All Chapters of Love me, Mr. President: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
262 Chapters
Chapter 141
"What's wrong? What do you need the most?" Nicholas looked at him, concerned."Daddy, the toilet is too high, so I can't pee by myself!" Bryan was so anxious and nervous that he was about to cry, and upon hearing that, Nicholas had no choice but to pick him up and help him pee.After finishing, Bryan looked at Nicholas curiously."Are you really my father? Why has my mother never mentioned you?" Returning to his room, he paced around the sofa, looked Nicholas up and down, then stood in front of him and asked with unmatched seriousness."Yes," Nicholas replied solemnly.This was the first time he had established a father-son relationship with him, and he hoped to be recognized as such. Upon hearing this, Bryan's large eyes blinked a few times, he reached out, and threw himself into Nicholas's arms."Daddy! Daddy! I finally found my daddy!"Nicholas hadn't expected such a big reaction from him, but seeing him acknowledge him as his father, his heart was still very content. After crying
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Chapter 142
"Why can't I come in? I was here yesterday, remember? It was you who let me in!""I haven't forgotten, ma'am, but you can't come in. An order has been placed!""I need to see Nicholas. So, was it him who gave this order? To prohibit me from coming here?"Clarice couldn't believe that Nicholas would be so ruthless as to prohibit her from coming to the company, let alone not wanting to see her."You cannot see President Murray, and secondly, he did not come to the company today, and even if he had, you still could not see him." The guard stopped her, staring at her seriously.Clarice knew that if it was indeed an order from Nicholas, then she wouldn't be able to enter through this door today, no matter what. However, the guard had just said that Nicholas hadn't come to the company. Was it because he was with Bryan at the hospital?Thinking about it, Clarice immediately took out her phone and called Luna."Luna, are you at the company by any chance?" She asked as soon as the call connect
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Chapter 143
"Why can't I come in? I was here yesterday, remember? It was you who let me in!""I haven't forgotten, ma'am, but you can't come in. There's been an order!""I need to see Nicholas, then. Was it him who gave this order to prohibit me from coming here?"Clarice couldn't believe that Nicholas would be so ruthless as to prohibit her from coming to the company, and not even want to see her."You can't see President Murray, and secondly, he didn't come to the company today, and even if he had, you still wouldn't be able to see him." The guard stopped her, staring at her seriously.Clarice knew that if it was really an order from Nicholas, then she wouldn't be able to enter through this door today, no matter what. However, the security guard had just said that Nicholas hadn't come to the company, was it because he was with Bryan at the hospital?Thinking about this, Clarice immediately took out her phone and called Luna."Luna, are you at the company by any chance?" When the call connected,
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Chapter 144
Clarice, on the other hand, suddenly felt a little sad. She remembered what Nicholas had said before, that after the baby in her stomach was born, she would have to leave. So, how could she make Nicholas marry her? And thus, they become a happy family? After dinner, Bryan watched a lot of cartoons and had fun with Nicholas for a while before being taken by the nurse to the room to sleep.The next morning, in the president's office, the secretary raised her notebook and said to Nicholas, "Mr. President, the mayor's wedding banquet is tomorrow at 8 p.m. I wanted to know if you have already invited someone, and if you need me to prepare a dress for her?""Tomorrow night?" Nicholas didn't even think before saying, "Go and ask Director Philips's assistant if she has time tomorrow night and have her accompany me. About the dress, you help decide.""President, do you want Director Philips's assistant to be your companion?" Secretary Rose asked in doubt. "Why? Is there a problem?" Nicholas as
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Chapter 145
It was obvious that he didn't react and was stunned. Realizing there was no sound coming from the other side of the phone, Bryan frowned and hung up the phone with a click. Two minutes later, the phone rang again. Bryan was still next to the phone, but he quickly picked it up and put it to his ear."Hello...""Hello, is this Nicholas's house?" The person on the other end of the line probably wasn't sure if they had dialed correctly, so they asked."Who is Nicholas?" Bryan didn't know his father's name, so he asked with a confused expression."Did I dial the wrong number again? But the phone number is correct." The other side was really intrigued this time, and at that moment, the nurse in charge of supervising the child approached, listening to the call. She immediately reached out to take the phone from Bryan and said into the phone."Hello, this is Mr. Murray's mansion, may I ask who is looking for him?""I am the housekeeper from the main house, may I ask if Nicholas is home? Madam
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Chapter 146
"No, that's not what I meant." Clarice quickly waved her hands."If it's not that, then what is it? Are you hiding from me?" He asked, knowing the answer."No... that's not it!" Even if it were, she wouldn't dare to admit it."Remember what you promised me back then. You don't have the right to say no to me!" He said, and Nicholas coldly reminded her that she had made a promise.Clarice naturally remembered that she had said that as long as she stayed behind to accompany their two children, she would be willing to pay any price."I haven't forgotten." She whispered."Then why aren't you coming?" Nicholas threw these words to the ground and returned to his room.Clarice's small face was full of hesitation, but in fact, she was not reluctant at all to sleep with them. However, the little boy's request was very strange, he actually wanted the two of them to sleep with him. This meant that she would lie in the same bed as Nicholas, and this embarrassing situation was what she feared most.
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Chapter 147
Sighing lightly, she turned around and prepared to leave, and as soon as she lifted her foot, her hand was enveloped in a sensation of warmth. When she turned her head, she saw that he had opened his eyes at some point, and his large hand was gripping her small hand."Aren't you going to say anything after spying for so long?" He looked up, his cold eyes fixed on her face with a hint of tiredness. "Have you been awake for a long time?" Clarice was surprised for a moment and then reacted, but Nicholas didn't answer her, he just loosened the hand that held hers, and leaned back and lifted the thin blanket that covered his body behind the chair.He looked at the cup of tea she brought him, lifted the cup, and opened the lid. A medicinal fragrance wafted into his nose, making him feel refreshed just by smelling it."I just brewed it. It's very hot, be careful." Clarice thought Nicholas wanted to drink the tea, so she gently reminded him, but as soon as she finished speaking, he suddenly t
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Chapter 148
On the next day, early in the morning, Clarice woke up, prepared breakfast for Bryan and Nicholas, and waited downstairs for them to wake up. Nicholas was used to waking up early every day, and when he woke up, he saw Clarice sitting on the sofa."Why didn't you make breakfast?" He asked, clearly annoyed."Sorry, if I remember correctly, yesterday you said my role here is to take care of Bryan and make him happy, but those two things have nothing to do with whether I prepare breakfast or not. So, it's not my job to want to prepare breakfast." Clarice sat on the sofa and said without raising her head.Nicholas never thought that after just one night, she would really dare to speak to him like this, as if he were a completely different person. He frowned secretly and was about to have an outburst of anger, but then Bryan rubbed his sleepy eyes and came down the stairs. As he walked, he murmured."Mommy, I need to pee…" Seeing this, she felt as if she had seen her savior, she immediately
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Chapter 149
Mother and son were leading their way to love upstairs, while downstairs, a black Mercedes-Benz parked in front of the door, it was Olivia accompanied by her governess, Julie, when they entered the door. Upon entering, she saw the two nurses sitting in the living room, having coffee, and saw the toy cart placed next to the living room, which made her even more intrigued, and when the two nurses saw that someone had arrived, they immediately stepped forward, and one of them turned to go upstairs to inform Clarice about the visit."Madam, may I ask whom you are looking for?" Another nurse, Lendinez, stepped in front of Olivia and asked. "Who are you? Why are you here?" Olivia didn't answer her question but asked her instead.Before Lendinez came here, she signed a secret agreement, and there was something written in it, a clause so that no one would know what she was doing here. Furthermore, he was also sick, so Nicholas definitely did not want his existence to be known by anyone. But L
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Chapter 150
"Madame, President Murray is on his way home and asked you to wait a bit. If there's anything you'd like to say, say it after he returns." Downstairs, after Lendinez hung up, she said to Olivia that when she heard Nicholas was rushing home at that moment, she became even more suspicious. She didn't want to wait any longer, so she ordered the maid."Go up and take a look." The maid immediately reached out and pushed Laila aside. "Good dogs don't block the way, don't block me." She pushed Laila until her body staggered and fell on the stair railing, and seeing that she couldn't block her, she followed her up the stairs.After the maid went up, she went straight to the master bedroom, as if she could sense what would happen in there. However, when she entered, she found the room clean and empty."I'm afraid what you're doing is inappropriate. If Mr. Murray finds out you opened his closet, he would be angry." Displeased, she was prepared to open the wardrobe, but seeing this, Laila interr
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