All Chapters of Rejected By Alpha, Chased By Lycan King: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
184 Chapters
Chapter 141
Delilah's POV:Ragnor stared out the window for a long minute during which my breath was stuck in my lungs. Finally, straightening up, he started again, "Of course, her alpha, Max, didn't really care about Katherine or her well-being but only saw the golden opportunity which he wasn't going to miss that easily. Getting advantage of Rick's interest in Katherine, Max demanded a hefty amount in return for her. Rick, who was loaded with money, handed the amount without any hesitation and just like that, Katherine was sold by her own alpha to Rick."His words were making me sick. Alphas were supposed to protect their pack members at all costs but this Max was a psychotic shit of an alpha to not only trade his women but also sell them in exchange for benefits.I hissed out disgustingly, "What about the council? They didn't do anything about it?"I don't know what I was expecting in the answer because I should have known better what that fucking council members were capable of. Ragnor let ou
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Chapter 142
Delilah's POV:With my heart in my throat, I listened to every word leaving Ragnor's mouth, "After running away from Rick, Katherine knew that she might not have a chance at life but going back was the last thing on her mind. She wasn't ready to give up just like that."He heaved a long and tired breath, "Of course, she couldn't go to the council for help because his puppets would have sent her back to Rick and then he would make her life even more of a dreadful hell for running away from him."I hurled a curious question at him, "Was she a member of any pack?"His lips stretched into thin lines, "After selling her to Rick, Max cut off pack ties with Katherine. She would have gone rogue, so Rick forced her to join his pack. She didn't have much choice but to do as she was told. But after running away, Katherine cut off all ties with Rick's pack and rejected her as her Alpha."I nodded in understanding, "If she hadn't, then Rick would have found her by using the alpha command."Ragnor
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Chapter 143
Delilah's POV:As soon as the car screeched to a halt in front of the mansion, Adeline rushed toward us and hurled hundreds of questions at us. Ragnor opened the back door and carried Katherine in his arms.Eyeing her fragile body, Addy asked, "Who is she? And what happened to her?"I patter her cheek lightly, "I'll tell you everything soon but for now, let's go inside and settle her down."We walked to the guest's quarters and I opened the room next to Ragnor's. As he placed her on the bed, I covered her with a comforter, and asked Addy, "Where is Xander?" I wanted to inform him about bringing Katherine to the mansion as soon as possible.She looked from Katherine to me, "He and Luke have gone to the Council building to look into some matters."I remembered how some alphas were writing to him and pestering him about forming a new council and selecting the members. Every other alpha was eyeing a seat at the Council and at the power that was going to come with it. He must be dealing wi
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Chapter 144
Delilah's POV:A moment later, Adeline came beside me and slid her arms around my back. I hugged her tightly as tears flew freely out of my eyes. She patted my back gently and whispered, "It's okay. It's going to be alright. I know how you are feeling right now but don't jump to the conclusions yet."Well, she could say that because things worked out for her but I couldn't say the same for me. Unlike Luke, Xee's mate was alive and certainly not some psychotic villain who was going crazy to kill us.Adeline took me into the kitchen and was pouring the glass of water when Katherine's door flung open and out came a very angry-looking Xee. He was in a battle. With himself. I saw him shifting within a second and sprinting out of the mansion, toward the woods.Offering me the glass of water, Adeline commented, "He didn't even stay longer in there."I knew she said that to make me feel good but I didn't need anyone's pity on the matter. Things were going to get messy and I wasn't ready to dea
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Chapter 145
Delilah's POV:The next morning, I woke up with bulky hands around me. I snuggled deeper into the warm body behind it but before I could relish his warmth, it all clicked immediately in my mind. My heart sank deeper into my chest cavity as reality hit me hard in the face.I took a deep breath and inhaled his scent, locking it away in my memories. My heart twisted and before I could start my day with tears, I wriggled out of his embrace and padded into the washroom.Getting undressed, I stood under the hot stream of shower and hung my head between my shoulders. Never before in my life had I felt so unsure and lost. What exactly was I doing here? Waiting to be kicked out? Or waiting for some kind of miracle?Akira whimpered in my head, "What are we going to do now?"I heaved a deep sigh, "We'll see about that, Akira. I don't want you to be some weakling wolf at this moment. Buckle up and prepare yourself for the ride we are going to take ahead."Behind me, I heard a soft knock on the do
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Chapter 146
Delilah's POV:By the time Xee was back from his room in a fresh pair of clothing, I had tied my hair up in a bun. He slipped his hand in mine and I intertwined our fingers together. We left my room and padded down the stairs.Luke and Adeline were already settled on the table. As we made our way toward the dining table, I felt the air thickening with tension.Other than me and Xee, only Luke and Adeline knew that Katherine was Xee's fated mate and none of us had discussed the matter yet. I didn't want this weird elephant to remain in the room but I couldn't give any statement when I myself wasn't sure about anything.Just as we reached the table, Ragnor and Katherine entered behind us. I felt Xee sucking in a sharp breath as he turned away and pulled out a seat. There was no denying that she was affecting him. How small it was but it was there.Facing Katherine, I plastered a smile on my face and cheered, "Good Morning, Katherine. How are you doing now? Feeling better?"To my utter su
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Chapter 147
Xander's POV:I sat back and let Fang handle the reins however he wanted. As far as Delilah was concerned, it was my responsibility to assure her but when it was about Akira, I couldn't really do anything. She was a wolf, and her way of thinking was far different from her human side.Wolves don't like dramas. They tend to jump straight to the point without beating around the bush. Only Fang could handle Akira or assure her about the decision we have made together.Fang liked the way Akira asked him straightforwardly, "So what have you thought about it?"But he seemed to be in the mood to play with her, "About what?" I wondered whether his life was not dear to him.True to her nature, Akira growled at him, not liking the way he was avoiding the topic. Snickering, Fang said into the mindlink, "Relax, Akira. I am just playing."She was quick to retort, "Do I look like the one to be in the mood for playing?"He rubbed his muzzle against her neck and got serious, "To answer your question, I
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Chapter 148
Delilah's POV:As we reached the mansion door, Xee's phone started ringing in his pocket. Fishing it out, he glanced at the screen and grunted, "Council emergency. I have to go."He mindlinked Luke to bring the car to the front. After a few moments, Xee kissed me on the forehead, hopped into the car with Luke, and waved me goodbye.Stepping inside the mansion, I saw Isabella watering the indoor plants. Approaching her, I looked over her shoulder and commented, "They look so fresh and green, right?" Surprisingly, my voice came out excited and cheerful.Isabella let out a low chuckle, "Someone seems to be in a happy mood after so long."All of a sudden, Adeline appeared at my side, "Oh, please tell me that he fucked you so hard in the woods that all that nonsense in your head literally spilled out."My eyes widened as I looked at Isabella in shock. She only laughed and winked at me, "Trust me, that's the best kind of fucking," before sauntering toward the kitchen.I slapped Addy on her
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Chapter 149
Delilah's POV:Stomping my feet on the ground, I reached the duo and hissed at Xee, "What the hell is wrong with you?"I watched in utter horror at his hand clasped tightly around Katherine's neck as he glared down at her.She was running short of oxygen and it was apparent from her rapidly reddening face.I gripped Xee's hand and tried to loosen his hold, "Leave him, Xee. She'll die."His nostrils flared as he roared, "As every traitor should."I turned his face toward me and made him look at me before saying, "Okay, then let's talk about it but for now, leave her. Please."He heaved a deep breath before slowly releasing his hold around her throat. As soon as he let go, Katherine fell to the ground and panted heavily. She was a mess of wheezing and hiccups. Her whole body was trembling with fear. Maybe it triggered her bad memories or she remembered her time as Rick's slave but it was getting bad.I patted her cheek and rubbed her hands but her eyes were drooping closed. By the time A
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Chapter 150
Delilah's POV:Katherine frowned and looked at us, surprised that we were clueless about Andrew. Tilting her head slightly to the right, she stated, "After coming here, Ragnor told me that he had told you all about my story in the car. So how come you don't know about Andrew?"My eyebrows drew closer in confusion, "He just told me about Rick and the magic spell he put on you every year to hibernate your wolf."She shook her head in disbelief, "It means he has only told you about the bad things that happened to me." A hint of a smile touched her lips as she continued, "But my story can never be complete without Andrew, the only good thing that has ever happened to me."She let out a soft chuckle, "If I would have known that you didn't know yet, I'd have shared it myself." She shrugged her shoulder, "I have nothing to hide."Turning toward Xee and Adeline, I raised my eyebrow as if to say 'See? I told you so.'Her smile widened, "Anyhow. So Andrew is my husband."All three of us let out
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