All Chapters of Love me, Mr. President: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
262 Chapters
Chapter 151
"All right, since there's nothing else to do here, let's go back, Julie!" Olivia was embarrassed by this scene. "Don't forget, I'll be waiting for you at home tomorrow!" She was getting ready to leave."I have things to take care of, so you don't need to wait for me for dinner!" He replied without looking at her."What? You're not coming tomorrow? But it's the day your grandfather passed away, are you going to leave me?" Olivia knew he was angry with her for coming here uninvited, and her face immediately fell."After I finish my work, I'll go to my grandfather's grave to pay my respects, but the days of having meals at home are over!" After Nicholas finished speaking, he turned and looked at Luna. "Please, accompany my mother and her maid to the door?""Yes, President!" Upon hearing this, Luna hurriedly stepped forward a few steps to stand in front of Olivia. "Madame, this way, please." Olivia's face was already pale, but due to the presence of a stranger, she just endured her anger
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Chapter 152
Nicholas, you don't understand... I didn't tell you about the pregnancy because I didn't want you to think I was using the child as a bargaining chip. I thought you really loved her, after all, your relationship seemed so good and natural with her," she retorted."Seriously? So you're great, sacrificing your feelings to help me. What happened next? I asked about the child more than once, didn't I? What did you say to me?" Nicholas couldn't believe her explanation."When I found out Edward was your uncle, that's when I didn't dare to say the child was yours. Then, Miss Agnes came to me and told me about your marriage just to help her settle in Gebaude. Since this is your choice, of course, I must respect it.""Seems like you're really thinking for me," Nicholas mocked."I know I'm a fool, and I've done many wrong things, but no matter what I do, I never thought of hurting you."Even when she knew she had been 'abandoned' by him, the choice she made was to quietly withdraw."Idiot woman
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Chapter 153
"I didn't hit him, don't listen to his nonsense, Nicholas!" Clarice could hear the warning tone from the other end of the phone from a distance; she wanted to cry, but there were no tears as she explained."Dad, come quickly, mom really wants to hit me. Her expression now is so scary... Oh, come save me..." He realized his mother seemed to be afraid of his father and continued to provoke."Clarice, don't act recklessly. You're not allowed to touch a single hair on my son's head." Nicholas heard the slanderous words and immediately shouted to the other end of the phone.Clarice was so angry that when she stood up and was about to grab the little one, she didn't expect her vision to suddenly go pitch black, and her whole body fell heavily on the sofa."Mom, what's wrong? Why did you suddenly fall asleep?" Originally, Bryan was afraid that Clarice would attack and give him a good beating, but he found that her eyes were closed, and she had collapsed on the sofa, and he shouted in fear. O
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Chapter 154
"Bryan already asleep? Since I'm here, I better go see him!" said the doctor, and Nicholas looked at the rooms and nodded."Yes, he's sleeping, you better come back another day!" The doctor nodded, and after confirming there were no issues, he left.When Clarice heard the sound of the door closing, she thought Nicholas had followed them, so she got up and left the room, wanting to lock the door, but she did not expect to see him sitting on the couch as soon as she arrived in the living room, which surprised Clarice."You're still here?""I'm here? What do you mean?" He furrowed his brow slightly when he heard, and only now did Clarice realize her words were wrong.Wasn't this apartment his home? He came here, so it could be considered as coming back home."Actually, I mean, aren't you going back to the mansion?" In other words, she asked."Are you kicking me out?" He raised his eyebrows slightly, but his tone did not sound angry."No... I didn't mean that." She shook her head."Don't
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Chapter 155
"We met at work, actually, we used to work together.""Colleagues? I remember you worked at Gebaude, and he was also an employee there?" Clarice asked, and Alice nodded."He's from the sales department, and since the company doesn't allow romance in the office, I quit my job to marry him.""You what?" Clarice didn't expect Alice to really lose her head over love. "For such a man?""He wasn't like this before, actually, he was very good to me, he cooked and even helped me with household chores...""But now? Why doesn't he do those things anymore?""At the moment, he's working too hard to support our family. Besides, my mother-in-law doesn't let him do the household chores, so if I let him help me with my work, my mother-in-law won't be happy." After Clarice heard these words, she felt very upset in her heart."Alice, what happened to you? Why do I feel like you've changed?""Clarice, people change, you have to learn to accept your fate. You have to know that not everyone can marry into
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Chapter 156
"All right, since you said I treat, I'll treat you guys. You want to eat fried chicken, right? Then let's eat chicken." She didn't want to stay in this house for another second, Clarice just wanted to leave with Alice quickly."No chicken, my wife is pregnant, so she can't eat fried chicken."Clarice couldn't take it anymore, she opened her purse, took out all her money, and placed it on the table."How about this, I'll give you the money so you can eat whatever you want, and as for Alice, lend her to me for a few hours, after lunch, I'll return her, okay? As for cleaning the house, I think we should get cleaners in, I'll pay!" After saying this, without waiting for the other party's agreement, she grabbed Alice and left.Seeing this, Marlon wanted to chase after them, but his mother reached out to stop him."Mom, what are you doing?" Marlon looked confused at his mother."She seems to be quite rich, since when does Alice have such a rich friend?" The old woman's eyes were fixed on th
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Chapter 157
"Naive," two words slipped from his mouth."What?" Clarice didn't understand why he said that."You can't even live your own life, but still want to meddle in others' affairs." Nicholas said, stooped down, and actually picked her up horizontally.Clarice was completely terrified by his sudden action, both her hands tightly around his neck, as if she was afraid he would fall."What are you going to do?" She asked nervously."Since you're so free, you should find something to do." He picked her up and carried her downstairs, back to her room, laid her on the soft, comfortable bed, and kissed her forehead, cheeks, and lips that she suddenly realized what he meant by "find something to do."His kiss was gentle and calm, as if he was afraid of hurting her, but Clarice pressed her hand against his chest."No... I'm pregnant now, so I can't..." At that moment, Nicholas seemed to have just remembered the matter of her pregnancy, and reached out to wrap her
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Chapter 158
"Damn, did he hear what Bryan just said?Clarice looked at Nicholas, who was in front of her with a slightly embarrassed expression. She wasn't sure if he would believe what she had said and thought that she really wanted to get back together with him.Nicholas walked into the room, holding Bryan with one hand and handing Clarice the bag of files with the other, who stared at it, somewhat intrigued, not knowing what it was.Opening the bag, she was shocked when she saw the expression on his face.Nicholas saw that she was looking carefully, so he didn't disturb her and carried the child out of the room.Clarice sat on the bed and read the thick piece of information carefully once.Everything written about Alice and Marlon, as well as their respective families, was extremely detailed and comprehensive.The more she looked at the later parts of the house, the angrier she became. She thought the reason why the mother and son of the Wiltz Family asked Alice to do the housework was because
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Chapter 159
The elderly woman picked up her granddaughter in her arms, made a call, and then walked away without even looking at Alice, who lay on the ground with a pained expression. She was left alone, wanting to call for help, but there was no one to call or help her in that house, and her phone was in the bedroom. If she wanted to make a call, she would have to crawl to the bedroom.It was impossible for her to get up now, and she knew her amniotic fluid had ruptured. If she didn't rush to the hospital, the child could be in danger, although she had just suffered a great sorrow, she didn't have time to think about these things. She forced herself to endure the pain, gritted her teeth, and used her hands to support her body as she slowly moved toward the bedroom.After an unknown period of time, she felt as if all the strength in her body had been exhausted. She crawled to the bedroom, and wherever she went, the floor was wet. When she picked up her phone, she thought of calling her husband, M
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Chapter 160
Nicholas was playing with his son when the phone rang. Seeing that it was Clarice calling, he answered."What's wrong?""Nicholas, I need your help, please save Alice, she's in the operating room, and her condition is not good, they can only save the mother or the child, but the Wiltz family wants to save the child and let Alice die, can you...""Which hospital?" Without letting Clarice finish, he interrupted."At the private maternity ward in the city!""Alright." He said just one word before hanging up.Clarice really didn't understand what he meant by "alright," did it mean he understood or that he had a way to save Alice? But no matter what, he didn't refuse to save her, which meant he might be able to solve this problem. She felt more relieved with that!"How is she? Did you finish your call?" The nurse looked at Clarice, who nodded at her, the battle was already over. The nurse saw that she didn't say anything else, so she looked at the two of them again."Are you sure you want
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