All Chapters of FALLING FOR MY DAD'S BEST FRIEND: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
56 Chapters
[AVA]It's hard to turn down the sad younger brother of your deceased best friend, especially when you used to be just as close to him as he was to his sister. That's probably why, when Kian asked if I needed a ride, I couldn't bring myself to say no. He saw right through my feeble attempts to decline, or maybe it was the frustration etched on my face and the lack of alternatives that made my situation painfully obvious.I slid into the backseat, longing for this nightmare to be over.To be completely honest, all I could think about was kicking off these torturous heels, shedding this suffocating dress, and collapsing onto my bed. I craved the comfort of my covers, wishing to sleep away the memory of tonight's events. It was the only way I could imagine finding solace and moving on without being consumed by despair. I refused to let this one awful day have a lasting impact on my life. I had a bright future ahead, and I wouldn't allow tonight's o
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[AVA]All hell broke loose before I even arrived at work.“He’s been fired!” Nicole exclaimed, leaning over the desk and panting as if she had just climbed the stairs from the seventh to the eleventh floor to bring the terrible news.I furrowed my brows, trying to make sense of her urgency. "Take a breath and slow down," I said, placing my handbag and phone on my desk. I turned to face her. "Who are we talking about?"Nicole glanced around, her eyes briefly stopping at Mr. Larson's office. "Your boss."Confusion flooded my mind. I had multiple bosses, so it wasn't exactly a straightforward question. "Which one?" I asked."The immediate one," she clarified, and finally, it clicked in my head.My jaw dropped. "Wait, seriously? Are you kidding me?" This was completely unexpected. "Why? What did he do?""I honestly have no clue, but I'm dying to find out," Nicole exclaimed, shaking her head. "I've
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[BRIAN] I constantly remind myself not to meddle, not to stress about what's happening around me, and that it's not my responsibility to fix the mess. But the more I repeat those thoughts in my mind, the stronger my desire becomes to resolve this messed-up situation. The more I feel compelled to get involved, the more I feel the need to protect her. Why? Why do I have such a strong urge to save her before her heart gets shattered? Why does it affect me so deeply? A voice in my head, the most confident one, assures me that it's simply because I've known her for such a long time that it has become an instinct, especially considering she's the exact age my daughter would have been if she were still alive. Every time I think about Valarie, an invisible knife pierces my chest. A sharp pain wells up in my heart, and I can't freaking breathe for a whole damn second. I can't accept how unfair everything is, how none of this wa
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[AVA]As I close the door of the restroom and lean against it, panic begins to consume me.What the hell just happened?Did he really...No. It can't be true. It must have all been in my imagination.But what other explanation could there be? He was standing too close—close enough that I could feel his breath on my face, taste the scent of his strong cologne. His fingers beneath my chin left a burning sensation, and his felt like he was piercing into my soul.I take a deep breath, attempting to steady my racing heart, and approach the sink to splash water on my face.I need to rid my mind of this absurd notion. Whatever I felt when he pinned me against the door, it can't be what my mind is telling me. It must have been a misunderstanding. It has to be. There's no way he intended any of that to happen. And the way he so rudely threw me out of his office is clear evidence of that.But I'm burning
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[AVA] "Why the sudden change of heart?" Brian inquired, his attention still focused on the papers before him as he quickly skimmed through them. I glanced at Sharon, who was glaring at me with obvious annoyance. She had been shooting me those death stares ever since Brian prioritized my unexpected request to speak with him, causing him to cancel his upcoming meeting. It seemed like Sharon took it personally. Did she consider herself Brian's personal babysitter? He was a capable adult who could make his own decisions without someone constantly hovering over him. There was no need for her to make him feel guilty or take it as a personal offense. Sharon was definitely crossing a line. But perhaps I was just overthinking things. It wouldn't be the first time. Ever since Sean told me about the threats he received to break up with me, I had been feeling more than just annoyance. I let out a sigh, my gaze dropping to the tabl
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Buried Knife
[BRIAN] Once again, despite telling myself not to get involved in other people's messes, I found myself right in the middle of one. There was definitely something wrong with me. Why else would I put myself through this? What was I even thinking? But that wasn't even the scariest part. The fact that I didn't regret interfering in Ava's life at all bothered me even more, making me question my sanity. What happened between us a few hours ago was still fresh in my mind. Actually, it was the only thing I could think about. How could I not? I crossed a damn line. It had been a long, long time since I did something so out of character. I was never the impulsive or impatient type. Every decision and action I took was carefully considered and always had a purpose. But this time, I messed up so badly that I had no idea how to fix it. I just didn't want Ava to misunderstand my actions and intentions. Not that I had done anything to clear up any misunderstandings, assuming there were any. So
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Asshole Brother
[AVA] The news about my brother, Max, came while I was with Sean, going through a list of potential threats that could be trying to tear us apart. The words seemed surreal, jumbling together in my mind, leaving me stunned and breathless. I forgot to blink or even take in a proper breath. Sean swiftly took the phone from my grasp, his voice soothing and calming as he spoke to my frantic mother on the other end. I had no clue how he managed to calm her down, but when he returned after ending the call, he shook my shoulders gently, urging me to gather myself. I grabbed my bag, realizing that I couldn't afford to be overwhelmed at a time like this. I asked Sean if he could drive me to the hospital, my mind racing with thoughts and worries. "Is that even a question, Ava?" Sean replied, already on his feet and holding the café door open as we hurried to his parked car. "But don't worry, your brother will be okay, alright?" I
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So Broken, So Beautiful
[AVA] Lost in my own thoughts, I was caught off guard by a knock on the door. I glanced over, expecting to see the nurse, but it wasn't her. It was Brian. Why was he still here? Startled, I jumped up from the chair and took a step back, feeling an inexplicable surge of energy coursing through me. "Hey!" Why did I have to be so awkward? There was no reason for my heart to feel like it was about to burst just because we were in the same room. Get a grip, Ava. What's wrong with you? Brian winced, brushing off my awkward greeting. Instead, his focus turned to Max. "How is he doing?" It was only then that I noticed the red stains on his shirt. Dad had mentioned that Brian was the one who found Max and brought him to the hospital. Could it be Max's blood on him? "Ava?" "Huh?" I snapped out of my daze, looking up at him before turning to face Max. "He should be awake by tomorrow." Brian
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[BRIAN] The light in Kian's room is still on, so I'm assuming he's awake, and the fact that I can see the read sign in the voice message that I sent him using this app that he typically uses for texting—the one that he installed on my phone a month ago—means he heard my apology as well. Yet, an hour has lapsed, and I have spotted no movement inside or outside Georgina's house. I sigh. Maybe Ava doesn't know everything after all. But what else did I really expect? That every child was the same? Bullshit! Given that my twin brother Mason and I have nothing in common, I should be the first to know that is far from the truth. We honestly cannot be more different with my obsession for order and his attitude to not give a shit about anything. He never even married while on the other hand, I got my girlfriend pregnant during the second year of our college. Mason left home the second he got his degree while I stayed with dad a
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Tip Of The Knife
[AVA] “You’re dating Sean Edwards?” Mom asked as she followed me into the kitchen while I poured myself a glass of water. “It’s not a big deal, mom. Relax.” I said, maybe for the fifth time since I woke up and found her standing at the foot of my bed, probably contemplating waking me up by bringing in a cup of coffee or a bucket of water. Thank God, she didn't choose any of them, and I woke up on my own. Even a five-year-old could make a better cup of coffee than mom. Not that I was complaining. I was glad she was finally taking the role of her new title of a housewife a tad seriously. Dad would be thrilled to see she was getting used to our non-luxurious lifestyle. For every one of us, the first couple of months of bankruptcy were a living nightmare. Especially for mum, who couldn't believe we were broke. One time she even laughed when dad used the word “broke”. When dad gave her a concerned look and Max and I shared a glance
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