All Chapters of Contract Wife Of The Twin Alphas : Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
193 Chapters
172- bloody souvenirs
Anthony Gotham The click of the guard’s camera flash as it went off left stars in my vision, blinding me to the trickling silver light of the moon as we stood around the small shadowed lot only feet from the bloody clearing. I watched the masked wolf shake out the photo in the Polaroid and slip it cleanly into his Manila bag. “What on earth happened here?” “It looks like there might have been a blood bath, Your Highness, all female…possibly more than one,” Fedora whispered, pointing out the deep tracks of blood staining the porcelain snow that had mixed with black earth. I held my breath, my boots shifting uneasily as I waited for the royal examiners to finish up with the evidence. The council would want a detailed explanation of why I had dragged half our troops from the base for a forest reckon that ended up being a wild fucking goose chase. “Are we done here yet?” I growled, the despair twisting in my chest only doubled when one of the masked wolves held up his thumb for me.
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173-alpha’s dirty secret
MICHAEL GOTHAMI had always loved watching the woman sleep. Elena’s porcelain face was perfection, save for the faded purple bruises she had gotten from her fall, she looked like the moon goddess herself.Black silky hair was already out in a cloud above her and those full pink lips half-parted in her sleep.“Goodbye, my love,” I whispered, before pressing my lips into her forehead and brushing my knuckles over her face lightly, afraid to wake her.“Blasted hells,” I muttered as I ran through the forest, shifting back into my human just in time to slip into the Gotham fortress through the back gates and jog up to the servant’s quarters.I’d turned and walked out of the room without another word but I could still feel Elena’s sweet scent wafting around me like a calming breeze.I glanced around the empty courtyard and snapped off a dress I had seen hanging by the drying line, wrapping it all over my body and wrinkling my nose at the sharp floral scent that masked Elena’s own.“Y-Your H
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174- cabin fever
ELENA WOLFEThe buzz of guards striding in and out of the wooden cabin filled the air.The second Alpha had kept true to his word and it worried me.There were hundreds of uniformed Gotham wolves striding in and around the clearing surrounding our safe house and it was all I could do not to pull my hair in frustration.“Come on people, are we getting this wall up or not?!” The rogue roared, and I turned to see the half-finished oak wood door that leaned against the door frame, the shiny brass knob catching the falling rays of the sun almost mesmerizingly.A ton of soldiers and nursemaids had arrived at the safe house after everything that had happened and yet there was still no sign of Michael…no sign of Emily.“Where should I keep this? Your Grace?” One of the pale-faced women in a monochrome milk-maid outfit rasped behind me and I turned to see her holding a thick blue flower vase in her hands.It would go well with the chestnut wood walls of my room.“Up in the attic, please Fiona,
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175-rogues confession
MICHAEL GOTHAMThe dark-haired woman’s eyes were wide and frightened when she faced me, lowering her body to the white rumpled sheets of the bedding as I scrambled for how best to break the news to her.“What's going on Michael? You’ve been acting strange lately,” Elena breathed, clutching at my wrists when I brushed my hands over her shoulders reflexively, unable to resist touching her.If I was this desperate to be near my mate, how the hell was Anthony coping? I shook my head to clear the awful thoughts before realizing the woman’s soft grey eyes were still watching me.“Is this about Anthony? Did he say anything?” She rasped as if she had read my mind and I bit down on the reflexive jerk that worked at my shoulders before shaking my head no.“No, Anthony has nothing to do with this my love,” I breathed, exhaling a resigned sigh as dread pooled in my gut.“Then what is it?!... Surely…not Emily! They don't suspect she had anything to do with my disappearance-” She whispered, her be
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176-lair of the beast
Michael GothamThe weight pressed against my chest when I awoke with a start hardly felt real. Elena. I cursed inwardly.I hadn't imagined sleeping for this long! It was a wonder we weren't woken by Anthony’s raging shouts in the forest.How long had we been out? The ball of desire in my groin tightened when Elena moaned in her sleep, pushing her naked body harder against mine where she had tucked herself into my side.The breath hitched in my throat when I glanced around the dimly lit room, yellowed by the sun that steadily rose over the horizon and fell in slants through the high curtains of the windowed room.The soft sound of her breathing was like a bucket of ice water to my raging chest and I brushed my knuckles over her high, porcelain cheekbones, unable to resist the bond of attraction between us.“Elena?” I whispered, pressing a kiss to her lips before stretching to my feet and watching her screw her eyes open with a deep groan.“Michael? Are you leaving already? At least st
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177-enemies in the dark
ELENA WOLFEEvery nerve in my body felt like it was a ticking time bomb as I paced up and down the length of the cabin living room.How long had the rogue been away?I was sick and tired of staring at walls and talking to myself all day! Even the handmaiden Michael had brought pissed me off!She wasn't Emily. She didn't understand.“Fuck this, I can't take this shit anymore!” I hissed, snapping on my purple night slip and slithering through the front door, aware that the eyes of every soldier in the foyer had turned to me.My hands shook before I fisted them in my dress, keeping my head up and marching determinedly toward the thick bamboo gates, daring any one of them to stop me.“Your Grace-” One of the soldiers attempted before I cut him off, whirling to face his ruddy square face with a self-righteous snort.I hated that I was acting like the bitchy Queen. That was Carla’s thing, and yet, my wolf demanded an escape.I couldn't just sit still.“The rogue has demanded we keep you ins
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178-Rogue Alpha
ANTHONY GOTHAMThe trip to the other allying packs was not going well, and the sun had set well over the line of the horizon when we reached the black, ominous mass of slender trees.“This is bad Anthony, damned near all of our allies have defected to Cove. What the fuck is Alaric even giving them? That beast has nothing to offer but pain and more fucking suffering!” Fedora hissed, her black eyes flashing between the cloth mask she wrapped around her face as our horses trotted around the dirt path.I hadn't wanted to think about it, but the woman was right. There were only so many traitors I could kill.Alaric Wolfe’s army was growing too darn close to Gotham and I didn't like it in the least bit.“Power. Isn't it obvious? Every mutt in Wolf County has blood lust the size of the fucking Atlantic!” I spat acidly, raising a hand to stop the march when my ears flexed on the quiet rustling sound coming only a few feet away from us.“Torches out!” I rasped through my teeth and the guard's
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179-close call
Michael GothamMy heart was a bloody dynamite in my chest as I skulked through the dark woods with the rogue’s letter in my hands, cursing softly when yet another twig branch snapped under my boot.This was what I got for being a three hundred pound brick wall of flesh and muscle. I couldn't go anywhere without being heard unless I was shifted into my wolf, and then I would be leaving my scent for anyone who cared to follow.I glanced down at the letter again and my heart gave a violent start inside me.“You have to hurry back to the base Michael, the Queen is acting crazy. Someone’s been stalking the cabin grounds and she’s in recovery-” I read again with nothing short of a growl before I fisted the paper in my hands.It didn't make any fucking sense! I was gone one night and the rogue couldn't even follow instructions!Sometimes I thought the little shit was only good at killing! What good did Anthony ever see in him anyway?!“Hello?!” The woman’s voice had caught me so off-guard th
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180- luna in ruins
ELENA WOLFEThe feel of a large hand brushing over my lips in the darkness made me snap my eyes open.My heart hammered wildly inside me when I met Michael’s wild blue eyes in the dark, hushing me.“Mnghhh,” A moan escaped my throat before I thought to close my teeth around the sound and his eyes grew even wider, hands digging into my mouth until it hurt.What the hell was happening?! The sound of a moan below us made my ears ring in the uneasy silence that filled the room before I shoved him off me, watching as he stumbled back, lifting me in his arms in one swift motion.“Don't breathe a word, Lei,” He rasped, hurriedly throwing on his shirt over the delectable porcelain flesh that rippled in the waning light of the fireplace.“What's happening Michael? You’re fucking scaring me!” I hissed in a shaky voice, but his crystal blue eyes scanned the horizon as he hastily chugged down the large canister of blood in the wine rack, wiping at his lips with the back of his hands and looking e
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181-knight in bloody armor
Michael GothamMy vision was a whirling mass of red as I sawed through the deformed hounds like a fucking carousel, swinging my sword in perfect arcs with enough force to cut through the herd.“The cabin Michael! Elena’s still inside!” Markov roared from somewhere around me and I turned to catch sight of his wolf, talk and lithe, tearing the beast’s that surged toward him like he was breaking bread.What a fucking badass! “Shit.” I spat, realization dawning on me as I tried to make my way over to the orange boom of the cabin in the distance before another explosion rocked me off my feet.A cloud of dirt and smoke billowed in the air and my heart sank as more of the Cove wolves ran at us, their haunting snarls and snapping teeth like hell’s very orchestra.Where the hell were they coming from?! What the heck was taking Anthony so long?!I cursed t the stampede of foaming beasts that tore through the human shield I had formed around the cabin, the sounds of swords clashing rousing me f
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