All Chapters of Lustful Desire: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
207 Chapters
Chapter 141.
Amelia's POVThe dress clung to Blair's body like a second skin, the emerald green fabric whispering promises of elegance and confidence with every movement. It wasn't a showstopper, not in the flamboyant, attention-grabbing way. Instead, it was simple, yet stunning. The knee-length hem showcased her toned legs, their smooth curves accentuated by the way the skirt flared slightly at the bottom.My gaze traveled upwards, taking in the way the dress cinched at her waist, highlighting the hourglass shape of her figure. The neckline wasn't a plunging V-neck that screamed for attention, but a delicate scoop neck that hinted at the soft slope of her shoulders and the elegant line of her collarbone. A whisper of lace, barely there but undeniably exquisite, trimmed the neckline, adding a touch of whimsical femininity to the otherwise understated design.But it was the way the dress framed her face that truly stole the show. The emerald green fabric, usually a cool and refreshing color, seemed
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Chapter 142.
Blair's POVAmelia cut me off with a gentle laugh. "Okay, okay, I get it. You're nervous. But listen, here's the thing: James clearly seems interested in you. He wouldn't have asked you out if he wasn't. Just be yourself, Blair. That's all anyone can ask for. And besides," she added with a mischievous glint in her eyes, "you have me as your wingwoman. What could possibly go wrong?"A wave of relief washed over me. Amelia was right. It was just a date, a chance to get to know someone new. And with Amelia by my side, I knew I could handle whatever came my way."You're right," I conceded, a smile finally blooming on my face. "Thanks, Amelia. I don't know what I'd do without you.""Always here for you, bestie," she declared, pulling me into a tight hug. "Now, how about we clean this place up and go to bed. I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted and I plan on waking up early to visit mom at the hospital before going to work.""Same here, I'm beat," I replied as we disengaged and began t
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Chapter 143.
Amelia's POVIt was a life straight out of a fairytale, where all my wishes magically came true. Blair's voice shattered the dream world, yanking me back to reality. The taste of bittersweet happiness lingered on my tongue, a stark reminder of the world outside my head."Amelia!" My eyes snapped open, immediately throwing me out of my dream at the sound of Blair calling my name. My eyebrows shifted, lowering in slight dissatisfaction as I realized that it was morning already and the sun was just beginning to rise. "Amelia!" Blair's voice rang through the apartment, together with the sound of her footsteps as she seemingly ran in the small apartment to get to the bedroom. I slowly rose to a sitting position and brought my feet to the ground just as she burst into the room, her phone in one hand and in the air, the other hand holding a spatula that seemed to be dripping with batter."What on earth, Blair?" "You have to see this," she yelled out, ignoring the glare I directed her way
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Chapter 144.
Eddie's POV"Mr. Edwards," he greeted me, his voice calm and professional. "We're here to ensure the safety of you and Miss Chloe.""Thank goodness," I sighed, ushering him in. "This whole situation is…""Understatement of the century," he finished with a wry smile. He then launched into a detailed explanation of their security plan, outlining patrol routes, access control measures, and how they would handle any potential media intrusion.By the time he finished, Chloe had joined us at the kitchen table, happily devouring her pancakes. Damien crouched down in front of her, introducing himself and explaining his role in a way that wasn't scary but reassuring."So, you're like a superhero who keeps the bad guys away?" Chloe's eyes sparkled with curiosity.Damien chuckled. "Something like that, Miss Chloe. But the real superhero here is your dad."I blushed at his praise, but a genuine smile tugged at the corner of my lips. Chloe beamed at me, her hero worship a welcome balm to my soul.
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Chapter 145.
Amelia's POVGage cleared his throat. "There's been some media attention surrounding Mr. Thompson and his ex-wife, Ms. McDonald," he explained in a neutral tone. "There may be reporters or paparazzi attempting to contact you, seeking information or pictures."Blair let out a gasp. "Reporters? Here? Why us?"Gage pursed his lips. "It appears Ms. McDonald mentioned a 'special someone' in her award speech last night, leading to speculation about a potential rekindled romance with Mr. Thompson. Unfortunately, the denial issued by Mr. Thompson hasn't completely quelled the rumors."My head spun. So, Jenna thanking Eddie at an award show had somehow blown up into a media frenzy, and we, Eddie's tenants, were caught in the crossfire? Absurdity bubbled up within me, but it was quickly overshadowed by a surge of protectiveness. We weren't celebrities, and the idea of our quiet lives being thrust into the spotlight was terrifying."What are we supposed to do?" I asked, my voice barely above a w
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Chapter 146.
Amelia's POV"Alright then," he said, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips this time. "If you need anything at all, don't hesitate to call. My number is programmed into your phones."He gave a curt nod and headed towards the door. Just before stepping out, he paused and turned back to us."By the way," he said, a genuine concern evident in his eyes, "are you two planning on going anywhere today?""We both have to go to work. I'll be going to Eddie's… uh… Mr Thompson's house and Blair would be going to the hospital. Those are our respective workplaces. A muscle feathered in Gage's jaw as he nodded thoughtfully. He then spoke in that deep, rough voice of his. "Me coming here alone was an oversight on the security team's part. I can't follow you both at the same time. I'll call for backup.""No no no," Blair suddenly protested, both of her hands in front of her like she was placating an angry lion. "I'm a resident doctor in the oncology department. I cannot go around the
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Chapter 147.
Amelia's POV"Oh, and one more thing," he said, his voice dropping to a low murmur. "Try not to let the media frenzy get to you. It will most likely blow over soon."With that, he exited the apartment, leaving Blair and me alone once again. We stared at the closed door for a moment, the silence thick with unspoken thoughts."Well," Blair said finally, letting out a long breath. "This is certainly not how I imagined the day to start.""No kidding," I replied, a small smile playing on my lips. "But hey, at least you have a date to look forward to. Me..."She squeezed my shoulder in a warm hug. "Everything will be fine, Ames. Now, let's get ready for the day."Her optimism was admirable, but a knot of worry remained lodged in my stomach. The day stretched before me, filled with uncertainty and the looming presence of a media circus I desperately wanted to avoid."You're right," I forced a smile, feeling unconvincing even to myself. "Let's just get this day over with."The following hour
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Chapter 148.
Amelia's POVI had no way of responding to Eddie's statement. Instead, I changed the subject. "Isn't Chloe going to school?" I asked. "No," Eddie replied, rubbing his forehead, a clear indication that he was stressed. "I thought it would be best for her to stay home today, just to be safe."I nodded slowly, understanding what he was saying. Just then, perhaps because she had heard her name, Chloe walked over to me and began to pull on my hand. "Amelia, come play with me in my playroom," she asked. "In a minute, sweetie. Let me just put my bag in my room."As I headed to the stairs, she followed me. She stayed with me throughout as I unpacked my bag in the bedroom and then we headed to her playroom. Chloe's playroom was an explosion of color and imagination, a testament to her boundless energy and playful spirit. Sunlight streamed through a large bay window, illuminating a space that felt more like a miniature amusement park than a room. Soft, plush carpeting in a vibrant shade of
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Chapter 149.
Blair's POVThen, he spoke again, his voice laced with desperation. "Blair, please. Just give me half an hour. I'm at the coffee shop across from the hospital. The one with the red awning. Come on, just listen."The coffee shop across from the hospital. The one I frequented on breaks, the one with the surprisingly good blueberry muffins. The thought of seeing him there, in a place I considered a haven, twisted my stomach into knots."I don't know, Thomas," I mumbled, torn between anger and a sliver of morbid curiosity."Please, Blair," he pleaded. "This is important. I won't take up much of your time."He sounded genuinely remorseful, a stark contrast to the arrogant jerk I remembered. A small part of me, the part that still held onto a flicker of the love we once shared, felt a pang of sympathy. But the bigger, stronger part of me clung to the anger, the betrayal.Letting out a defeated sigh, I finally relented. "Fine," I conceded, the word tasting bitter on my tongue. "But thirty mi
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Chapter 150.
Blair's POV"Understand what, Thomas?" I interrupted, my voice rising a notch. "That you threw away everything we had for a fling?""It wasn't a fling," he stammered, his voice laced with desperation. "It… it was a mistake. A terrible mistake."I scoffed. "A mistake you made repeatedly, judging by the state of the bed."He winced, his face flushing a deep crimson. Shame flickered in his eyes, a stark contrast to the arrogance he usually wore like a second skin."There's more to the story, Blair," he pleaded. "Please, just let me explain."Part of me wanted to walk away, to leave him drowning in his own regret. But another part, a curious and perhaps foolish part, yearned to hear his explanation, no matter how flimsy it might be.With a sigh, I sank into the seat opposite him, the plush red cushion offering little comfort. "Alright, Thomas," I said, my voice weary. "Explain. But don't expect me to believe everything you say."He let out a shaky breath, relief flickering across his face
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