All Chapters of PAID FOR PLEASURE : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
53 Chapters
-----~[JENNA]~-----“ So how did it go?“ Eric's voice greets my ears and I gulp down hard.“ It.... it…. it went well thank you so much.“" You are welcome. Return back to my office right now . It is time for you to begin your own part of the bargain.“ He says and I blink rapidly with my heart pounding rapidly against my rib cage. The time has finally come. The time for me to lose my virginity has finally arrived. Oh my god. I suddenly feel myself hyperventilating. “Okay sir, I will be with you shortly.“ I say and he chuckles. “You have 5 minutes to get here, my chauffeur is waiting for you.“ He says and ends the call. I sigh deeply and take a deep breath dropping my hand from my ear. Well at least you are reaping the fruits Jenna. You just have to go through it. You have stepped into it and you cannot back out. I am pretty sure that if I decide to run away, Eric will definitely successfully find me. I don't think there's any way I can even run from him. I shake my head and adjus
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-----~[JENNA]~-----“ So how did it go?“ Eric's voice greets my ears and I gulp down hard.“ It.... it…. it went well thank you so much.“" You are welcome. Return back to my office right now . It is time for you to begin your own part of the bargain.“ He says and I blink rapidly with my heart pounding rapidly against my rib cage. The time has finally come. The time for me to lose my virginity has finally arrived. Oh my god. I suddenly feel myself hyperventilating. “Okay sir, I will be with you shortly.“ I say and he chuckles. “You have 5 minutes to get here, my chauffeur is waiting for you.“ He says and ends the call. I sigh deeply and take a deep breath dropping my hand from my ear. Well at least you are reaping the fruits Jenna. You just have to go through it. You have stepped into it and you cannot back out. I am pretty sure that if I decide to run away, Eric will definitely successfully find me. I don't think there's any way I can even run from him. I shake my head and adjus
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~[AT THE JONZZ EMPIRE]~Within the blink of an eye she finds herself standing before his door with her anxiety already at it's zenith. She is taking quick deep breaths to cool off before she steps into the den of the beast. Damn. She has never felt so nervous in her entire life. one would think she's about to plunge into a Canon with the extreme nervousness within her at the moment. Her phone suddenly rings jolting her and she immediately takes it out to see that familiar unknown number. Shit. He is already calling. how he even got her number in the first place is still a mystery to her. Is there anything impossible that he can't do? she immediately steps into the office without answering the call and shuts the door behind her. She looks up immediately to see him squinting his eyes at her with his phone to his ear. He sighs and drops his phone on his table. she takes a deep breath retaining her position at the door. “How is your mum and the arrangements?“ he asks and she nods. “I
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~[STILL AT THE JONZZ EMPIRE, IN ERIC'S PRIVATE HOTEL CHAMBERS]~They are so not fucking done yet.“ Ahha.... Ahhhh..... Mnhh..... Aaaaahhh.....“ Jenna is.... She is in the heavens. She is in supreme paradise. A paradise of immeasurable pleasure. She can't take it anymore. She feels so hot and aroused in ways she has never ever felt. This can go on and on and on and on for ages and she might not be able to get enough of it. Eric is definitely fulfilling his part of the contract that said it is all meant for her pleasure. She feels like she is going to die of it. It's... It's just too much for her to take in. All she can do is wail, scream, cry, whimper and arch her back relentlessly while Eric samples every fucking part of her gracious sexy form. They are both completely stark naked now and horny as they can ever be. The tension and the heat in the room is fucking high. Eric is lost. Lost in the sexiness she probably doesn't know she possesses. She is pinned to the bed with her legs
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-----~[JENNA]~-----~[THE NEXT MORNING]~Oh my heavens. Oh my goodness. I am..... I don't know... I am speechless. I am... Sexed up? Shit I don't know. It's already early in the morning and..... Obviously, I haven't been able to sleep quite well all night. Why? I have been.... Enthralled. Yeah. Let me put it that way. Totally and absolutely enthralled. I mean.... Damn? This guy is.... I don't know. All I can keep saying in my head is that, he is a fucking sex god!!! I don't even know. I am just confused. My entire brain is foggy at the moment as I lay in the bed side by side with this... This delicious looking chunk of cookie, which i can't take my eyes away from. He is still sound asleep, looking all murderously sexy as he lays on his side facing me. I don't know when my hand stretches to brush off a strand of hair from his face. Oh my goodness, cakes. So... So beautiful. Why the hell am I seeing him in a different light now? Why am I.... I immediately blink and move my hand away
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-----~[JENNA]~-----With a jumping system and a husky breath, I make my way into the large hospital building passing by the receptionist who didn't even bother at all to call me ……. well what's the point? She knows me already. I step into an elevator and punch against the button that leads to the VIP sector. After a long time of waiting and breathing hard to clear my head and my disrupted system, all thanks to addicted Eric, I step out of the elevator the moment it pings and I walk through the corridor straight towards the only door that has all my entire focus at the moment. But what takes me by surprise is that the door is already open. Already? this early? did they decide to do it early in the morning? This is just 6:15 a.m. for Christ sake. I speed up towards the door and step in to see the surgeons already there prepping things up. Chloe, Lily and ….. Alex was already there. Aawwnn. Chloe is the first to see me and she beams the moment our eyes meet. “Oh Jenna good morning
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-----~[JENNA]~-----I frown and bite my lip. “what?“ “You heard me.“" don't lie to me. where did you sleep last night?“ I chuckle and frown. “What a silly question. home of course. “ I say and he raises an eyebrow. “Oh really? ““Yeah . ““Are you sure?“" Yes."“Because I checked your home last night.“ Oh fuck. “And it was empty. there was no one at home.“ Shite. I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out. He scoffs.“ See? The fact that you are lying right now shows you have something bad going on. What is it Jenna?“ He suddenly asks seriously and I grit my teeth. I suddenly feel a little bit angry at his attitude right now. just what the hell is this problem? What the crap is wrong with him? why can't he just for a few seconds get the hell off my neck? Why can't he just let me be and give me some breathing space? I can't actually believe he stalked me till the extent of checking my home after asking them to go home yesterday, telling them that all is well.
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—---~[JENNA]~-——I refused to listen to Alex. He begged and begged but all I did was......weep and weep and weep. To be honest, I really don't like what happened. But it's helpless. There is nothing I can do. It has to end. It's the best way. I really wish there was another option. I sigh deeply the moment I don't hear any other noise from the cubicle door.I wait and listen attentively. Nothing came. I bite my lip. “Alex.“ I called but no response came. I sigh and step out slowly to meet the empty restroom. He had already left. I walk up towards one of the basins and immediately wash my face. I take in a deep breath as I stare at my image in the mirror. Oh my precious screwed life. That is all that is in store for me. Nothing good ever works. That's just it. Nothing works. I committed a crime and I am paying the consequences for it. There is no escaping karma. Karma is unmerciful. Karma is relentless. Karma doesn't hesitate. I just...I just.... ugh....I really wish I
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~[JENNA]~After almost a century of groaning and shivering with uncontrollable nervousness, the surgeon finally reveals himself and we all three stand up immediately in unison. The doctor seems to have noticed our nervousness. He chuckles.“ It's all right, you guys can breathe.“ he says and we sigh deeply. He smiles and shakes his head. “The surgery was successful. Let that help you relax okay.“ He says and we all take a deep breath. He chuckles and shakes his head. I glance at both Chloe and Lily sighing deeply and they smile patting my back. I bite my lip feeling giddy on the inside. I return my focus and attention back to the surgeon flashing us contented beautiful smiles. “Can I go and see her now?“ I ask and He blinks. He chuckles and shakes his head.“ About that, I don't think you can go in to see her now. Not yet, at least, but maybe later because she... her body just needs efficient rest at the moment. That is all I can say. so you have to be patient with her at least for
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~[JENNA]~Aaargh. He never fucking gives up!!!! Why? Just why?? I bite my lip trying as much as possible not to scream at him right now. “I have told you all I can tell you, Alex, there's nothing more to say. Why can't you just accept that and let it go?“" There is a reason you are doing this Jenna and you are not just doing this out of your own decision. Something is definitely making you do it and I am going to get to the root of it. Trust me, breaking up with me has done nothing but propelled me to observe you more than ever than I did before. you are definitely involved in something dangerous that you know you shouldn't be doing but you are hiding it from us. So I must warn you. It is better you expose that shit to me right now, or later in the future, I will be the one doing the exposing. And trust me it won't be good.“ He threatens and I grit my teeth. “I never said I wasn't going to tell anyone of you Alex. I am just not ready. Please can't you just listen to that and bear
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