All Chapters of PAID FOR PLEASURE : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
53 Chapters
~[JENNA]~I take a deep breath the moment he exits the office and slump my shoulders with weariness thinking about the severe discussion we just had.I shrug and begin to think about the likelihood of Mom's action at the news she is about to hear within, maybe an hour or so.I am about to relax on the table in the office to wait for my precious clothes when a pulse in my pocket catches my attention.I get up immediately and look down to behold my phone ringing constantly in my pocket. I frown with wonder and pick it up to see with happiness that it is Chloe calling me.I can't resist the urge as a smile explores my face while I immediately pick up the call. She replies immediately like she is impatiently about something. “Hello Jenna. How's it been? How is your mom now? Where are you? hope everything is alright?" She immediately splashes a lot of questions in my ear and I find myself laughing uncontrollably. “Hey. easy chloe everything's all right everything is alright chloe. You h
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"oh fuck it." Moments later, she was about to give up due to excessive frustration about not finding the particular outfit for her as she stared at the bundle of clothes on the bed but her eyes fell on something else and she stopped. She stared in that particular direction for a long while and smacked her lips. Have I found it? She thought and bent against the bed to pick up the clothing that caught her attention. She picked it up and grinned. "Found it." She muttered and chuckled softly to herself. "Damn. This is good " she whispered as she raised the clothing in front of her. She sighed and bit her lip. She didn't want to dress so flashy but at the same time, she couldn't go about looking like a classless individual before Eric. She sighed and groaned with frustration. "I guess I have no choice but to take this," she said as she started at the attractive clothing in her hand. This should do. But there is only one way to tell. To be honest with herself, she liked the clothing. She
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Eric is still basking in the amusement of her wide eyes gazing at him with extreme shock at the comment he just made moments ago. Unexpectedly, her beautiful gray eyes sparkled as she shone them brightly while looking at him and that started making little effect on his body. He didn't expect that her looking at him like that would affect him to the deepest core of his system. That was unexpected."Sorry. I did not get what you said. What exactly are you trying to tell me?" She asked, flustered moments later after recovering from the head-pounding shock that took over her brain. Eric is still standing in his position gazing endlessly at her beautiful eyes as though his intelligence has suddenly evaporated. Her question snapped him back to the present and he blinked his eyes rapidly trying to recall what her question was. Thanks to his retentive memory, he was able to and he smiled down at her.He lifted the orb in his hands and displayed it to her. "You do not know how you are going to
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The hospital came into view and the extreme nervousness that hit Jenna made her tremble in her position with Eric. Oh my God. She thought. We are getting close fast. She folded her arms and batted her eyelids with confusion as she relaxed back in the car not quite knowing what position to take due to extreme discomfort. Oh my God. my mom is going to figure this out. She didn't honestly know why Eric was still insisting on revealing himself to her. But she hoped he had a good intention. Because the thought of it was pretty tearing her apart right now. She was finding it extremely hard to take away the nervousness coursing through her bones. She nervously wiped the strand of her blonde hair by her left side obstructing her face and placed it behind her ear she folded her arms relaxing and adjusting inconveniently in the seat of the car. Eric felt the thick aura of her nervousness beside him and glanced at her from time to time with his eyebrows furrowed as he wondered. why is she
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The attitude Jenna just portrayed now made Eric stand in his position as he gazed at her with his eyebrows furrowed. What happened? Why did she go back inside like that? He wondered as he looked around him with the thought in his head that she might have probably seen the ghost of someone she didn't want to see. Then he returned his focus to the door with his eyebrows still in a frown. He bent and looked inside at her as she rubbed her aching head still wincing in pain. "Jenna? " He called and she slowly looked up at him childishly with the most beautiful glittering soft gray eyes. Then a nervous grin explored her face." Hi. " She said and he chuckled. "Are you okay? What happened? " He asked and she smiled softly before taking a deep breath." I am so so sorry. I didn't mean to shock you that way. But look, my friends are about to head in there. I don't think this is a good idea, Eric. We will have to return home. With the way I see things, they are actually about to visit my mo
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Eric could not believe what he was looking at right now. It looked like he was in a fantasy world, the land filled with the most awesome melody that no one would ever believe existed in the normal human world. He relaxed back in his seat gazing deeply at the young little girl straddling him hard with evident lust on her face as she tried to rip off his pants. He blinked his eyes trying to figure out if it was in a dream or not. The girl before him was nasty and so bold. This is not the Jenna he knew before. She was a beast now. She was uncontrollable. She was not herself anymore. She was vicious. What the hell has he done? He wondered as she immediately put it off and struggled vigorously to pull down his pants. Oh my God. He thought. They shouldn't be doing this here since they were still in the car and Jacob could return anytime soon since he said he was not going to take too much time. But he didn't know how he couldn't stop her from fulfilling her wish. His brain was boosting an
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It's done, Jenna. You can do this easy peasy. It is not going to be that hard. You just have to cool the fuck down and face your mom and tell her the absolute truth about your current relationship right now. Maybe not the entire truth but at least the surface truth that you want her to know. Jenna thought to herself as she clung tightly to Eric's arm while they walked towards her mom's room. Eric noticed how tight and strong her grip was on his arm and it made him know that she was nervous as hell. Eric could only shake his head. A few meters close to her mom's ward door, he paused and pulled his arm away from her before wrapping his arms around her holding her against his embrace. "You need to calm down Jenna. Honestly, it's not seriously that big of a deal. " He said and she gulped down hard. 'Oh great. ' She thought so herself. 'I shouldn't be making him feel this bad.' She thought and finally looked up at him with a big smile. "I'm fine. I'm not worried about anything. Why did
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Badum badum. Came the continuous endless hard beating of Jenna's heart as the scene before her stretched for a long period with her not knowing how she was going to deal with it. The image was like this. She was standing beside Eric before her mom's bed. Her mom was sitting on the bed looking at Eric with the most shocking expression she had ever seen on her face while Eric stood before her with his hand extended respectfully trying to greet her. But her mom hasn't taken his hand yet. That there was the issue. That was what was making Jenna want to explode and hide somewhere. It was tearing her apart so much and she didn't know how to deal with it. She gritted her teeth as she looked from her mom back to Eric at intervals confusedly not knowing how to react. 'God if only I know exactly what she is thinking.' She thought to herself as Eric, also looking confused, looked at Jenna before returning his attention to her mom." Mrs Lawrence." He called and her mom immediately snapped out o
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Mrs Lawrence looked at the duo before her with confusion in her brain and a smile on her face as Eric lovingly assisted Jenna with the rest of her luggage with the both of them smiling at each other at certain points of the activity. She found herself rubbing her chin with confusion and worry in her expression. 'This is just too good to be true for Jenna.' She kept on thinking to herself as she watched them with her arms folded. When at last it was all done, Jenna finally turned around to face her mom. "Okay. I think we are done now. " She said and glanced at Eric. He grinned. "We are set to go." She said and Mrs Lawrence nodded her head softly. Her daughter looked happy. She looked happy and content with the man standing beside her. 'Isn't this just crazy? ' She thought to herself as she observed the both of them. 'my daughter is just 18 for heaven's sake. And according to what I have heard the man before her is 10 years older than she was. Old enough to be... ' She paused in her
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They took their time and exited the restaurant as quickly as they could when they noticed the absence of Jenna's friends. Eric did his best to shield them and try to disrupt any suspicious stare that may come up from any of the passers-by, looking at them as they made their way out of the hospital. They came across the doctor who was holding some files in his hands as he was headed towards an emergency unit. He looked up, and the moment his eyes met with Eric's, they nodded at each other with an unspoken communication going on between the both of them. Eric then led them out of the hospital towards where his car was parked. Jenna's mom's eyes went wide the moment she beheld the sparkling, luxurious vehicle before her.' Well, it is not surprising. It is as expected for someone with a status like his. But my head is still pounding with the curiosity of how in the living heavens Jenna even met this kind of person, and why the hell isn't he like what I have known and heard about in the
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