All Chapters of Rejected By Alpha, Chased By Lycan King: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
184 Chapters
Chapter 161
Delilah's POV:That night I was lying on my stomach on the bed with a book of the old tales sprawled open in front of me. I was engrossed in an interesting story about a mating issue that led to a war between two packs when I heard the door creak open.I flew my head around to find Xee standing in the doorway. His words echoed in my mind. He had said me to wait till tonight to know what intense really means. True to his promise, the man was here to take my innocence away. My stomach somersaulted in giddiness and I couldn't wait for him to fulfill his promise.The wet locks shadowing his forehead told me that he had just showered. The man looked heavenly gorgeous in a blue T-shirt that hugged every muscle of his.I thud the book close and turned around on the bed. Shamelessly gawking him from head to toe, I smirked, "Someone is looking so hot..."I saw desire lingering in his gray pools and with a few quick strides, he reached the bed. The mattress dipped under his weight as he dug his
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Chapter 162
Trigger Warning: (The chapter includes the mention of rape scene)Delilah's POV:Xee tucked us in the sheets and hugged me from behind. He was rolling the strand of my hair around his finger and I was drawing tiny circles on his palm. The whole moment felt so peaceful. I felt like I was right where I belonged. I felt complete.While thinking, my mind went back to the events of the day.Xee kissed my shoulder and huddled me closer to himself, "What are you thinking about?""How did it feel?" I asked him.He mumbled in a melodious voice, "Are you talking about sex? Oh, it was the best. Out of the world, if you must ask me."I slapped his arm lightly, "I can see Addy's influence even in this category."Rolling my eyes, I asked him again, "I am talking about today. When you shifted during the day. When you realized that the curse was off."He mulled over my question for a long minute and then responded, "To put it simply, it felt like freedom. Today, I got to realize what freedom actually
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Chapter 163
Delilah's POV:Now that the curse was off, Xee joined me on a run the next morning. Even though the experience was new I already knew that I'd never get tired of it. And now, I was looking forward to these blissful moments every morning that were going to come ahead.Akira was beyond happy at the fact that Fang was no longer bound by a spell. It meant daily morning runs for both of them. More than us, I was glad for them.All the things seemed perfect now. Just a month ago, there was so much tension going on but now things were getting the way they were supposed to be. Simple and positive.After two hours of letting our wolves take the reins and enjoy their time together, we made our way back to the mansion. The pack members were still congratulating Xee for the curse being lifted but none of them questioned who her mate was because of whom the curse was off.I wondered whether it was out of respect that they decided to wait for their Alpha to announce the big news or they already sus
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Chapter 164
Delilah's POV:Donning his shirt, I tiptoed to my room which was right beside his, and put on a trouser. By the time, I got out, he was already there, waiting for me. Together, we climbed down the stairs and entered the dining area.Adeline looked at me and smirked evilly, "You look like you were fucked for the whole night."Luke nudged her by his elbow, "Did you forget to put on your mouth filter in the morning, babes?"Adeline looked at him with wide eyes, "What? I only said what was true. Go on, ask your Alpha whether he had kept her busy the whole night or not."Xee shook his head in amusement and pulled a seat out for me. Settling down, I asked, "Where is Katherine and Anderson?"Right then, we heard a cheerful, "Here we are."Turning around, I saw both of them walking in our direction. Once everyone was settled down, Isabella served breakfast and we ate in silence.After every little while, Xee would put food on my plate, and say, "Eat."Adeline snickered from her position, "Yea
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Chapter 165
Delilah's POV:Rick was taken away to the dungeons and Luke went away to gather the warriors and instruct them what they needed to do. Katherine was crying non-stop and we, including Anderson, let her pour it all out. She needed to let it out for the final time before finally moving on from that nightmare.Both she and Anderson thanked Xee time and time again who sighed, "Please, don't. It's what I was supposed to do a long time ago. I consider it my failure that I didn't do it earlier."Approaching him, I grabbed his hand in mine, "Don't berate yourself. At least, you did something about it as soon as you came to know about it."He nodded his head and smiled weakly, "Thank you for making me realize my mistake and I hope that you'll keep doing so."I smiled up at him and said, "For the rest of my life."For the next few days, Xee had been super busy. He made no delays and started dealing with the issue of slavery from the very next day.Luke had first listed out the Alphas who had bee
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Chapter 166
The days were passing by in a blur. With time, things were coming back to normal.Katherine and Anderson had bid us goodbye with a promise to attend Adeline's wedding which was now just a month away. Ragnor too had gone with the same promise.For once, it felt good to have the days without any drama. No one was casting a spell on anyone, no one was abducting and taking anyone to another realm, and there was no more mate drama going on.Xee was looking into the issues more closely. After dethroning all the Alphas involved in Omega slavery, Xee himself interviewed the candidates for the next Alpha.The parameters were high as Xee thought that these packs now needed an even stronger Alpha who would treat them right. It took him a long time before finalizing the Alphas of all those packs.A few days after that, Xee announced that Luke was going to be his Beta and everyone was happy with his decision. The pack needed a Beta and no one was best for the rank except Luke.But there was still o
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Chapter 167
Delilah's POV:A week later, it was finally the day of the Council selection meeting. Xee had only invited the alphas whom he was going to consider for the membership. It had caused havoc in the entire Lycan community.Old traditions were being changed, the wave of power was being shifted, and not everyone was happy with the way Xee was handling things.There had even been rumors of rising battles from the east if Xee would go ahead with his plan. But so far, he had been steadfast in his decision and didn't care about any of that.Plus point in all this was what Xee had already done a few weeks prior. He had threatened the Alphas and even acted on it when they refused to bow by dethroning them, demolishing their packs, and electing the new Alphas who he deemed fit.So, it had actually set an example for others that Lycan King was not just about words.He was known to bring them into action without fearing anyone. This time too, he had sent out open warnings to all the packs to surrend
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Chapter 168
Delilah's POV:The news spread through the community like a fire in the forest. For everyone, it was one bomb after the other on their head.Starting with the refusal of Lycan King to make powerful and high-rank Alphas the members of the Council to choosing the members on the basis of their intellect and peace-making abilities to the presence of a Healer among them to the selection of a woman as the member of the Council.No doubt, most of the Alphas were enraged by these turns of events. They didn't delay to show their disappointment about Lycan King's decision but none of them crossed the line by threatening him or stepping foot in his territory.At least, not yet. But there was no guarantee that they wouldn't. For all we knew, they must have been joining hands, gathering alliances, collecting resources, or preparing themselves before declaring war against the Lycan King.But for now, none of us cared about that. Xee too couldn't have been least bothered by what they were planning a
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Chapter 169
Delilah's POV:After a nap, I woke up at 6 pm and rushed into the washroom. The guests were to arrive at 7 pm and I was far from getting ready.Squirting shampoo in my palm, I quickly rubbed it over my head and washed the rest of my body.After a quick shower, I wrapped the bathrobe around me and hurried out of the washroom. I was drying my hair when I heard a light knock on the door.Peeking the door open, Adeline stepped inside and gasped loudly, "What the heck is wrong with you, girl?"I winched through the mirror, "I got a bit late."She widened her eyes, "A bit?"I glanced her up and down. She was wearing a midnight blue silk gown that hugged her curves at all the right places. Looking up at her, I winked, "You are looking hella gorgeous, Addy."THAT surely lifted her mood. She grazed her hands down the silk fabric and squealed, "I got it when Luke took me out shopping the last week."A moment later, her eyes narrowed down, "Stop manipulating me and be ready in half an hour."Afte
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Chapter 170
Delilah's POV:As the party was hosted by us, we were quite busy with everything. Addy insisted on taking over the chores and looking like everything was going smoothly while I met and mingled with all the guests.I couldn't help focusing my attention on the bar every once in a while. Ever since coming here, Bianca hadn't moved away from the bar. The bartender was sliding her a drink after drink and all the drinks on today's menu were the strongest as Lycans didn't get drunk by the easy stuff.For most of the time, her eyes remained fixated on where Dorian was standing with his hand on Victoria's back. He knew that he was the center of her attention but now that the mate bond was finally broken by Bianca, he didn't seem to care much about her.I took in the dark circles around her eyes which refused to stay hidden by the tons of concealer she had on. Her eyes seemed hollow. She also seemed to have lost a lot of weight.It wasn't difficult for anyone to know that this marriage wasn't go
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