All Chapters of The Comeback (book 1 of the Miller family): Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
93 Chapters
Chapter 21
“Bye, Gorgeous.” Adam winked at me before I smiled one final time.“No more fighting from now on, OK?” I asked him, to which he smirked.“I always love a good fight, especially if it’s followed by a good make-up session.” He winked at me, and so I quickly turned myself around, knowing my cheeks had the color of ketchup.  
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Chapter 22
Adam's P.O.V.I walked into the school library, two coffees in hand, the next Saturday morning. Yeah, yeah, I’m a flatterer, but in my defense, it felt as if I still owed my one true mate a million more coffees before I would be able to make her forget about our first disaster coffee date. And now, it was my mission to do so. To make her forget about all the bad and make her focus on the good from now on, so hopefully soon, she would start to see how great we fitted together.The school library was a realm of forgotten takes and hidden knowledge. The shelves, all lined with dusty tomes and worn paperbacks, whispered secrets from centuries past. I stood at the entrance, for the last time taking in what the old library looked like. The same library that I had set in more times than I could count, working on some school project when I had been a student myself. But now, Jenna would come and change this place, make it better. Just like she was changing me for the bet
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Chapter 23
 Jenna’s P.O.V.By the end of the weekend, the library had been emptied out completely, only leaving the walls and floors. And in a funny way, emptying out this massive school library had been some sort of a healing process for me as well. With every box that had been carried outside of the room, it had felt as if a piece of my high school terrors had been packed in and brought out of my heart as well. The library had truly transformed. It now stood empty. Its grandeur accentuated by the fading light filtering through the tall windows. And now, looking at all the empty walls and old floors, it felt as if I was finally able to let go of my insecurities of the past. And finally… let go and start fresh.I was sitting in the middle of the empty room on the floor after Adam had just walked out the remaining members of the crew and people who had volunteered to come over and help move the boxes of books into the school's base
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Chapter 24
“What about you?” I asked him, knowing that now that I had been honest with him, I might get an answer out of him as well. And when his eyes dipped down to look at his beer bottle, I somehow sensed that he was about to be honest with me and lay his heart on the line as well. I just didn't know if I would like the answer or not...“I did have one serious relationship. I mean… sort of.” He nodded.“We were dating for about a year, before I found out that she had been lying to me. I ended the relationship right then and there. Haven’t really dated much after that.” He shrugged.“I’m sorry.” I frowned.“Did you love her?” I asked Adam, my chest contracting since I honestly feared his answer.“At some point in time, I thought I did love her. But right now, I honestly don’t know if I ever truly did. When I found out about the lies, it felt as if all the
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Chapter 25
Adam’s P.O.V.Eluna grinned mischievously, stepping closer to me the second Jenna had left the room.“Sorry to ruin the romantic moment. I just came to check on you and make sure you weren’t still working or getting yourself into trouble.” She shrugged, to which I let my head fall back. I sighed, running a hand through my hair because I felt annoyed that my baby sister had prevented me from finally kissing Jenna, my one true mate. And clearly, the bitch fit that my wolf Canin was giving me right now, was not helping me either... not in the slightest.“Well, thanks for that, Eluna. You have impeccable timing, as always.” I growled, walking over to a chair to pick up my jacket. Luna winked at me. Her smile wide. “Don’t worry, big bro. I’ll leave you two alone next time, just remember, this little town has eyes and ears everywhere.” She giggled, making me actually growl this time,
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Chapter 26
As Eluna walked toward the house, I walked over to her, giving her a quick hug to tell her that everything was fine and we could forget about our fight. And with a final nod of approval, we both got back inside the house where Eluna walked up straight into her bedroom like usual, while I found myself in the kitchen, looking down at my phone and hoping to have received a text from Jenna. But of course, nothing. Thank God, I had been smart enough to ask principal Carter for her number as well, since I would be the spokesperson for the school in regards to building the new library, and before my mind could even register it, my fingers were already typing. Adam: I want to apologize for tonight, my sister acted like a spoiled little brat.I walked over to the sofa and sat down, resting my legs on the small coffee table. Smiling as I saw those three dots appear on my screen, telling me Jenna was sending me a m
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Chapter 27
Jenna’s P.O.V.The next weekend, I was watching as roofers were pounding nails into place and I was standing outside the school building, gratitude soaring through my body as I saw how well this project was going so far. And at the same time, a bit saddened because, in a couple of hours, the construction would have to be paused for a little while. I had just gone to the tile store after having received a text from Adam about what the principal had preferred in terms of flooring. Mixing the principal’s choice with what the architect wanted and what I wanted, -which was the best price I could possibly get- I felt content about myself, knowing I had done my job right. But then, the roofers had called me in, bad weather was coming in which was pretty normal for February winters, and so, they were trying to get this roof closed as fast as they possibly could, making sure this place wouldn’t get flooded once rain started falling down. “H
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Chapter 28
Adam’s P.O.V.I sat on my wooden desk as I listened to Jenna speak, hoping to God that she hadn’t slept with my brother at some point in time. Ever since Koda had come to help out in the library, he had been silent mostly or out of the house, probably trying his best to avoid me, giving me no chance to corner him into asking him what the hell the deal was between him and Jenna in the first place. The rain started pounding against the windows of my small office, a steady rhythm that seemed to match the erratic beating of my own heart. Jenna and I sat next to each other, the small distance between our bodies both comforting and suffocating at the same time, because I desperately wanted to hold her and yet was afraid to move too fast since I still had no idea what had happened between Koda and Jenna. This room, usually bustling with students seeking guidance from their gym teacher, now held an air of vulnerability that I wasn’t sure I was r
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Chapter 29
“It was a party at Rachel’s.” She told me, looking up at me as I looked back at her, I didn’t know if she waited to tell me more because maybe she was hoping that I might remember again, but honestly… I didn’t. And when silence filled up my office once more, she started to speak again, telling me about a party, about her finding me drunk in a bedroom when she had been looking for a bathroom, about her giving me a ride back home because I had asked her to, me taking her to the backyard to watch the stars. I watched her as she spoke, wondering how many times she had gone back in time to relive this exact memory of us, a memory that I didn’t even have because of fucking alcohol being in my system. But then, her back straightened, her voice sounding more serious. “We kissed.” She sighed, and up to this point, I was praising the Lord because up until now I still hadn’t acted like a complete asshole to her.
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Chapter 30
Jenna’s P.O.V.The dark skies outside almost made it seem as if it was late at night instead of late afternoon, casting a silvery glow into Adam’s office from the one small window that he had. The tapping of the drops against the window mimicked the fluttering of my heart, caught in a dance of anticipation and bittersweet nostalgia. Destiny had a curious way of folding time, bringing forth fragments of the past that were best left undisturbed. Adam stood before me, his presence a blend of strength and vulnerability that tugged at my heartstrings. His stormy brown eyes bored into mine, and I could sense a whirlwind of emotions swirling beneath the surface. There was a hint of nervousness in the corner of his lips, a vulnerability that made my heart ache for him. As his lips came closer, my breath hitched, and my fingers tightened around the fabric of his shirt. A small second ago, I had lifted my hands and laid them on his chest with every inte
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