All Chapters of CHAOTIC LOVE-The CEO's worst nightmare. : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
159 Chapters
Dalisay's pov, I heard a commotion at the company's gate, followed by a deep, urgent voice. "Let me in! I need to see Dalisay!" it shouted. My heart pounded as I recognized the voice - it was Adams. Why was he here? What did he want? I felt a wave of panic wash over me. Should I stay hidden or go to the gate to find out what was going on? What was he doing in my office after we both agreed to call off wherever we had since I wanted to be faithful to my marriage? For days, I had turned a blind eye to Adams's calls and texts, knowing full well that he was trying to reach me. But I couldn't bring myself to talk to him, not after everything that had happened. Our last outing had been so perfect, so full of hope and possibility but they were a mirage. As I walked to the company's gate, my heart melted as I saw Adams was engaged in a heated argument with the security guard, who was trying to prevent him from entering the Premises. Several members of my staff had gathered around, draw
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The truth
Amihan's POV, As the car made its way down the familiar streets of San Fernando, I found my mind wandering to memories of the past. I remembered the times when Dalisay and I would drive this very same route to visit Adam and explore the nearby town of Cabanatuan. Those were simpler times when the future was full of possibility and hope. Now, my life had taken a very different turn, and I wasn't sure what lay ahead. But I was determined to make the best of it and to cherish the memories I had made along the way while seeking my revenge. "Are you sure Adams still lives here," Judith asked cutting off my train of thought, and I nodded. "I can't imagine Adams ever wanting to leave San Fernando, he's always been so attached to his hometown. It's where he grew up, and it's where his roots are. I don't think he'd ever want to give that up," I said, with a tone of conviction. Judith nodded, with a thoughtful expression, "It's amazing how some people can be so connected to a place," sh
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Forced friendship.
Judith's POV, Even though it had been a month since my conversation with Maxwell, I still couldn't fully digest what he'd said. Each day felt like an uphill battle as I dragged myself out of bed and faced the world - knowing that nothing was quite as it seemed. Work became all-consuming to distract my mind. any possibility of interacting with him was avoided at all costs. despite trying so hard to evade him, his presence lingered persistently in my life - almost haunting me every time our paths crossed. The tension between us continued to mount during these awkward exchanges which ultimately made things worse for me internally too. I deliberately avoided any contact with him as we went about our duties in the office and the few times we unavoidably met, I always had an excuse to keep our conversation short. I had to admit, part of me still cared about Maxwell, even after everything that had happened. But I was also furious with him for shattering my sense of reality and forcing me
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Pain and heartbreak
Judith's POV, Days had turned into weeks, and still, I couldn't shake the pain. It was like an open wound, festering and refusing to heal. I had been through breakups before, but never had I felt such agony. It was as if my heart had been ripped out of my chest, leaving a gaping hole in its place. I tried to distract myself, to move on, but nothing seemed to help. The hurt was too deep, the ache too raw. I felt like I was drowning in my misery, with no way out.I put on a brave face every day, pretending that I had moved on, that I was okay. But as soon as I caught sight of Maxwell, all the pain came rushing back, like a dam bursting inside of me. We worked together, and there was no way to avoid him completely. Even if there had been, I knew that deep down I didn't want to. I was drawn to him, like a moth to a flame, knowing full well that it could only lead to disaster. I was caught in a web of my own making, unable to break free.I longed for the day I would wake up from this nigh
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Reassurance .
Maxwell's POV, Over the past weeks, I've been on an emotional roller coaster, from the ups and downs of my friendship with Judith to the tension in my relationship with my mother. It's been a tumultuous time, filled with highs and lows. I've felt a wide range of emotions, from anger to sadness to frustration. My world has felt chaotic and out of control. I'm struggling to make sense of it all and to find my footing again. Amihan's life has been a whirlwind of activity these past weeks, leaving her little time to spend with me in person. Even though we talked on the phone every day, it's not the same as seeing each other face to face. But I understand that she's a successful young CEO, and her time is precious. I admire her work ethic and drive, even if it means we don't get to spend as much time together as I'd like. I'm willing to make that sacrifice because I love her.I eagerly counted down the hours until the workday ended, eager to spend time with Amihan at the cinema. I had mis
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Sleep over,
Amihan's POV, As the movie credits rolled, the Cinema emptied, a stream of couples exiting the theater holding hands. I felt the warmth of Maxwell's hand as he gently led me through the crowd, a sense of security washing over me as we made our way to the exit. The evening air was cool, the stars twinkling brightly overhead. As we walked along the darkened street, I felt at ease with Maxwell by my side. "Take care, my love," he called out, as we descended the stairs. His hand held mine in a firm yet gentle grip, and I was filled with adoration for him. A sense of security and comfort settled over me as if I had finally found my place in the world. I knew at that moment that I wanted to be with him always, for the rest of my life. No matter what challenges we faced, I would face them by his side. The thought made me grin. We strolled beneath the glow of the moon, our footsteps light on the pavement, as we made our way to the parking garage where our car awaited us. The night sky twin
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The buyer,
Dalisay's POV, After putting the mansion up for sale, I was relieved to see that many interested buyers were vying for the opportunity to own such a luxurious property. I felt proud of myself for being able to come up with a solution that would save the company, and for the first time in my life, I was able to stand up for what I believed in despite the disapproval of my mother and Karl. It was a moment of triumph, and I knew that I had finally found the courage to do what I thought was right, even in the face of opposition."If this is what will make you happy, my love, then I am all for it," Karl said to me after I had taken the time to explain my reasoning to him. His willingness to support me, even though it went against his initial wishes, made me feel loved and appreciated. As I looked out the window that morning, I couldn't help but let my thoughts drift back to the past. The breeze that blew in through the window brought with it a sense of peace and comfort, and I found myse
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Judith's POV, As Carter pulled into the parking lot of my apartment complex, I turned to him with a soft tone, "Thank you," The tears that had been streaming down my cheeks for the past hour had left me drained and emotionally exhausted, with no energy for more drama.Despite my refusal to tell him what had happened at the cinema, Carter could see that I was in distress. "Are you sure you'll be okay?"He asked With genuine concern and I simply nodded.Though my words were few, my expression must have revealed the turmoil I was feeling inside. Carter sighed and reached over to pat my hand. "If you ever need someone to talk to, you know I'm here, You don't have to go through this alone, " He said and I managed a weak smile, "Thank you," I whispered as I unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the door. "Take care, yeah? And please remember, you're not alone." He said softly. I nodded and stepped out of the car, then closed the door behind me. As I walked away, my thoughts were a
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Lost in thought
Amihan's POV, It was a long, sleepless night. The minutes ticked by slowly, seeming to stretch on for an eternity. I tossed and turned, my mind racing with thoughts of the previous day's events. I kept checking my phone, hoping for a message or call from Judith, but nothing came. The darkness of the night seemed endless, and I longed for the relief of morning. Finally, at three in the morning, I drifted off into a fitful sleep. But it was short-lived, as the shrill ringing of my alarm jolted me awake at five-thirty. I felt exhausted, my body heavy with fatigue which was the least of my concern. My sleep had been fitful and short, and I felt like I could have slept for hours more. However, the knowledge that I had received no response from my friend throughout the night gave me the strength to push myself out of bed. I sat up slowly, my head pounding as if someone were driving a nail into my skull. I leaned back against the headboard, supporting my head with my hand as I closed my ey
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The truth
Judith's POV, As I heard Amihan's voice outside my door, a feeling of resentment welled up inside of me. A feeling I had never experienced with her before. Even though I had managed to respond to her to get her off my back that morning, I hated the fact that she was my rival. It seemed to me that Amihan always had it easy, while I always had to fight tooth and nail for everything I wanted. Her relationships ended on her terms, while mine always seemed to end in heartbreak. I felt like she got to coast through life, while I was stuck trudging through the mud. I was so tired of always being the one who had to work so hard, while she just seemed to float along, untouched by the struggles of life. It was like she was living in a different world, one where everything was handed to her on a silver platter. And it wasn't fair.The thought of letting Maxwell get away with toying with my emotions filled me with a sense of helpless rage. I couldn't bear the thought of facing my coworkers looki
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