All Chapters of FALLING FOR MY DAD'S BEST FRIEND: Chapter 51 - Chapter 56
56 Chapters
[AVA]As I watched the police officers recite Beau Edwards his rights, I couldn’t help but notice the way he glared at us. It was as if he found our accusations amusing and was confident that the charges wouldn’t stick for more than an hour. He seemed to be certain that he would be out in no time, and that he would make sure to show us what happens to those who make an enemy out of him.I felt a shiver run down my spine as Beau’s gaze lingered on me. It was as if he was silently threatening me, warning me to stay out of his way.“You’ll regret this,” he spat as the officers led him away.I felt a weight lift off my shoulders as the adrenaline from the confrontation with Beau started to dissipate. It was only then that I became aware of how tightly I had been holding onto my mom, and how tightly she had been holding onto me.Tears streamed down our faces as we both let out a sigh of relief.“Audrey!” Miranda exclaimed as she rushed over to us after the police vans had left their proper
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Escape Reality
[AVA] I paced back and forth in Brian’s penthouse living room, gnawing on my nails. It had been two days since Beau’s arrest, and I’d spent most of that time with my parents, trying to support them both. I couldn’t shake the guilt I felt for not understanding my mom sooner. How had I missed such a huge thing? I used to blame her for being self-centered, but now I knew that I had played an equal part in driving us apart. I’d been so caught up in my own life that I hadn’t noticed the pain she was going through. And I hate myself for it. I hate myself more than anything. Just like any of us, Max was barely keeping it together after he learned about what had happened. He was furious, to say the least. Max even went to the station to confront Beau and ended up punching him in front of everyone. As a result, the police arrested Max as well. Dad and Brian had to intervene and go to the station to get Max released. I had been lost in my thoughts when Brian walked in, carrying a tray of tea
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Who Is It?
[AVA]Three days had passed since the incident with Beau, and life had started to fall back into its mundane routine. It was then that I received a text from Sean, asking me to come to his house. He even arranged for a car to pick me up, which only added to my curiosity. Mom and Dad were out grocery shopping, and Max was busy with his new job at a nearby cafe. Brian had been encouraging me to focus on my studies, but the invitation from Sean was too tempting to resist.Before stepping into the car, I hastily sent a text to Brian to let him know about the unexpected invitation from Sean. In a matter of seconds, he called back, reminding me to be cautious and that he was available at all times. His concern warmed my heart, and I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude and affection. Despite my efforts to keep my emotions in check, tears welled up in my eyes.It was a twenty-minute drive to Sean’s mansion, and when the car pulled up at the porch, Sean was waiting for me at the
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One Step At A Time
[SEAN]In hindsight, it was clear that he was the culprit all along. I couldn’t understand why I had been so reluctant to accuse him of something so obvious. He had a clear motive for his actions, and given our history, it should have been easy to see through his deception. Instead, I had found it easier to point the finger at Coraline.How could I be so stupid?I parked the car in his driveway, and as soon as it came to a stop, I flung open the door and slammed it shut with a loud bang. My hands were trembling slightly as I hit the button for the elevator and waited impatiently for his floor to arrive. When it did, I marched down the hallway until I reached his door, my heart racing with anticipation.I pushed the buzzer aggressively, impatiently waiting for Aaron to answer. The anticipation was killing me, my hands were shaking with an adrenaline rush.When he finally opened the door, his eyes widened in disbelief at first, before a smirk curled at the corner of his mouth. He took a
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Adventure Island
[BRIAN]I couldn't help but nervously drum my fingers on the steering wheel, desperately trying to calm the jitters crawling up my arms and spine. I rolled my shoulders repeatedly, searching for some relief, and glanced at the rearview mirror out of habit, even though I had no specific reason to do so. I just needed any kind of distraction to keep myself from going crazy.Now, you're probably wondering why I was so anxious. Well, it all started about a week ago.Things had been going well. I had a civil conversation with Georgina and kindly explained that getting back together wasn't the right solution. Ava was studying hard for her exams, and I made sure to give her the space and time she needed. Although, I must confess, I did manage to convince her to sneak out of her house every now and then so she could study at my place. I even cooked her favorite meals just to see her smile. And Kian, well, I was proud of how he had been excelling in school recently. His teachers stopped comp
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[AVA]I took a deep breath, trying to calm the butterflies fluttering in my stomach as I stared at the towering penthouse before me. Seeing Brian again after such a long time filled me with a mix of excitement and nerves.I had arrived in the city just a few hours ago and immediately made my way to Brian's penthouse. It was a spontaneous decision, but I couldn't bear to wait any longer to be in his presence. Perhaps it was unconventional that I hadn't even informed my parents about my arrival, prioritizing seeing Brian above all else. But the truth was, my heart led me here, and I couldn't deny the pull I felt towards him.Despite being away from my hometown for two years, I had managed to meet Brian a few times during my time in Canada. He would surprise me by showing up at the restaurant where I worked, and we would steal a few precious hours to catch up on each other's lives. Those encounters were bittersweet, as they reminded us of the physical distance separating us.I hadn't rev
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