All Chapters of Love me, Mr. President: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
262 Chapters
Chapter 131
"It seemed he wouldn't come today," she thought as she let out a long sigh and got up to leave the bed. However, just as she was about to leave, she suddenly heard the sound of a key card being swiped at the door. Startled by the noise, she immediately turned off the lights in the room that had just been turned on. When Nicholas reached the presidential suite, he saw that the hallway was empty. On the table, there was a bottle of old wine and two wine glasses. One of the glasses was clean and clear, as if someone had used it before. The door to the adjacent room was securely closed. The red wine had already been opened and was still awake. He picked up the wine glass and poured himself half a small cup to taste. As he arrived forty minutes later than expected, the red wine seemed to have awakened a bit too early. After taking a small sip, he placed the wine glass down with some regret. He had no intention of continuing to drink this wine that was no longer the best to taste.In the ro
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Chapter 132
"Bryan, please stay still, it's just a prick, it won't hurt." The nurse spoke in an attempt to convince the child; "You deceive weak women like my mother, who is incapable of marriage, but you'd better not lie to me." As Bryan spoke, he carefully stretched his little arm out from under the blanket and warned the nurse at the same time.When Clarice heard this from the door, she almost fainted, so that's how her son planned things for her behind her back."Ugh... Children have to be obedient." The nurse hadn't expected this brat to say such outrageous words, he raised the syringe in his hand and said. "Good boy, but today it won't be in your arm, but in your buttocks, so quickly take off your underwear for me.""I'm shy, I'd better not." Hearing the nurse's words, he turned red, embarrassed and said. "Little buddy, I've already wasted a lot of time on you, and there are still a lot of patients waiting to take their medicine! "The nurse was on the verge of collapse at the pretentious
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Chapter 133
"Enough, Bryan, do you want a father? Fine, I'll give you a father!" Clarice almost lost her mind with the noise Bryan was making and blurted out the first thing that came to her mind."What?" Bryan also didn't expect Clarice to be so direct this time. He was a bit stunned for a while, then climbed onto her body and spoke. "Where is he? Where is dad?""What are you doing, Bryan?""I need to go back to the United States, I want to find my father!" After saying this, he jumped off the bed and walked barefoot to the closet. He grabbed a stool, climbed on it, then opened the closet and began packing.Clarice realized at this moment that she had done something foolish. Wasn't her biggest fear that Nicholas would know he had a son like this? What would she do now that they were going to find him? She couldn't stop him. Judging by his troublesome personality, he would probably make her uncomfortable. But if she really brought him to find Nicholas, she was a little worried that Nicholas would
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Chapter 134
After Luna heard that, she didn't dare stay any longer and just gave the three girls an apologetic smile. She placed the note on the table and followed him out."CEO, what happened? Why are you leaving suddenly?" She asked curiously as they were leaving the bar towards the parking lot."Please, go to the hotel, and check what happened that night. I need to know the truth!" Nicholas said as he walked aside with a cold expression."That night, you think... Could it be..." Luna seemed to have guessed the reason for Nicholas's sudden departure, and she felt the matter was strange and picked up the phone to call the general manager of the Villares Hotel.She spoke a few words with the general manager on the phone and after finishing preparing the monitoring images of that night, she and Nicholas got into the car and the car quickly headed towards the Villares Hotel. Twenty minutes later, they arrived at the hotel's surveillance room, when the surveillance video content was placed in front
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Chapter 135
The next morning, when Clarice woke up, she found that Bryan had already woken up. He was sitting on the bed and chatting with the nurse who came to draw blood."Really? If I asked you to draw blood, would you actually give me your phone number?" Bryan, wide awake, looked at the nurse and asked."Really. I promise I won't lie to you. Come on, give me your hand." The nurse gently persuaded him before lifting his arm and starting to disinfect the blood.She had already prepared to cover her ears, but she didn't expect that once the blood was drawn, he wouldn't give any signs of crying. In the end, when the needle was withdrawn, he took out his own bag with great difficulty and then took out a small notebook. The first thing he said was:"Please write your phone number here!"Seeing this, Clarice's expression turned surprised. She never thought that the beauty effect would be really effective in front of her son, to the point where he wouldn't be afraid of taking a prick. The nurse wrote
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Chapter 136
In the L’Empire group, Nicholas had just signed a document and was managing the remaining contracts in his hands when Luna walked in from outside with an invitation in her hands."President, this is the invitation the mayor sent, the mayor's son's wedding is the day after tomorrow.""I see, ask Secretary Jorge to prepare a wedding gift for me." Nicholas instructed without lifting his head."Yes, I will do that!" Luna nodded and prepared to leave."Wait..." Nicholas raised his head and called out to her."President, do you have any other instructions?" Luna stopped and turned to face Nicholas when he asked."Did the private detective find anything?" Nicholas paused for a moment and asked, and Luna knew he wanted to ask about Clarice's situation, so she replied."Not at the moment, but as soon as there's any news, they'll contact me immediately.""Alright, thank you!" Upon hearing this, Nicholas dismissed her.As soon as Luna left the office and closed the door, she saw Secretary Jorge
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Capítulo 137
Inside the massive building of L'empire, more specifically within the presidential office, two individuals, one tall and the other small, sat facing each other, staring intently. On the other hand, Luna stood upright, her gaze fixed on the small child in front of her, as if the child reminded her of someone familiar. His large, innocent black eyes seemed reminiscent of Clarice's, but from another angle, his eyebrows, chin, and proud nose were replicas of Nicholas'.But, in the end, isn't this boy Edward's son? Why does he resemble Nicholas so much? Did Clarice lie to everyone for the past four years? It was impossible for Nicholas not to ponder over all of this. The two locked eyes. Just as he was about to say something, he heard the boy sigh lightly, and Nicholas couldn't figure out why he sighed, but his eyebrows furrowed slightly, a question mark hanging over his face."Sir, you're not my father, are you?" He lifted his head and looked at Nicholas, who then turned to glance at Luna
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Chapter 138
"Nicholas..." Clarice opened her mouth, but she didn't know what to say.She began to regret not practicing her opening words after seeing him, and now that he only looked at her without speaking, she was so nervous she didn't know what to say.Nicholas glanced at her nervous and restless appearance, hoping she would speak.When Clarice saw that Nicholas didn't say anything, just looked at her as if expecting to see a joke, she bit her lips, hardened her heart, and got straight to the point."Where did you put my son?""My son?" Nicholas imagined her appearance in front of him many times in his mind, and he thought she should at least ask how he was doing over these years. But no, she didn't say anything, and the first thing she said was to ask him where the child had gone, as if there was nothing else to say between them.The corner of his mouth curved into a scornful smile. The fingers of his left hand tapped lightly on his right arm, as if watching a great joke."Yes, my son, I kno
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Chapter 139
"What happened? What? ... Call an ambulance immediately..." At that moment, Luna's phone suddenly rang; she immediately picked it up and looked at it, then walked aside to answer the call.After hanging up the phone, she looked at Nicholas in panic.When Clarice heard the three words "call an ambulance," the alarm in her head immediately rang; she stood up and turned to look at Luna."Did something happen to Bryan? Where is he now? Tell me, I'm begging you.""That..." Luna was worried and had no choice but to ask for instructions from Nicholas."I should be the clearest about Bryan's condition; I should accompany him to the hospital so that I can save the doctor's treatment." Clarice was afraid that Nicholas would reject her again, so she quickly spoke.Nicholas also regained his senses; Clarice always emphasized the effects of the illness, thinking they had found him in the children's hospital, so he considered the child's condition wasn't good."Let's go to the hospital." He didn't
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Chapter 140
"‘Do you think he really loves me?’ Clarice was incredulous; after all, Nicholas had never said there was love between them. In the past, he had only mentioned liking her, and initially, she was sure of that, but did love truly exist?‘Clarice, I know I don’t have the right to meddle in your affairs, but shouldn’t you be thinking about how to mend your relationship with the president and give your two children a healthy family? Do you want your child to be born without a father, like Bryan?’ Luna asked, as if it were a very practical matter.Her words were like an alarm bell, allowing the lost Clarice to find her target! Yes, how could she forget that she had originally taken the wrong first step to have a healthy family? However, was there still time to correct it? Would Nicholas give her the chance to do so? Clarice was left pondering this.HapVida Hospital, pediatric ward…After being tended to by the doctors, Bryan was no longer in danger. After sleeping for a while, he woke up an
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