Semua Bab Lustful Desire: Bab 121 - Bab 130
207 Bab
Chapter 121.
Amelia's POVI had been sending mixed signals, clinging to a fragile hope while simultaneously pushing him away with the label of "employer-employee."His words, harsh as they were, carried an undeniable truth."I…" I stammered, searching for a defense that wouldn't crumble under the weight of his accusations. "Maybe… maybe you're right," I admitted reluctantly. "Perhaps I did send mixed signals."His blue eyes narrowed, searching my face. "Perhaps?" he echoed, his voice still laced with anger. "You were the one pulling away when things got intense, Amelia. You were the one who insisted on this strict employer-employee boundary."A wave of guilt washed over me. He was right again. Every time he'd tried to bridge the gap, I'd retreated, clinging to the fragile line I'd drawn to protect myself. Fear, a leftover from the painful ending of our past relationship, had held me back."I..." I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper. The carefully constructed wall of anger that had shielded
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Chapter 122.
I held my breath, waiting to see the expression on Eddie's face. Would it be anger? Hurt? Disdain?He eventually came out of his office, but his face was like an unreadable mask. His jaw was clenched tight, his eyes stormy and devoid of the vulnerability I'd seen just moments before. He looked like a man who had built a fortress around his emotions, shutting himself off completely.For a moment, we stood there, locked in a silent battle of wills. Neither of us dared to speak, the air thick with unspoken accusations and hurt feelings."So," he finally said, his voice flat and devoid of emotion. "A date, huh?"It wasn't a question, but a statement, a confirmation of what he'd overheard. The harshness in his voice sent a fresh wave of tears pricking at my eyes."It's not what it seems," I stammered, my voice barely a croak. "It was just… an afternoon outing, nothing more."He gave a short, humorless laugh. "Of course," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Just two friends enjoying
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Chapter 123.
"Look, Amelia," I said, suddenly feeling exhausted and sick of the back and forth Amelia and I had been having ever since she started working for me. "I think we both need some time to sort this out. To figure out what we really want, and what's truly important to us."She stared at me with a hurt expression on her face. But I could not trust that it was genuine or that she would not find a reason to push me away again. First, it had been the fact that she could not get over the way that I had abruptly broken up with her when we had still been in college, although she claimed she had forgiven me. Then, she had said she had no feelings for me. And then, after we had kissed a couple of times, she had claimed that we were nothing but employer and employeeand that we should keep it that way. Then she said we were nothing but friends. So I could not understand why she seemed to be having another change of mind. Regardless, I was done. I was done trying to woo her and I just wanted to go
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Chapter 124.
Jenna's POV"Jenna! Jenna! Over here! Give me a smile, Jenna! Over the shoulder, Jenna!"I was on the red carpet… obviously and enjoying every second of it. I shifted slightly and shot the reporters a dazzling smile over the shoulder and the cameras went wild, nearly blinding me with bright flashes. The lady at the end of the carpet motioned for us, every celebrity that was currently taking pictures on the red carpet, to move and we did. As I moved down the line, taking care to not trip on my face, I got to the end of the carpet where a reporter and a cameraman were waiting for me. I turned on the voltage of my dazzling smile and approached them confidently. "Hello, Jenna. It's so nice to officially meet you. I'm a fan. And I must say, you look amazing. " The lady reporter trilled when I finally reached them. "So excited you could make it tonight," the reporter continued, her smile unwavering, even as she scanned my outfit – a custom-made emerald gown that shimmered under the spotli
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Chapter 125.
Jenna's POVAs I walked away from the reporter and the cameraman, Sarah followed closely, holding up and arranging the train of my dress for the full effect. I began to walk up the stairs that led to the entrance of the building in which the award ceremony would take place. I had already mentally planned out the next few minutes. I had planned that the moment I got to the top of the stairs, I would turn around slowly and wave to the crowd while gently tossing my head to the wind. "Remember what we talked about, Sarah," I muttered underneath my breath to Sarah. She looked sweaty and exhausted, her eyes darting back and forth between the crowd and our lane. She appeared to not have heard me and so I discreetly jabbed her in the side with my pointy elbow. She winced in pain and her eyes came to meet mine. She flinched when her furious gaze met mine and quickly stammered out an apology. "I'm… I'm sorry, I didn't quite get that."I rolled my eyes at her and as a camera flashed, I quickl
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Chapter 126.
Jenna's POVI inhaled a shaky breath. "As ready as I'll ever be."With a silent nod, Sarah released the hold on my train, sending it cascading down the stairs in a glorious emerald wave. Mentally reciting the steps I'd meticulously planned, I turned on my heel, a slow, deliberate motion that allowed the full impact of the dress to be captured by the cameras.The crowd's reaction was… muted. I felt a flicker of panic. Had they not seen the intricate beadwork? The way the fabric shimmered like a mermaid's dream? What was I doing wrong?Desperate to salvage the moment, I reached for the "hair toss" Sarah had mentioned. Just as I tilted my head back, a rogue gust of wind whipped through the red carpet, catching a loose strand of hair and plastering it unattractively across my face.The frustrated groan that escaped my lips was thankfully drowned out by a collective gasp from the crowd. A commotion near the entrance momentarily stole everyone's attention. A tall, imposing figure was stridi
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Chapter 127.
Eddie's POVPushing open Chloe's door a crack, I peeked inside. The room was bathed in the warm glow of a bedside lamp, casting long shadows across the walls. Chloe lay sprawled on her bed, a stuffed unicorn clutched tightly in one hand. The sight brought a tug to my chest, a reminder of the innocent world she inhabited, blissfully unaware of the complications plaguing the adults around her."Hey, sleepyhead," I called out softly, closing the door gently behind me.Chloe stirred slightly, a frown creasing her brow. "Daddy?" she mumbled, her voice muffled by the unicorn."That's right, princess," I said, walking over to the bed and sitting on the edge. "Time to wake up."Chloe's eyes fluttered open, blinking away the remnants of sleep. "Is it morning already?" she asked, her voice groggy."Not quite," I chuckled. "But it's getting close to dinner time. Are you feeling hungry?"Her eyes widened in response. "Dinner?" she repeated, a hint of excitement in her voice."Absolutely," I confi
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Chapter 128.
Jenna's POVI wanted to immediately turn to Sarah and ask her why she hadn't done what I asked her to, but I couldn't. Liam Thompson was fast approaching and from the glint in his eyes, I knew that he wouldn't let me go scot-free this time. A long time ago (weeks), he had visited the set of another movie I was working on as a cameo and guest star. It had been my first time working with him and so, naturally, I had flirted with him. But that had been before I had met Amelia and realized that I wanted Eddie back. But Liam apparently had a massive ego and could not even fathom not being wanted or being ignored because ever since I had blown him off, he had become even more insistent and persistent on getting my attention. Sarah, sensing my discomfort, hovered awkwardly behind me, her eyes darting nervously between Liam and me. I clenched my jaw, fighting back the urge to turn and hiss at her for letting him approach.Liam's smile widened as he reached us, his gaze lingering a beat too
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Chapter 129.
Jenna's POVThere it was, the backhanded compliment. Michelle knew damn well emerald was my least favorite color, a fact I'd confided in her during a "friendly" lunch date a few months ago. I forced a smile, the taste of metal on my tongue a sign of my tightly gritted teeth."Thank you, Michelle," I replied coolly. "Your sunshine yellow is positively radiant against this red carpet." My words were polite, but the pointed reference to her dress, a shade she often used to project an overly cheerful persona, carried a subtle sting.Michelle's smile faltered for a fleeting second before she recovered, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Why, Jenna, you're too kind. But yellow is such a happy color, don't you think? It just brightens everyone's mood. And besides, that emerald dress is simply divine. Where on earth did you find it?"I gritted my teeth, forcing a smile back at her. "Thanks, Michelle. It's from a new boutique in Beverly Hills." I knew my answer was vague, but I didn't want to give
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Chapter 130.
Jenna's POVJust beside her, I spotted Brandon, his broad shoulders filling out his tuxedo as he chatted with a group of men I didn't recognize.Here we are, Ms. McDonald," the usher said, stopping beside a seat with a silver nameplate that read "Jenna McDonald" in elegant script. "Your seat awaits.""Thank you," I murmured, offering him a grateful smile. He gave a short bow before melting back into the crowd, leaving me alone with my pounding heart and the sea of expectant faces. Taking a deep breath, I smoothed out the emerald folds of my dress and slid into the plush chair.The seat was surprisingly comfortable, the velvet providing a luxurious embrace. I glanced around, taking in the scene in more detail. Directly in front of me, a group of young actors, clearly new to the awards circuit, were nervously fidgeting and whispering amongst themselves. To my left, a seasoned actress with a reputation for being difficult was engrossed in a heated conversation on her phone, her face cont
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