All Chapters of Contract Wife Of The Twin Alphas : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
193 Chapters
132- The Alpha’s Confession
ANTHONY’S POVThe blonde man’s chiseled face only jerked once. The quick flick of his thick blonde eyebrows shot up as if registering surprise before the impassive mask fell back over his dashingly handsome features.“And now…now she's pregnant too Michael. Carla Winehouse Reagent is fucking pregnant for me and I don't know what the FUCK I'm going to do when Elena eventually finds out,” I gushed, and the weight that had been pressing down into my shoulders seemed to lighten a bit before I watched Michael squeeze his eyes shut, pushing away from me to curse expeditiously at the universe.“Fucking fuck!” My brother’s enraged roar rent through the air as adrenaline shit through my body like a freaking current.“You got that right,” I murmured back, trying to hold in a bitter life and watching the blonde Alpha glance around the lot. It was empty. I knew because I had spun my head in a freaking circle the entire time I was speaking to him.The last thing I needed was one of the rubber-mout
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133- claws out
CARLA WINEHOUSEIt had taken longer than I would have liked for me to suck all of the guard’s blood from where it had stuck into my fingers.That bloody guard had just pissed me the fuck off. I wasn't usually this careless, but last night’s events bounced around in my head painfully as I flung the last of the damning letters into the fireplace, watching the flames hiss and crackle as they licked at the thick white scripts.It wouldn't have mattered that I was carrying Anthony’s child if he had found those letters, no, he would have had me bound hands and feet until I gave birth and tortured me till I was skin and bones and senseless with pain.It had been a pity with the late princess…but Sophia Gotham HAD to die for me to get closer to Anthony.“Fucks sake,” I hissed when I saw my reflection in the mirror. My eyes were still bloodshot from my shifting, with red rings underneath the whites that made me slap my cheeks until it was gone.I had taken the back gates into the woods but how
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134- face to face
ELENA’S POVThe sound of my heels clacking on the stony walkway was all I could hear over the chirping of crickets and the croaking of frogs from the small blue pond beside the garden.The moonlight illuminated the rocky path that wound into different sections, but there was still no sign of Anthony or Michael behind each one.Where the hell were they? “Goddess help them if they're late again,” I threatened no one but myself as I tapped my feet impatiently on the path and tried to ignore the creepy crawling feeling tingling the base of my neck before squinting into the darkness.The scent of something stopped me cold in my tracks and I whipped around when I thought I saw a tall silhouette in the shadows.“Anthony? Michael? Come on out and stop messing with me already,” I yelled, unable to help the soft smile that tugged at my lips when my eyes narrowed on the shadow standing still between the bronze sculptures.Freaking hell, I didn't put it past the men to try and prank me again the
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135- the chase
Michael GothamThere was something wrong with our mate Elena. Something big enough that she had been white as a sheet, trembling in Anthony’s arms when we found her.My brother might not know it yet, but I could have sworn I'd smelled the rogue bastard’s acrid scent on her body. I'd had the chance to tell Anthony everything after his damning confession, and yet, I hadn't.I'd been too fucking chicken shit and now the snake under our noses was targeting my Elena.“Are you sure you're alright Lena? You know you can always talk to us if someone’s messing with you,” I growled, catching wide grey eyes that flickered with something I couldn't place before her face widened into a shaky smile.“I'm fine, really…I just have a headache, I think I need to lay down a bit,” She rasped, and I bit my tongue at the obvious lie, watching my brother’s face tighten with worry, his arms flexing around her curvy body as he caught her mid-swoon.“Are you sure? The baby-” Anthony hedged, but I cut him off,
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136- royale mating
ELENA WOLFEThe tinkling of the large golden chandelier above me made me groan tiredly.I threw out an arm, trying to ignore the stab of longing in my chest when only thick cotton sheets twisted between my fingers.“Good morning, Miss Elena,” A woman’s soft voice made me moan before I scrunched up my nose at the bitter taste in the back of my throat.Could a pregnant woman not have a moment of peace and quiet for herself? It seemed to me that everyone, everyone except Nancy Gotham had been fussing over me ever since the news of my pregnancy broke.I stretched lazily to my feet, grunting to the maid’s curtsey before heading over to Anthony’s washroom to splash cold water on my face and rinse out my mouth.The dark-haired woman in the mirror who stared back at me with vibrant grey eyes was breathtaking.I ran my fingers carefully through the thick curls of my black hair that fell in bangs over the side of my face.Dark lashes fluttered against high cheekbones that sloped into a firm pin
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137- wedding bells
ELENA WOLFEMy heart thumped wildly as I stood before the full-length mirror of my room, staring blankly at my wide-eyed reflection in the glass.There had to have been about a hundred handmaidens in my room, busting themselves with the round poof of my dress and the laced black and red trail that extended all the way to the door.“Hurry Emilia! The guests are arriving!” One of the squeamish maids hissed, throwing down the long white curtains after she had gone to take a peek at what was happening outside.Emily’s soft hands flew across my face and hair, molding the dark tresses into exquisite curls, embedded with pearls and crystals that sparkled under the yellow light of the room.I eyed the silk and lace materials scattered around the floor and the maids who were dressed nicely in their flowery ball gowns, with their powdered faces gleaming under the light.Music had already begun to drift through the castle and the chatter of guests just outside made me squirm uneasily before the
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138-the mistress revenge
ELENA WOLFEThe Alphas stiffened beside me, but I kept my eyes firmly on the intruder.“Shit.” Michael hissed and my stomach dropped when I caught the guilty look on their faces that was quickly replaced by anger.Why weren't they sending her away? Fucking hell…at least she was late. There was nothing she could do now that I was the rightful Luna of Gotham!“What the fuck do you think you're doing here Carla Winehouse?” I called loudly, jutting my chin proudly when her eyes widened on the crown I knew was glowing on my head.I wanted her to look long and hard at the crown that would never be hers, and a smirk drew at the corner of my lips when the sharp lines of her face darkened.“It's hardly proper not to invite a noble princess to the royal wedding, don't you think, Elena? I wonder what the court will think of your attempts to keep me away.” The red-haired woman growled and I was suddenly afraid. My lips formed a tight shaky line as she swung her hips and strutted through the red c
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139- reckoning
ANTHONY GOTHAMPanic raked through my chest like jagged claws and I caught my brother curling his hands into fists by my side as I watched the two women.“Alpha Anthony, is what the maiden speaks true? Is Miss Carla Winehouse, the reagent of this palace carrying your child?” Roderigo Stone boomed, and I watched the large beast elder stagger forward, his frog-like eyes shining with rage.“Fucking hell,” Michael hissed so that only I could hear and his damning words only confirmed what I had known the second that Cassandra burst through the double doors of the castle.There was no way out of this. Pain formed a gridlock around my heart when I turned to Elena, noting the hateful expression on her porcelain face.Rivulets of tears rolled down her cheeks, the silver of it catching the large overhead chandeliers the same way her diamond crown did.“Elena…please, I...I wanted to tell you, okay? I never wanted it to be like this-” My words were a jumble of emotions as horror and pain washed o
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140-dark descent
ALPHA MICHAEL GOTHAMMy claws connected with the large trunk of the Bonsai tree before I could stop myself, sending the brown wood flying across the foyer with a thundering crack.“Would you calm down Michael? You’re causing a scene!” My brother’s voice was hard when he spoke up beside me and I whirled around in time to see the displeased scowl on his face.Was he taking the piss? “Are you fucking joking Anthony?” I hissed angrily, stabbing my claws into the hard plate of his chest and not caring when I felt the eyes of the castle's elite surrounding us.“We lose our fucking mate because of YOUR mistake and you're worried that I'm causing a bloody scene?” I spat, and my brother reared back like I had just plunged a knife between his ribs.It had only been hours since the fatal disaster that was our mate's wedding with Elena, and yet it felt to me like it had been years already.I had seen the broken look on her face back in the hall, the way her rounded shoulders seemed to collapse i
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141-jail bait
ALPHA MICHAEL GOTHAM“There! That's their leader! Get him!” I roared when my eyes caught on the large beast with deep white scars etched into his fur.The beast’s glowing red eyes caught on my face before he let out a drawn out shriek.“What the fuck is that?!” My brother’s enraged roar filled my ears as he appeared beside me in a instant, the hulking frame of his wolf making a surge of pride swell in my chest.“Dead, fucking, meat. Let's go-” I snarled, feeling my bones snap and shift into place as I bounded after the huge wolf.How the hell was he so fast? Adrenaline shot through my body like lightning, and it was all I could do not to let my beast cloud my mind as I shot forward.Was Elena okay?I watched the beast’s large, slinking bodies disappear over the walls, across the heap of the gutted corpses of our archers. I paused, sickened by the scene.They had died protecting Gotham, and the pain in my chest mixed with rage at their brutal deaths.I roared, my thoughts collided into
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