All Chapters of Contract Wife Of The Twin Alphas : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
193 Chapters
ELENA’S POVMy knuckles turned white on the soft pillow I gripped in my hand as I blinked slowly, only hearing the noise of my heart hammering in my chest in the silence that followed.What the hell was that? My pulse throbbed in my wrists as I sat up slowly, taking in the quiet hum of the overhead air vents in the shadowy room.The fire in the stone hearth had gone out, leaving an eerie chill in the air that made goosebumps break on my flesh.I couldn't tell if the scream I had heard was all in my head or not before the rushed sound of feet pacing in the hallway snapped me to my feet. I had been sleeping since my trust in Michael, recovering under Emily’s care and the unnecessary amount of sweet soup broths she brought in for me.My body still tingled at the memory of my promise, the way Michael’s manly hands scoured over my body as he murmured praises and sweet nothings in my ear.His sweet woody scent still lingered on my pillows and it was all I could do not to press them to my fa
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ELENA WOLFEI watched the fancy-dressed women rush to their queen bee’s side, cooing and fretting over every inch of her perfect face.I tried to ignore the barb of jealousy in my chest as I watched them, now wasn't the time to be distracted, Elena!“Another siege on Gotham…fucking hell, it's like they're pouring in from Hell’s very gates!” Carla breathed, and I swallowed heavily, wondering if Anthony and Michael would have realized what was going on.They had made it out of the palace at dawn and it was almost midnight now. The royal wolves could hold their own against the invaders but it was clear from the screams of anguish outside that they were outnumbered.“We can't stay here, we’ve got to find a way to get to the bunkers-” Carla hedged, wringing her hands in her skirts before I realized it was the first time I had seen real terror masking her beautiful face. The bang of a body slamming against the door made us all gasp and the overhead lights whined and fizzled, becoming dim a
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114- new heir of gotham
ANTHONY’S POVThe dark-haired woman went limp in my arms before I glanced down to see that her porcelain face was pale…drained of blood.“In here! I want all the healing balms and tonics in here this minute! Stop the bleeding!” My brother growled as we tore into one of the white-walled rooms of the royal infirmary. A crowd of nursemaids swarmed over to us, bowing their courtesy before lifting the woman from my arms.“Your Highness…if you would step outside please-” One of the nursemaids rasped, and I felt Michael’s hand wrap around my shoulder to pull me back before I could refuse.The huge double doors banged close in my face and I turned to see my brother’s strained face staring at me.“What the hell Michael? I need to be in there to see what they're doing to her-” I started before he cut in rudely, flashing his fangs at me so that I stumbled back in shock.“Like you suddenly care about her now? Fuck off, Anthony! You might be the most powerful Alpha in all of Gotham's pack and beyo
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115- bound to you
ANTHONY’S POVMy eyes found the woman almost immediately, her small face turned to face me as I walked in before the maids excused themselves, bowing wordlessly to me and shutting the doors behind them with a soft click.“Elena -”“Anthony-” We spoke at the same time before I cleared my throat awkwardly, shifting my weight from foot to foot before exhaling as some of the tension in my shoulders relaxed.“How are you?” I started as she rose to her feet and I tried desperately to keep my eyes from roaming over her body. Elena looked as delectable as ever.The white frock of the infirmary uniform was transparent as she stood in the warm yellow of the sunlight dripping in from the half-open curtains.Her dark hair tumbled freely…sexily over her shoulders, parting around her full perky breasts and pink nipples that pressed insistently against the cloth.Arousal stirred in my groin and my heart hammered against my ribs despite myself. I couldn't believe she was carrying my child inside her.
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ELENA’s POVIt was strange how fast my life could have flipped downside up in what seemed like a split-second.If anyone had told me seven nights ago that I would be sitting in one of the most luxurious royal rooms of Gotham Palace with gifts piled around me and my legs hefted up in a handmaid’s lap, I would have tagged the heifer a lunatic.But that was exactly what I was doing, plopping juicy purple grapes one after another in my mouth and moaning when the sweet tangy flavor cooled my tongue and throat.Pregnant. Fedora’s words had changed the course of my life entirely. I was a new woman, more loved…more fearful.“Is there any news about the Alphas yet? Emily? Rosa?” I asked, glancing up from Emily’s bowed head to her wide-eyed friend Rosa who stood stiffly by the corner, watching her bathe the length of my bare feet in oils and tonics.It had been two nights since Anthony came up into my quarters with somber hazel eyes and a handful if roses and told me about their reckoning in a
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MICHAEL GOTHAM“This place’s started to give me the fucking creeps,” I hissed to my brother as the Viper Pack guards marched on either side of us to the large grey throne room at the center of the compound.There were crows picking off bread and what looked like fat worms from the dirt, their eerie cawing echoing as they scattered away with our approach.“The energy’s been off since we stepped into their villages, Michael… it's why I asked the rest of the men to hang back,” Anthony murmured under his breath and the hostility in his voice did not surprise me.“Keep your eyes peeled. Something isn't right here. We take this shit, have them sign it, and be back in our palace before nightfall.” He muttered before the huge doors creaked open and the crowd of wolves that had been muttering inside fell silent.I could spot their Alpha almost immediately, the man sat at the end of the table in a long black frock that would have looked better on a pope than it did on his lithe frame.“Greeting
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ANTHONY’S POVMy entire body felt like it had been doused in gasoline and lit with a match as I watched the night descend.“Are you sure about this? Your Highness? Your brother-” Klein Markov’s throaty whisper made a muscle beat in my eye and he shut up as if sensing that I was on the verge of exploding.How dare he? After everything Gotham had done for them? I had seen signs earlier, there was no one but myself to blame for this fucking mess.Ten thousand able-bodied soldiers had been drafted from Gotham to defend the Viper pack from Cove’s deadly attacks, and they had won, because of me.That smarmy little bastard with his slick black hair that was more full of gel than actual hair had won because of ME. Because I risked the safety of MY pack, to protect him.“My brother knows damned well who his Alpha is. I suggest you pledge your loyalties now as well.” I growled, throwing the lithe-bodied wolf a scathing look over my shoulder and watching the meaning sink into his eyes before he
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119-Blood And Fire
ANTHONY GOTHAMIt was never a good thing, to be praised by a mad rogue who had wiped out his entire pack because he had been bored, and yet, I could only grin at his words as blood thrummed hotly through my veins.“I had felt the beat of the bastard’s heart riot against my blade before I speared him.” I jeered and caught the rogue throwing back the great mane of his head to howl excitedly into the night.We pounded toward the Gotham palace at breakneck speed, and my breaths came faster in my throat when I noted the glare of fluorescent spotlights swinging from side to side in the distance.“We’re home Markov. Brace for impact.” I ground through clenched teeth, and then the gates screeched open.#“Your Highness,” The soldiers cheered before I watched their beady eyes pop as they took us in when we stormed into the palace grounds.I was aware that my black fur was still caked from Lord John’s blood, I smelled animal…like death, as I made my way over to the string of nobles in the Pala
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220- passion colliding
ELENA’S POVAlpha Anthony Gotham had appeared back in the palace like a puff of black smoke. His wild shock of black hair was rustled from his shift, falling over his eyes in a way that shadowed his hazel orbs almost frighteningly.A monster. It was the only way to describe him after what he had done, and yet, I could only see the broken man behind his bloodshot eyes.It was the same with Michael. The way his blue eyes slid away from mine like he was hiding something whenever we stared at each other.I had to do something! Something to draw our bond tighter than it had ever been before! I couldn't let the Alphas slip away from me again. I just couldn't.“Would you come with me? Please?” I whispered to Michael as some of the elders chatted with his brother.Blood rushed in my ears as I took in the heat of the man’s body behind mine, aware that things could go very wrong if he made a mistake.If he lost control.I would be trapped.“Focus Elena!” I panted inwardly.I could feel Anthony
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121- sworn to love
MICHAEL GOTHAMThe woman’s beauty as she lay in the lowly-lit room was breathtaking. Her dark hair was spread out like a waterfall around her body, half-hidden by the fluffy white sheets that curved around her nude body like a lover’s hands.“Beautiful,” I murmured, pressing my lips to her forehead as the wonderful thrill of our lovemaking hummed like a live wire between us.My hands still warmed from the hot towels I had pressed against her aching body, reveling in her moans and grunts of pleasure as she sighed dreamily on the bed.“Is that all? She asleep?” Anthony hedged behind me, I could sense his hard body behind me, looking over my shoulder at our mate who was sprawled out in her sleep on the bed before us.“Yes.” I gritted through clenched teeth, shifting away from Elena so that my brother’s hard body could settle on the bed beside her.None of us spoke for several beats, and only the sound of our ragged breathing filled the room as we stared at her, a mix of worry and satisfa
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