All Chapters of Love me, Mr. President: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
262 Chapters
Chapter 161
Community Fire…Inside the old Wiltz Family house, the family sat together as they discussed how much money they should extort from the hospital."300 thousand dollars is too little, you two brothers each get 150 thousand, and in this society, 150 thousand doesn't get you very far. In the city center, you can't even pay for a bathroom." The elderly woman was the first to reject Marlon's offer."Yes, mother, we still need to get rid of some expenses, like the people we invited to cause trouble, each one is worth 100 dollars. Those who are waiting there at night need extra money, and all these little things, they all need money. How can 300 thousand dollars be enough?" Said the wife of Marlon's older brother."Then tell me, how much do you need?" Marlon himself had no choice but to listen to the two women of the house."In my opinion, it should be at least a million!" The old woman thought for a moment and calculated."All that? Do you think the hospital will give all that?" The older b
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Chapter 162
"Mr. Wiltz?" When he opened his mouth, his voice was deep and charismatic, as if he had been born with the ability to seduce others. Not only would women be enchanted, but even men would be attracted to his words, resulting in a feeling of inferiority."Yes, are you the hospital representative? And did they just send you to talk to me?"Just one person. This left him more or less surprised."One person not enough?" Nicholas mocked, then casually placed the magazine on the table in front of him, reached for the steaming cup of coffee, and took a sip. "Tell me, how much do you want?""I..." Marlon never thought he would be so direct.He immediately asked how much he wanted the moment he opened his mouth, which made him feel a little embarrassed, as if the whole thing was about money. To show that he wasn't just causing trouble for money, but also for justice, and to be able to offer a higher price, he hesitated for a moment, then said uprightly."It's not a matter of money, my wife and
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Chapter 163
The next day, Clarice woke up and went to the kitchen to make a pot of chicken soup, and seeing how busy Clarice was going in and out of the kitchen, Bryan followed her in silence. When Clarice finished cooking the soup and also prepared breakfast, mother and son went back to the room to change, he immediately ran to the bedroom door and shouted from inside."Mom, are you going out?""Yes, Aunt Alice is in the hospital, and mommy is going to the hospital to take her this soup." Clarice replied."Then I want to go too, I want to go see Aunt Alice." Upon hearing this, Bryan immediately responded.By this time, Clarice had already changed clothes, she opened the door and carried Bryan to the living room, placing him on the sofa."Bryan, stay home, Aunt Alice is very sick this time, and she's also in a bad mood, and I promise mommy will be back right after visiting her.”"No, today is not the weekend, so daddy won't come." Bryan was in a bad mood. "Bryan, if you don't listen, mommy will
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Chapter 164
Half an hour later, the hospital ambulance arrived, and Alice had already packed her bags. The paramedics went up the stairs, placed her on the stretcher, went back down the stairs, and got into the ambulance.After Clarice went to the hospital to settle the bill, she sought out a doctor and a nurse to remind them specifically not to disclose Alice's whereabouts, no matter who asked. Given that Alice was someone the president wanted to take care of immediately, and considering how careful the doctors and nurses were, they agreed to Clarice's warning.After addressing all her concerns, she left the hospital and headed to the Hospital.Marlon left the hospital and went straight home. He was in a very bad mood, and his expression showed his unhappiness. He had originally been happily preparing to become a father, but now that his son was gone, and his wife could no longer have children, and most importantly, he didn't even need to pay the hospital bill…At the moment, his mother was forc
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Chapter 165
"Hey, Clarice..." The voice on the other end of the phone was very loud, so Luna's voice on the phone was also very loud."Luna, why did you answer the phone? Where's Nicholas? Is he with you?" Clarice asked."Yes, we're at Disney now, the CEO is playing with Bryan, do you want to come over?""Disney? So, when are you planning to come back?""From the looks of it, probably not until the park closes.""No, Bryan can't stay up too late, I'm on my way!" Clarice knew that once her son got too excited from playing, he wouldn't feel like sleeping, and besides, since Nicholas adored him so much, he would just listen to him.After hanging up the phone, Clarice quickly left home.After sitting in the car for 50 minutes, when she arrived at the Disney park, she found them at the location provided by Luna. She saw father and son sitting in chairs in the cafeteria, completely exhausted from playing, with Bryan's body collapsed on Nicholas's body.
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Chapter 166
"I'm a bit tired, so I'll go back to my room first. You can do whatever you want." Clarice tossed these words aside, turned around, entered her room, and didn't come out again."President, Clarice doesn't seem happy, did something happen?" Luna couldn't help but ask Nicholas."You seem very concerned about her." Nicholas looked at her."Of course..." Luna blurted out, then realized she had said the wrong thing and immediately explained. "I'm just concerned about you, I know she's important to the CEO.""Should I give you a raise?""No need for a raise, this is an extra gift from me." Luna said with a mischievous smile, and Nicholas snorted."Why haven't you left yet?""I'm already going, okay!" Luna said as she walked towards the exit, and Nicholas followed her out of the apartment."CEO, are you not staying here tonight?" Seeing this, Luna asked curiously."Clarice's brother, what's his name?" Nicholas ignored her question and asked suddenly."Robert Roberts, that foolish brat has a
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Chapter 167
Group L EmpireIn front of the President's Office, Luna received Bryan and led him to Nicholas, and as soon as the child entered, he sat on the sofa and looked around with his big black eyes."Dad, how come you don't have a beautiful woman here?" He remembered that last time he was here, he saw many of them.Nicholas never thought that his son wasn't here because of him, but for the beauties of his company, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry."Bryan, do you want to see many beautiful women? Auntie will take you to a nice place where there are many of them." Luna said while smiling at him."Really? Where?" Upon hearing this, Bryan became instantly interested."President, the Advertising Department is interviewing some women to be the spokesperson downstairs. I happen to be going down to check on the progress made, can I take him with me?" Luna turned her head to look at Nicholas."Be careful." Nicholas was a bit busy at the moment.
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Chapter 168
"Boy, where did you come from? Hurry up and disappear. You think I won't hit you?" Startled by him, Bryan immediately began to cry, and Laila, who was outside, heard the crying and ran inside. She didn't care that this was the men's bathroom and just walked in.She saw Bryan standing at the bathroom door, crying until tears rolled down his face. Although he was used to crying at home to threaten Clarice, they were all fake tears.She immediately ran to his side and picked him up from the floor."Bryan, what's wrong? What happened?" Sobbing silently, he pointed to the fat man in the bathroom."Bad guy..." Laila saw that the man and woman in the bathroom had fierce expressions. The woman's eyes were red, as if she were about to cry.The moment she realized something, she immediately spoke up."It's okay, sweetheart, auntie will take you out. You're safe now!""Stinky brat, you've ruined my mood!" The fat man spoke, and Laila originally wanted to resolve the matter and pretend she hadn't
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Chapter 169
At the bathroom door, Luna and Samanta stood facing each other, their eyes met, and for about half a second, Luna averted her gaze. Samanta didn't know where she was leading her, but she still followed her steps. Luna led her to the manager's office, and at that moment, the manager was interviewing a model in the conference room, so there was no one else here. She sat in the office chair behind the desk and pointed to the chair in front of her."Sit down!" Samanta sat down and looked at her with a pair of uncomfortable eyes. "Are you going to tell the Murray family about me being here?""Didn't you consider that before coming here?" Luna looked at her and asked."I... " Samanta was momentarily speechless, she really came here with a chance she hadn't figured out. "I just wanted to earn some money.""But you shouldn't have come here to earn money.""I know, the Murray family must hate me to death." Samanta lowered her head. "But if Fillipo hadn't forced me, I wouldn't have done such a
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Chapter 170
As a result, Clarice gave some instructions to Lendinez, and they walked out the door with Agnes. Anren Hospital. They got out of the car and went straight to Alice's room, but as the elevator was about to close, two people entered from outside. When Agnes saw the two people, her expression instantly froze."Gretta?" Clarice was originally paying attention to the screen inside the elevator, but after hearing Agnes' voice, she unconsciously looked at the person who entered the room, and her face immediately turned pale.The reason Gretta came to the hospital today was to see her hospitalized friend; she probably never thought she would meet her daughter-in-law in the elevator, and the maid next to her was also very surprised to see Clarice, but she still reacted and shouted, "Mrs. Murray!”Clarice was stunned in the elevator, unsure of what to do, and Agnes' mind raced as she tried to think of a way to help Clarice escape this, however, looking at Gretta's slightly reddened eyes, she k
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