All Chapters of Contract Wife Of The Twin Alphas : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
193 Chapters
103-nowhere to run
ELENA’S POV“I can't breathe…someone, help me! I can't breathe!” I gasped awake, groping around the dark bed frantically before my eyes slowly adjusted to the low light in the shadowed room.What the hell was that? My heart was hammering desperately inside me as the memory of the wispy grating voice filled my head and I tried to catch my breath.The shadows in my room were all wrong…long where they should be short and thick around the stone-walled crevices that were usually empty in daylight. It took too long for me to realize the pathetic wheezing sound I’d heard only moments earlier had not come from my head or the nightmare that still clutched to the back of my mind like a stubborn child.“The courtyards! Oh god!” I croaked, stumbling out of bed with the tangle of thin cotton sheets at my feet and bracing myself against a window just in time to look out the blue darkness.The courtyard I glimpsed from my bird’s eye view of the window was a tangle of cloth lines and thorny plants
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104- dark angel
ELENA’S POVAlpha Alaric must have been pleased with Bella’s plea because he shoved her away, turning to face me with pea-black eyes that had been darkened by his blood lust.“The next time I ask for your hand, Elena Wolfe. The answer will be yes or I will make sure I morph you into one of those senseless beasts that patrol the castle, understood?” Alaric’s gravelly voice roared as his claws tore through my hair, pulling tautly until small stars exploded in my vision.“Please!” I shrieked, clutching at air before the man shoved me roughly to the floor and I banged my chin hard against the stony ground. The guards clamped the heavy chains around my ankles and wrists, binding me against the grooves in the wall before I heard the wolves shuffle out and the heavy metal door bang noisily behind them.Gone…they were all gone!My heart thrummed desperately inside me as I glanced hurriedly around the room, and hope burst inside me when I noticed the large metal grate above my head that let i
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105- saved by the beast
MICHAEL’S POV“Move! Move! Move!”-I barked at the rogue as we were swarmed by the blood-thirsty beasts who flashed their fangs at us.I could see the red threads that surrounded Alaric’s beady eyes as he danced back and forth before me, his lithe body shadowed by the fog.“Release the woman to us Alpha, and I'll forgive this terrible intrusion.” Alpha Alaric hissed, before I flashed my teeth right back at him, my arms tightening against Elena’s body which I held firmly to my chest.“I’d rather die.” I growled, carefully retreating enough without turning my back on the hungry wolves.“Then it would be my pleasure.” Alaric hissed, morphing into his hideously large wolf the second that I did. I whipped around to pound through the dark castle as their screams of glee and outrage filled the air.My heart hammered with every step as the burning in my thighs increased. Firey arrows whizzed past our head just as we ducked into the line of the trees, and the leaves caught fire.All around us
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106-forgetting him
ELENA’S POVThere was a muscle beating in my temples when I awoke with a groan, reeling from the sore pain that caressed my body like a lover’s hands.The orange flames that crackled in the stone mantelpiece of the fireplace raged wildly in the quiet room and I felt my teeth chatter as icy wind blew in from the billowing window curtains. “Miss Wolfe! Are you alright?” Emily’s soft voice came from beside me and I whipped around to see the worried expression on her white face. I inhaled a ragged breath when pain stabbed at the sides of my head and I felt the maid’s insistent hands on my shoulder once more, forcing me into the familiar comfort of the bedding.“Rest now, Miss Wolfe, it's a miracle you folks escaped when you did. If I could take out that bastard Cove pack Alpha myself I would! Just for what he did to you, M’lady!” Emily swore, cursing extensively under her breath as she shook her fists in the air.“How long-” I started before coughing through the sandy feeling in my throa
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hidden skeletons
ANTHONY’S POVMy brother’s icy glare was sharp enough to cut through stone as he glared at me with his nostrils flaring in rage.“Miss Elena?! Oh my goodness! Miss Elena!” The maid’s shrill voice snapped my brother’s glare away from me just as he opened his mouth to say something.I glanced sharply to the bed dias where the woman lay, not wanting to admit that my heart had begun to race when I saw her eyes closed again.I had been sneaking back and forth from my chambers to Elena’s quarters, content to listen to her maid reading to her before the guards reported to me that she had woken up.“Shit, she's too weak, she passed out. Have the nursemaids brew stronger tonics and smelling herbs for the lady Emily.” Michael thundered and I ground my teeth as the maid bowed to the both of us, her wide eyes blinking frantically before she dashed through the doors.“What the fuck is wrong with you Anthony? Do you have NO TACT AT ALL?” Michael hissed in a heated voice and I could tell the only re
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107-hidden skeletons
ANTHONY’S POVMy brother’s icy glare was sharp enough to cut through stone as he glared at me with his nostrils flaring in rage.“Miss Elena?! Oh my goodness! Miss Elena!” The maid’s shrill voice snapped my brother’s glare away from me just as he opened his mouth to say something.I glanced sharply to the bed dias where the woman lay, not wanting to admit that my heart had begun to race when I saw her eyes closed again.I had been sneaking back and forth from my chambers to Elena’s quarters, content to listen to her maid reading to her before the guards reported to me that she had woken up.“Shit, she's too weak, she passed out. Have the nursemaids brew stronger tonics and smelling herbs for the lady Emily.” Michael thundered and I ground my teeth as the maid bowed to the both of us, her wide eyes blinking frantically before she dashed through the doors.“What the fuck is wrong with you Anthony? Do you have NO TACT AT ALL?” Michael hissed in a heated voice and I could tell the only re
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108- dine with the wolves
Elena WolfeI could feel the warmth of a hard body pressing against my back even before I opened my eyes. I glanced around the shadowed room, taking in the fire that burned low in the hearth and the blue-blackness of the sky outside the large windows, the half-open door of the balcony that allowed the muffled voices of the maids from the courtyards below to bleed through.“Mmngh,” The man’s deep groan behind me made my eyes widen and I inhaled a deep breath reflexively, trying not to move until the man’s girth settled behind me.Michael? Anthony? My heart hammered frantically in my chest, for all I know any guard could have wandered in while I was asleep!I could feel the thick meat of the man’s cock pressing solidly against my back and a delicious tingle ran through my body despite myself. My breath caught in my throat when the man’s woody scent filled my nose and I exhaled with relief.Michael. I turned slowly to see his chiseled body sprawled out on the bed beside me and felt somet
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109-Letter from the Beast-Darkness Descending Carla Winehouse
Seven nights…It was how long the first Alpha of Gotham pack had been avoiding me. The sharp sting of pain in my finger made me hiss before I realized I had nibbled the damned limb down to the bone.How dare he embarrass me like this?! Did Anything have any idea what humiliation I had to endure when I heard the maids gossiping about his attention to that Elena bitch when he hadn't even come by to see me!Was I just another fucking mistress to him now?!“Curse you!” I screeched, slamming one of the fancy ceramic plant pots hard against the wall where it shattered into tiny porcelain pieces, the sight of which did nothing to calm the raging burn in my chest.“M’lady, you must calm down, for the sake of the bairn at least-” One of the fresh-faced pussies Anthony had assigned to me squealed and I turned to give the bitch a look that could have turned her into stone.“Calm down?! Shut your dirty mouth you little whore! It's my child to do with as I please!” I roared, watching the maid jerk
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110- The Mistresses Ultimatum
Anthony’s POVThe noise of drills and chisels roared in the castle foyer as I stormed toward the high-rise apartment building of the redhead’s chambers.I tried to put the disastrous thoughts of the elders forcing me to mate with Carla the way they had forced my father to mate with my mother and bike rose in my throat.“Please goddess,” I prayed, hoping I was not too late as I rounded the gold stair banister that looked over the hallway to Carla’s chambers.The huge gold double doors bowed away easily as I launched my foot into the wood…HARD, ignoring the uniformed guards at the doorpost who scrambled away hurriedly.The room had been plunged into darkness, with only a faint yellow light from the overhead candelabra illuminating the sultry seductress who had been sitting with her legs crossed on the bed…almosy as if she had been waiting for me.What the fuck?“At last, I was wondering when you were going to show up.” She murmured in a sultry voice that instantly sparked my rage when I
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I shifted my weight uneasily on both feet as a loud rumbling of thunder pedaled through the night’s air, the second time now since we had marched on horseback into the thick forest of dried trees.“How long has the body been here?” Anthony’s gruff voice was emotionless, but I could sense the rage simmering beneath his calm exterior.The rogue’s words blurred in my ears as I stared at the body…or what remained of it. Ezra of the elite wolves of Gotham looked like a bloody mass of potato pudding, a dark stain on the billowing snow.Murdered. Whoever did this had been trying to send a message. “This is bad boss…shit hitting the sky type of fucked up-” Klein Markov’s gravelly rumble made me grind my teeth before I tore my gaze away from the mess of skin and bones and teeth that looked nothing like the hearty elder I had seen only hours ago.“Whoever did this Anthony…it had to have been recent! Don't you see?!” I snarled, whirling around to face my brother’s daunting frame a
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