, and Edward said that if he died, the child in her stomach wouldn't be able to live.What did that mean, she couldn't understand.In the middle of the night, she was sleeping in her bed when suddenly there was a knock on the door. She got up and was about to open the door when she saw someone open the door and enter—a familiar figure. She was about to speak when the figure approached her and lifted her from the bed."Nicholas, why are you here?" She asked, and Nicholas's face was hidden in the shadows, revealing a sinister smile."Of course, I'm here to find you. Edward is going to die, Filippo's reputation is in ruins, Gretta left the Murray Family, now, only you and the child in the second house are still fi
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Chapter 114
"You know why Mr. Murray was willing to sell 10% of his shares to Mr. Longhini?" Bento asked, and Clarice quickly thought of a response."Wasn't it to let John Longhini deal with Nicholas?" Bento chuckled, shaking his head."Of course not, Mrs. Murray. The company is the property of the Murray family. Do you really think he would destroy his own property to defeat Nicholas?""Then why didn't he deny it when I asked him?""And what if he denies it? You've already decided in your heart what kind of person he is. You probably always thought Mr. Murray married you to deal with Nicholas.""And wasn't he?" Clarice was confused. Had she been wrong all this time?"It was true in the beginning, but then..." Bento paused before continuing. "Do you really not feel Mr. Murray's feelings for you?" Clarice's heart was in complete chaos.What does that mean? Was Edward interested in her?"There was a time when he had given up on getting a new heart until he found out about your existence. In the beg
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Chapter 115
Clarice never thought that Edward would actually leave everything he had for her, even though she always misunderstood him. These last few days must have been sad for him. Perhaps that was the reason he always avoided her during this period."I can't accept these things; I'm not qualified..." If she hadn't suspected him and told Nicholas that he was in contact with her, things might not have unfolded this way.In the end, she had wronged him."You're the woman Mr. Murray loves; you have the right to inherit everything from him," Bento spoke in a serious tone."Inherit?" When Clarice heard those two words, she felt confused in her heart. Why inherit? Edward is still alive!"Some of these industries are foreign properties. Mr. Murray said that if you want to safely give birth to your child, you should go abroad. Don't you have a brother in Europe? Mr. Murray has a house there, and you can go there; I've already prepared a plane ticket for you. If you want, you can leave tomorrow afterno
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Chapter 116
"I won't make the same mistake again. Edward never intended to hurt you, so please let him go, just treat it as if I'm begging, okay?" Clarice's voice trembled a bit. In her heart, she wasn't sure if Nicholas would agree to her plea.She didn't know why, but despite being so close to him and looking at him, he didn't seem familiar at all; on the contrary, it felt a bit strange."Beg? What position are you taking? Edward's wife?" The expression in Nicholas's eyes was full of mockery. If Clarice hadn't come to beg him, maybe he would have shown mercy. But now that she had come, he really had to reconsider his plans."No... No... I..." Clarice started to panic; what position should she take to beg him? Nicholas's earlier questioning proved that he cared a lot about her Murray wife status."Clarice, you really aren't very smart," Nicholas said indifferently."I know that if I were smart enough, I wouldn't have insisted on marrying you. If I were smart enough, I should have understood that
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Chapter 117
London - EuropeIn the high-class suite of a 5-star hotel, Clarice was peacefully sleeping in bed when a noise came from outside the door, causing her to open her eyes and get out of bed. Opening the door, she saw her brother Rob calling her for lunch."Sis, you're awake. Did you rest well?" Seeing that Clarice had awakened, Robert poured a glass of fruit juice and handed it to her."I rested well; it's the first time I've been on a plane for so long, so it's quite challenging. Why did you order so much food? It's just the two of us!" Clarice took the juice and took a couple of sips."Not two, but three." Robert pointed to her belly and said, "Come quickly and eat. In the afternoon, I'll take you to the hospital for a maternity checkup.""Aren't all appointments for exams here pre-scheduled?" Although Clarice had never been to Europe before, during the flight here, out of boredom, she read some introductions about this country."Of course, a normal person should make an appointment, b
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Chapter 118
Seeing Mary's figure, the car door was opened by someone, and John's tall and straight figure appeared in her line of sight. The man made people look at him like a god standing at the door, waiting for her to approach, and for some unknown reason, the moment Mary saw him, she felt her heart involuntarily beat faster.Her face turned red, and she became extremely nervous.At this time, many Gebaude employees were coming down for lunch, and seeing the luxury cars parked at the entrance, as well as the man standing next to the cars, everyone couldn't help but discuss in hushed tones. Inhaling secretly, so as not to receive the gazes of others, Mary quickly walked ahead of him and got into the car.The door closed, and John Longhini entered from the other side, sitting beside her. The car started to move, but Mary lowered her eyes, feeling the strange atmosphere.However, the two were not really familiar with each other, at least for Mary; she was cautious and even hostile. This man's tho
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Chapter 119
After entering the company lobby and climbing the stairs, she quickly reached the floor where her office was located. As soon as the elevator door opened, she saw her assistant already waiting at the entrance."President, you're here. Hurry to the conference room. The president is holding a meeting and wants you to participate." Upon seeing Mary, the assistant immediately stepped forward and greeted.Upon hearing this, Mary hastily handed the bag in her hands to the assistant and walked briskly towards the conference room. As the meeting was about to begin, Mary entered through the door, and all the business executives stood up.Only the few elders from the Parker family used their seniority to impose themselves and didn't give her much importance. Sebastião was Mary's cousin and always looked at Gebaude with covetous eyes. He was an ambitious man who originally wanted to take advantage of Mary's father's illness to directly usurp the position of Patriarch.He didn't expect Nicholas t
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Chapter 120
After leaving the office, Nicholas went straight to Luna's office. At that moment, Luna was buried in a stack of documents and was extremely busy."I need to know something!" Nicholas walked up to her desk."President, how can I assist you?" Luna immediately looked up and stood up from her chair."Have you been searching for Clarice in our city all this time?" Nicholas asked."Not just in our city, but where you both met as well, but couldn't find her. Currently, the scope has been expanded, and private detectives have been investigating all major cities in the country. However, there is still no news.""For now, you don't need to search the entire country. Just immediately find someone to retrieve information about Clarice's brother and send it to me on my phone," Nicholas said."Clarice's brother?" Hearing this, Luna seemed to understand something. "Are you suggesting that Clarice may have gone to Europe to find her brother?""It's very possible that, in this world, Robert is the on
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